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Just a be careful with DLC purchase

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Well, I was stupid. I just purchased the Maule but was stupid and did it using my alternate email address. Apparently all DLC purchases are attached to your email address and cannot be transferred and there is no refund. This is not a fault of MS but of my not understanding and being new to the whole live purchase environment. Now I'm out the 16 bucks or restricted to only the "free" offering for Flight without the Hawaiian DLC. I just figured I'd kind of warn others that may be new to the whole DLC world like I am. Yes I called and talked to a MS person that said I was basically out of luck because that was how DLC worked.

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Ouch! That's gotta hurt! At least it wasn't a DLC that costs like $70.00 USD like a few FSX addons. You'd be screwed and calling for you money back. (No offence to PMDG and those other's who's addons cost a lot-It's just that it's true if that happened)

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I guess that the most upsetting thing is that it was under my alternate email attached to the primary account. I would think that it wouldn't matter if you used your primary email or the alternate. Heck, what's the purpose of the alternate email account if it has nothing to do with your primary? I'm downloading flight again under my alternate email as suggested by the MS support guy so that I at least can check out the Maule but now I'm concerned it will trash my current install and I will lose the other DLCs I've downloaded. I think I'll cancel it and just eat the 16 bucks and consider it a lesson learned. I'll have to think hard about purchasing the Maule again because I'm not sure it's worth 30 bucks.

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I guess that the most upsetting thing is that it was under my alternate email attached to the primary account.

Wow thanks for that... enough to raise my blood pressure should that had happened to me...


I wonder what "they" expect you to do if you ISP goes belly up... years ago a company I used stopped servicing "personal accounts" and transferred all those to Mindspring.


Or if you move???

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They're tied to the account that you use to sign in to LIVE. Even if the separate email address stops working, your LIVE account will keep functioning. Your email address tied to the LIVE account can be changed if you switch ISP's or email providers.


If you have more than one Gamertag, always make sure you're signed into the correct one when you redeem a code or buy DLC.

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If you have more than one Gamertag, always make sure you're signed into the correct one when you redeem a code or buy DLC.


Ah ha... thanks....


So Ragtag you used a 2nd Gamer tag?

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If you have more than one Gamertag, always make sure you're signed into the correct one when you redeem a code or buy DLC.

I didn't realize I had multiple gametags. As far I I knew I only had DrMarcure as a game tag. Apparently you can sign in using an alternate email address and the DLC gets attached to that rather than the game tag. I just don't understand I guess. I've never had a gametag or live ID until Flight so I'm a little perplexed as to why I could sign in and purchase something under the alternate email address. I've been trying to see if I could change that alternate email address but I've not found a place or way to do so. Like I said, it's lack of experience on my part rather than an issue with MS. I may purchase the Maule again if I think Alaska warrants it but even then I'll wait a good long time to get Alaska because I notice that the Hawaii DLC is now bundled with the Mustang and Maule. So I expect something along those lines will happen with Alaska. My son has all the DLCs so I can always check them out on his system.


I just wanted to let others know about my mistake so that they can be aware.


To top it off I have an email address I use for all general public stuff and gaming. For some reason I used it as my alternate and my allegedly "private" email as my primary. I must have had a senior moment when I installed Flight. LOL

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I'm concerned it will trash my current install and I will lose the other DLCs I've downloaded. I think I'll cancel it and just eat the 16 bucks and consider it a lesson learned. I'll have to think hard about purchasing the Maule again because I'm not sure it's worth 30 bucks.


Save your career folder It's in this path:




The folder you should be saving/backuping is the "Players" folder. It holds all your career files. Then when you're done installation, put it back where you took it out. Click "copy and replace".


Do that just in case because I would say that you don't actually need to do that since GFWL carries files over.


Forgot to add this: You can't do it if you have a different Gamertag... Sorry.

Edited by OMGBBQ32

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Sorry to hear about this, OP I hope they can somehow let you use what you have paid for

Nope. The MS support guy I talked to said I was out of luck. Which is what prompted me to post. I just wanted to warn others of what could happen if they make the same mistake. Lesson learned. I like Flight and it was only 16 bucks. I wish I could say I wasted only 16 bucks on FSX or FS9. LOL

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Nope. The MS support guy I talked to said I was out of luck. Which is what prompted me to post. I just wanted to warn others of what could happen if they make the same mistake. Lesson learned. I like Flight and it was only 16 bucks. I wish I could say I wasted only 16 bucks on FSX or FS9. LOL


I wonder how many do fall in this 'trick' and get out of luck !!


with flight you definitly run out of luck and pretty fast too !!


what a rubbish policy !!!!

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I'm sorry for that :-(


I can understand your frustration... Did you try to get in touch with your country's XBox support?


I had a problem last week when I tried to buy MS points to add the "Zero" to my hangar, and although it was a problem with my bank, they were very helpful and credited the amount that had been charged on my credit card.


Try to get in touch with them.


I hope you can find a way around. After all, the email you used is also registered in your account, so, they will probably solve it easily.

Don't forget to know your account details, including the secret question and the answer to it - they'll ask abou both!


All the best from the happiest FLIGHT user in the World!!!

Well, I was stupid. I just purchased the Maule but was stupid and did it using my alternate email address. Apparently all DLC purchases are attached to your email address and cannot be transferred and there is no refund. This is not a fault of MS but of my not understanding and being new to the whole live purchase environment. Now I'm out the 16 bucks or restricted to only the "free" offering for Flight without the Hawaiian DLC. I just figured I'd kind of warn others that may be new to the whole DLC world like I am. Yes I called and talked to a MS person that said I was basically out of luck because that was how DLC worked.

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Try to get in touch with them.


I hope you can find a way around. After all, the email you used is also registered in your account, so, they will probably solve it easily.


I did contact them. First via live chat and then by phone. The live chat person said she couldn't help me and suggested I call MS Live Support and gave me the number. I called and the guy I talked to said that he was sorry but there was no refunds or transfer for DLC. I tried to convince him that it was a mistake on my part but he said there was nothing he could do.


It was only 16 dollars and my fault but I figured I'd just relate the experience here hoping to prevent somebody from repeating my mistake.



After further research apparently I did create a new gametag with the purchase. I didn't understand that a purchase would create a new account automatically. I wrote them saying that they should make it very clear that during a purchase a new account will get created.


I design eCommerce and inventory systems for a living and I think that it's a pretty poor design to not check the account information requested against their database. I used the same name, address and credit card number already on file but it still created a completely new account and without warning me that a new account was being created. I should have known better because I couldn't remember my password so I had them email me a password reset link which they did. I guess by using the email address and setting a password the new account was created and without warning. The other poor design is that the personal information for the account was taken from the credit card info screen so I was unaware that a new account was being created and just thought it was standard cc billing information being asked for.


I plan on deleting the new account and will cross my fingers that it doesn't delete my DLC under my other account. Although I'm no willing to bet money that it will not. :Hypnotized:

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