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I read the short artical on the Avsim forum about OPUSFSX (and maybe FS2004) but I do NOT understand just what this program does. I fly both FS2004 and FSX with a 15 month old top of the line computer. I use 3 (three) 26 inch monitors and have a satisfactory 30fps on FS2004 but I need more power (fps) when flying FSX. What would this program do for me? Plesae advise me if you know what this program does. Thanks jerrycwo4

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Wow Cheryl, so if I understand this correctly, I can use my two spare laptops to display FSX panels as though they were part of my FSX machine? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this for FS9! If nothing else, being able to drag/drop my FMC to my spare machine running a touchscreen monitor would be brilliant!If I am even understanding you correctly...-Paul

Have a Wonderful Day

-Paul Solk


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Hi PaulOn networked systems, internal views (eg.panels) are displayed on the main 'flying' server PC, it is not possible to control the aircraft or its systems from the client system displays. The benefit of networking the system is that you can offload a great deal of the processing from your main server by letting the client machines display the exterior and external views. Hence you can expand the system without degrading its performance. An additional benefit is that you can create wide panoramic displays with ease, the sort of panoramic views needed for total immersion, very important to cockpit builders both small and large.On networked systems, the main 'flying' server PC operates the same as it would on a standalone, single PC, system. Providing the same assortment of interior (cockpit), exterior (scenic), and external (aircraft) views; and hence, provides the means to monitor and control the aircraft and its systems. In addition, the Live View and Live Camera networked links with the secondary client systems (PCs or Laptops) allows a variety of exterior (scenic) and external (aircraft) client system views to be created and controlled. If desired, a number of exterior views can be used on a multi-screened system to create a panoramic vista. All views are created and controlled centrally from the server system.On networked systems, the Live View connections automatically synchronizes the aircraft's current position, attitude, flaps, gear and lighting configuration, simulator's date/time, along with either your chosen weather theme or the full Metar weather for the surrounding area.Of course you can use the software on a standalone single PC system, the Live Camera feature provides excellent camera creation, control and docking.We will consider producing an OpusFS9 interface very soon, after completing the DHM (Dynamic Head Movement) option for OpusFSX. At present we are still collecting 3D accelerometer data from live aircraft but we should be able to start testing the DHM in a few weeks time.CherylOpus Software

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Thank you very much Cheryl, makes perfect sense now. I wish you all the best and would love to take advantage of OPUS in FS9 one day.Thank you very much again for the detailed explanation!-Paul

Have a Wonderful Day

-Paul Solk


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Opus Software, How about an FS9 version?

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Hi Rafal,


We have briefly investigated the work involved in producing an FS9 version of OpusFSX.


The problem is that there is no Simconnect support for FS9 so we would have to rely entirely on FSUIPC or develop our own similar interface. At the moment we are not sure how this would effect our Live Camera interface with it's support for windowed views and ultra-realistic Dynamic Head Movements (or virtual cockpit camera shake). I will have to consult with Pete Dowson on this. We will investigate this further after the release of OpusFSX Version 2.0 which includes our Live Weather Engine and use of our 'awesome' Dynamic Weather update (my opinion of course, but see the main page of our website for details).


We may be able to produce an OpusFS9 that includes the Live View interface and Live Weather Engine, omitting the Live Camera interface all together. We will have to see what we can do when we review it further. If we do decide to proceed we should be able to get some form of Beta ready for testing within about six weeks.


It also depends on how many FS9 users would be interested in OpusFS9 to improve their networked system or weather engine (the Dynamic Weather is compatible with both FSX and FS9 but I'm not sure if they produce identical cloud patterns on different systems with FS9).




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OK, thanks a lot for your explanation, Cheryl. I really appreciate it.


To be honest I was interested mostly in the camera interface / head movements.

I use Active Camera with FSRecorder, but would love to experience more in the VC.


I, like most simmers, own the registration for FSUIPC, so I hope you may eventually solve the problem this way.

Pete is a great guy and his middle name is Development, so I am sure you can work out something together.

As for offering the weather engine only, I guess with AS and REX, it might not be competitive enough, but I may certainly be wrong.


Anyway looking forward to what your analysis brings and hope to see camera/movement implemented for FS9.

Good luck with your product!

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We will have a word with Pete Dowson and see what can be done through the FS9 FSUIPC interface.





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