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Crashed Real Airplane: Want Repaint So She'll Live On

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On 1 April, I suffered an engine failure in a U206B owned by the parachute club I fly for, and had to land the aircraft in a farmer's field. All 6 jumpers and I escaped with no or only minor injuries. (Four jumped, 2 had to ride it in with me). I got a little banged up, but just bruises. Unfortunately I was uanble to prevent damage to the aircraft, and after inspecting it, the A&P for the club has deemed the aircraft a writeoff.

Sadly, I will never fly her again in real life, so I would like to have it in flight sim. I am writing to ask if any of you talented painters would be willing to do a repaint of this aircraft (FS9 and FSX) for me? I have many good pictures of it from all angles. It would be much appreciated.

Thnk you,




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Ouch. Glad you guys made it, JCH. What happened if I may ask?

I like the idea of getting her back through a sim repaint. :smile:

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Thank you, CoolP. At 1,000 AGL shortly after takeoff, the #4 push rod end cap failed, punching a hole in the top of the engine. It was vibrating badly and I also worried about fire, so I shut it down and flew best glide to the ground. Here is a shot of the engine.


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Ouch again. I guess that everybody was happy that the only severe damage happened to the plane. What is the club using now by the way?

And those four jumpers got out in time while two remained as passengers?

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We still have our 182, but it doesn't carry nearly the weight of a 206.

The jumpers who left the aircraft were all solo fun jumpers. The two who stayed were a tandem. The tandem master decided it was safer to stay than to jump so low with a passenger. This is also recommended in the BSR's (Basic Safety Recommendations) of the USPA. They strongly recommend not jumping a tandem below 2,000 AGL.

Much to his credit, the yooung man who was the passenger decided if he could survive a crash landing, he could survive anything, and rescheduled his jump. As did five other 'civilians' who witnessed all this from the airtport. One told my manager, 'You guys obviously have your emergency procedures down, so we will be back.'

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Sounds like you folks stayed very focused in an emergency situation. Amazing.

So lets hope you'll find a painter doing your repaint. Maybe some OZX guy can help, just check the names on the ones with the most Carenado repaints.

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Morn'n JCH,


Wow - as a pilot and a skydiver - what a story... Yeah - jumping solo at 1000 wouldn't be much fun either... The lowest I've opened my chute was probably about 2,500... I'm usually jumping from a Twotter - and - we open the door around 1000 feet or so - just in case... I'm sure we've all thought about if we had to use the out at such a low altitude... Great job on keeping everyone in one piece !!! How was the glide in a 206 - like a brick - right ??? Big difference from a glide with an idle engine during practice ??? Did the prop stop or keep spinning ??? Thanks for sharing and the PIX... Good luck with your paint request - it looks simple enough...






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Thanks for the kind words, Scott! At 85 MPH best glide, (1968 model, airspeed in MPH) we actually got much further than I thought we would, but the whole event from start to finish was about 2-2 1/2 minutes at best.(Though it SEEMED much longer!)The prop conitinued to windmill until impact, so it was scored and bent.

I believe the practice, and having read a couple thousand accident reports over the years, made the difference in being able to keep calm.

Thanks again,


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@JCH ,

Has anyone offered to do your repaint yet ?

I do have the U206 - for FS 9 and patched for FS X , the only real limitation , is the tailfin , as any text will be mirrored on one side . I have painted several types made by Carenado.

.If you want to check the quality of my work just search my name in the file library here on AVSIM.


John Glanville

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