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Limited to baloons mission !

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I installed it, logged to xbox live, got the stearman and P51 but, when I play the game, the only thing I can do is flying the default plane through the balloons, and landing.No map view, no change aircraft. The menu pops with the Map and the Mission options grayed.Probably I missed some detail in the installation but I could not figure what.I kindly ask you, fellows, some help.Thanks a lot.Jasprudente.


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I have a problem even after finishing the first 2 missions I'm finding I have to keep flying the 2 initial training missions everytime I re-start the simulator. I get an error msg on start-up "failed to read from file: .............PlayerData career1.bin" I tried deleting the file but same problem occurs and a new career1.bin is generated. Using WinXP64. Any advise appreciated.

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Using WinXP64.
Bad news I'm afraid:
Unfortunately, we actually don't support Windows XP x64 as Games for Windows - LIVE does not support XP x64. There are some features in GFWL that XP x64 does not accommodate including the save game features. This is why you are able to play the game, but when you come back your career progress (missions, etc.) are all gone. The XP and some stats are saved on the server, but Mission progression is saved on your local PC.

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Unfortunately, we actually don't support Windows XP x64 as Games for Windows - LIVE does not support XP x64. There are some features in GFWL that XP x64 does not accommodate including the save game features. This is why you are able to play the game, but when you come back your career progress (missions, etc.) are all gone. The XP and some stats are saved on the server, but Mission progression is saved on your local PC.
That is ridiculous. Typical MS response. There are people who are running WIN7 with the same issue!I installed FLIGHT on a win xp 64bit OS, and the game runs superb. But I also have the issue with the failure to read PlayerDataXXXXXXXXXXXXXcareer1.bin and also career7.bin. I run FSX on this PC as well with a finely tuned core i7 920 D0 OC'd to 4ghz, and an optimized win XP 64bit OS.There is no way in hell that I'm going to believe that this can't be patched to address the issue. And as I said there are folks who are running win 7 with the SAME issue, who have posted on the xbox forums about it. It's not win XP specific. So, MS's solution is to install win 7 to play a game that already plays superbly on win XP? Really MS?

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