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Installing Flight unlimited III

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Hi,I would be grateful if anyone can help !I have loaded the game onto my laptop running Windows 7, It says at the header page I need to goto www.lglass.com to get updates for the game, but this webpage shows porn stuff etc.Whe I go to play the game, I double click on the desktop Icon and it says, A problem caused the programm to stop working correctly. Windows will now close etc etc.I have downloaded the patch repair and still the same.Many Thanks in advance for the helpHappy New Year to allDean

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Guest JSkorna

Looking Glass Studios closed in 2000.I doubt a program released in 1999 is going to run under Win 7,You should use a newer simulator.I really don't think this belongs in the Letters to the Editor forum.

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Apparently (says Wiki) the game had a budget re-release in 2005 so that could sort of explain the OP's query. It was ahead of its time with features when it first came out, and so might well still be of interest to vintage game enthusiasts. Gonna need a DOS emulator to run it possibly, I'd imagine, or a Win98 install on a separate partition. Does Dosbox run on Win7?Just to add: From the Wiki page:-The simulator also came with a program called the Flight Unlimited Editor (FLED), which allowed the user to edit the simulator's scenery. This is still one of this simulator's great strengths - it has a free, built-in scenery editor. Anybody can create their own airport, scenery package or just place a few model objects wherever they want. If saved as a scenery 'package', users can upload to the internet (via Avsim.com or similar) and other users can share in the experience. One user (Chris Low from the UK) has created huge super-sets of packages covering entire regions. These substantially improve the flying experience. There are also currently hundreds of extra models available for users to experiment with.

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Consider a dual boot operating system with your Windows 7 so you can run legacy software on another O/S. A Windows XP / Windows 7 dual boot system would work or you could install Linux and Wine on a dual boot and run Flight Unlimited 3 in Wine.Here is a thread on running it in Wine:http://ubuntuforums....ad.php?t=670509There is always a way to get these things to work...Oh yeah, and welcome to the forum.Cheers

Matthew Kane


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Hi Dean, Did you know that there is a forum for the Flight Unlimited series on Avsim? Scroll down a way to 'Other Forums' and you will find it. There are many helpful folks on there who will no doubt get you up and running. I have XP on my desktop, but there are others who run the sim on 7, I believe. By the way, FU 111 may be an old-timer in this fast-paced hobby of ours , but is a blast if set up correctly ! regards.........Stuart

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Try FSX.Or, if you still want to use FUIII, you can either use Wine like ytzpilot said, or, you can use a virtual machine although you won't get really good results with that.

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