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About JokersWild

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    Member - 1,000+

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    Southern U.S.
  • Interests
    FSX, PMDG NGX, MD-11 & 747X, cheese.

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  1. Jason, I'm having a similar initialization problem. I submitted a support ticket earlier today after having no luck figuring it out on my own. If I get any insight into the problem, I'll pass it along.
  2. Thank you for posting this, Vaughan. I just purchased AS2012 today. I was having the same issue and had overlooked that step. Thanks a lot for the solution. Looking forward to having weather in P3D finally!
  3. Not that I have noticed, but I've only been using this tweak for a few days. I looked on my flight last night and didn't notice the flicker, but I'm about to take another one under different conditions. I'll have another look.
  4. It is my understanding that the Vsync 1/2 refresh requires that you have your frame limiter set to exactly one half of your monitors refresh rate. My monitor is a 60hz, so I set my frame rate limiter to 30 and apply the vsync 1/2 refresh in the Nspector. Do you have yours set up this way?
  5. Hey Johnny, I haven't used Paint Shop myself, but I've heard of others having the same issue. It is a very large document with a lot of layers. It may take something like photoshop to open it. Hopefully somebody that knows for sure will help you, I just hated to see your question going unanswered!
  6. Amen to that. I'm NOT a fan of guesswork! So far, the only colors I can confirm are silver mica for the fuse and dark graphite for the logo and registration lettering. Looks like we might get an answer to that question in the next few days, at least according to the media.
  7. Hahaha Finally, an AA livery that can be done in Flight Simulator. I'd give my right arm for the actual color mixes in the tail so I can get my repaint right.
  8. It's growing on me. The bare metal will never be equalled, but I like the new design more than other concepts that have been floating around the net for the last few months.
  9. At first I thought it looked like a garment you'd get from the Sarah Palin collection at Walmart, but after painting it and flying it for a while, it is growing on me.
  10. It's a must have, in my opinion. I never fly without it. The things the FO does for you are the types of things he would be doing in the real world. You still have your share of tasks during the preflight. On edit, I believe you can skip the preflight part and set it all up yourself and have him jump in when it's time to start checklists, if I'm not mistaken.
  11. The corrupted livery manager issue could be a security issue. I wouldn't send your files to another user if you don't know they have a legal copy. Leave it between them and PMDG to keep yourself out of trouble. Just my humble opinion.
  12. I know spending more money is not always possible, but Adobe has month-to-month subscription plans for Photoshop now. That may be worth looking into for short term use.
  13. Good morning, Bogdan You can use the _wings.dds file from another livery that does have dirty wings, BUT the flap fairing is also located on that file, so you will need to make sure you use one that has the same color flap fairings as the one you want to replace. I hope that made sense! Chris H.
  14. Good morning guys! 707SA is MOSTLY ready. I was hoping to hear back from Southwest regarding the correct color mix for the classic dessert gold color, but I haven't heard from them yet. I may go ahead and release it the way they were with the exception of the updated canyon blue. I'll try to finish it up today and I'll post in the livery availability thread when it's complete. I have a color update for "dirty luv" and Arizona One as well.
  15. Thanks for helping him out, Steve! It's been a while since I've been on. Sorry about the -900 model. It's been the neglected model of the family. I haven't gotten around to doing a set for it yet. If I update the packs again, I'll be sure to get it in there.
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