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Flight, Pride and Reality

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I am fascinated that the wing was merely derived from an animal part, the wing of a bird.Birds, and all animals, never cease to amaze me with their beauty. (I wonder if they think that about humans?? :biggrin:)
ooh . look a toilet? :Thinking:

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This post may not fit the requirements, but it might be construed as a hint, of sorts. After completing a couple "jobs" today, I checked my career progress--Level 14, some accolades, many crashes, 40% passenger satisfaction, 4 % made ill--not a bad performance for a 71 year old novice. Later, just after 7PM I went out and sat down in my backyard, enjoying the unseasonal warmth, and streaking through the barren tree branches barreled a little bird, maybe a sparrow, which shot around some bushes and made a perfect flare and perched on an arbor vita. Now the conditions were not good, no wind, but very limited visibility due to well advanced dusk. Well, maybe the creature was just after a quick $100 grub because it quickly took off, streaked to nearly V(never exceed), and darted at perhaps 80 knots through bushes and tree limbs, to disappear in the west. And I thought my flying skills were progressing! This little guy put me right in my place. That little brain was processing so much information and responding so quickly, with complete mastery of its flight dynamics. I'd really enjoy sometime sitting down with him and chatting about sideslips and stalls....
You should see the hawks I regularly thermal with. They totally ignore my big, white glider and seem happy to share the sky with us inept humans. It's humbling to realize that what I can do after months of training and years of experience, these beautiful birds are BORN with the ability to do. But on the plus side, if I see a hawk (or any bird of prey), I know he's in the best thermal for miles, and follow his lead. They saved me from landing out a few times, so they're also as friendly as human fliers. In return I circle the same direction as they do - we both stick to the rules of the sky - and feel a little bit closer to nature each time.

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Paragliding is just the best when it comes to flying with birds. I have flown at the Long Mynd many a time and "parked" my paraglider directly above hovering kestrels. With maybe only 6-8ft of separation I've been able to watch every minute feather adjustment they make as they seek out their quarry. And. with so many paraglider pilots frequenting the place, they are completely chilled about the whole affair. And then there are the buzzards who will happily thermal with you, and are infinitely better at it. Best moment of all was when a Red Kite came flashing over to check me out. He flew just a few feet away from my face and we were eye to eye for what seemed an eternity, but was probably only a matter of a few seconds. Then he rolled over, tucked his wings, and disappeared in the blink of an eye leaving me to contemplate just how clumsy we humans are in the air. Magical moments. I keep hoping that one day someone will develop a "natural" flight sim, with various bird/insects as the models. I would love to soar the slopes as a gull, or tuck my wings and swoop after prey as a peregrine. Go cross country as an eagle. Helicopters would be replaced by dragonflys. Just think it would be an awesome way of experiencing true flying. One day...........

5950X, RTX3090, 32GB@3600, Samsung Evo NVME 1TB, Warthog HOTAS, MFG Crosswinds, Reverb G2.

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For anyone interested in the miracle of flight through a bird's POV, check out BBC Earthflight series....simply amazing footage! I haven't really researched it, but offhand have no bloody idea how they got the footage they did ;) you're literally flying along with the bird, seeing what they see, almost as if they had a GoPro camera strapped on! lol...I mean, seriously, has anyone ever seen NYC like THIS?!?!!


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great thread, thanks for starting it! Great stories Al, magical...

Have a Wonderful Day

-Paul Solk


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This whole thread puts a lump in the throat, a yearning in the heart and a tear to the eye...(at the risk of sounding too happy clappy) :smile:

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almost as if they had a GoPro camera strapped on! lol...
I think that's what they did! That, and used ultralights to fly along with the geese for the "external" shots.Also, bonus points for the David Tennant narration! He sounds awesome in his native scottish.

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Hehe I don't normally browse this forum but today I'm damn glad I did. The original post made my day. Have a good one. :smile:

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The thread's starter should post more on the same subject without fearing to be a dreamer because I feel somehow each of us share the same feelings every now and then.

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That was great, thank you. :P Really gets you thinking about flying when your sitting there like that. :)

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I really appreciate all the replies to my thoughts, especially the comments from the glider pilots and those who found great videos--you made my point better than I ever could. It occurred to me that we all love the process of flight intensely, and maybe that's why some of us are happy enough with the sims we already have, yet we may also long for a more perfect experience and grow impatient with the shortcomings of our sims that prevent that ideal. Anyway, if any birds have checked into this forum, they must be pleased that so many humans envy their skills!

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