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JustFlight F-111

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Hi All



I downloaded and installed the just released JustFlight F-111 and while the model looks great (especially the RAAF liveries), the sound in my opinion is a big diasppointment. I am no F-111 expert, but surely those Pratt & Whitneys should sound a lot more "awsome" than what is presented in the initial release.



Another think I noticed is that if I want to taxi from a standing start, I have to jam the throttles to around 50% before the jet begins to roll. Once it does, it accelerates far too quickly and before I know it I am taxiing way too fast. If I bring back the throttles just a bit (and I really mean just a bit) the engines go to idle and the plane loses speed and comes to a stop. Iam finding it extremely difficult to maintain a reasonable taxi speed.




Anyone with similar (or otherwise) thoughts on this jet ?





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I got this plane yesterday and tried it out on a few test runs. I have none of the problems you have. I only need 20% power to get break away thrust. I am pretty sure these types of engines are not too loud, if you compare to F-15s, F-14s or other turbofan military jets, there is no loud scream on them, unlike commercial jets.

The only true challenge with this plane is approach and landing. You have to maintain speed above 160Kts or you are close to stalling.

Also, it is interesting that the F-111 has a carrier landing hook, interesting...

I personally think the package is amazing and there are no problems with it. It is just tough understanding this plane.


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I got this plane yesterday and tried it out on a few test runs. I have none of the problems you have. I only need 20% power to get break away thrust. I am pretty sure these types of engines are not too loud, if you compare to F-15s, F-14s or other turbofan military jets, there is no loud scream on them, unlike commercial jets.

The only true challenge with this plane is approach and landing. You have to maintain speed above 160Kts or you are close to stalling.

Also, it is interesting that the F-111 has a carrier landing hook, interesting...

I personally think the package is amazing and there are no problems with it. It is just tough understanding this plane.



The hook is to catch an arrester cable stretched across the last section of the runway . It was connected to an undergroud hydraulic drum apparatus that would stop the aircraft in case of an emergency.

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Interesting Pete. I did read one comment on the JustFlight facebook page where one user also commented on the bad sound. I might add I also installed this jet in Prepar3D and the I have the same observations.



I agree with you it is a challenge on the approach to landing. You really must watch the speed otherwise she loses altitude very quickly.



I guess I will wait to see if any patched are released soon. Meanwhile I will continue to fly it. The F-111 has always been a menacing looking jet, and it still is in FSX.

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On the subject of the arrestor hook, one RAAF jet used the hook to make a successful belly landing at Amberley Base back in 2006 if I remember correctly. It was captured on video and you can see it on youtube.

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The reason for the hook is because, originally, the plane was for the US navy... and it was going to land on carriers... needless to say, that didn't quite work out...

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I got this plane yesterday and tried it out on a few test runs. I have none of the problems you have. I only need 20% power to get break away thrust. I am pretty sure these types of engines are not too loud, if you compare to F-15s, F-14s or other turbofan military jets, there is no loud scream on them, unlike commercial jets.

I'm sorry to blow your comparison. F-111s were ridiculously loud in real life and had the same PW TF-30 low-bipass turbofans as the F-14 until the F-14 was re-engined. When not on afterburner they sounded similar to the Boeing 727 without hush-kit, same high pitch scream at low power settings or taxiing to runway and as much thrust noise in flight and spewed just about the same amount of smoke.

Keith Guillory

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Curly got it right re: the tailhook. It's for emergency landings. F-15s, F-16s, and F-22s have them also and none of those were ever intended for carrier use.

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Well, military jets was never my expertise, I just never really thought these planes were particularly loud. Don't take my words as the truth, this is what I think it would be like.

I know about the F-111B, and parts of it were adapted to later versions, like the F-111C and later on.

I am happy with it so far though.

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Ive been in aviation 30 years and to my damaged ears the F-111 is right up there with the B1 and Harrier as being one of the loudest. That said, I have a Bose surroud setup and imo the engine sounds need to be redone. It sounds more like you are standing in front parking it rather than in the cockpit. I was suffering from ear fatique only after a few short flights. That constant whistle was cutting right through me. With Accufeel its just as loud with the canopy opened or closed.


Other quick first impressions. As with alot of aircraft with very high top speeds, in this case mach 2 plus, its intial acceleration is overdone. Must be a FSX issue as Ive seen it with other fast movers. I went full burner,rotated at 160 or so, Got the flaps up,gear up,focused in on the the hud and I was already doing almost 500 knots a 1/4 mile off the end if the runway!

The AP is a pita to fumble around with even with trackir. I HATE the knobs that you press the mouse and rotate. Still do not understand the heading select that right in front. You click/turn the knob and I see no bug? The only way I can tell the heading that being selected is the mouse tooltip. However,a little off and it dissapears. Very frustrating in a moving aircraft.

Flight model seems ok but I am yet to take it up high and fast. Overall its simular quality to other Justflight aircraft Ive bought. I just need to replace the sounds with my own and try to come up with a AP popup to eliminate the fumbling around.

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It is easier on it to put the mouse over and scroll. All I agree it is irritating that they cannot do the plus and minus hand. Still, I am very happy with this package(I am easily impressed).


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On the tailhook:


Everyone's right... The F-111 did have some initial design work for use in the Navy aboard carriers, however they cancelled their interest due to the Aardvark's size and weight. The hook remains on the Air Force versions for use with runway arresting gear - probably redesigned to be a bit lighter and for "emergency use only", as opposed to a heavy duty naval installation.


Of note, if you look on official FAA runway diagrams for equipped airports, you will see the runway arresting gear denoted by a pair of opposing arrows near the ends of the equipped runway. You will see these arrows on this diagram, near the ends of runway 2/20. They are labeled with the "BAK" designation, and a number representing the type of barrier installed. The arrows help represent which directions the barrier can be engaged from.


Thus ends this non-related, but interesting conversation on runway arresting gear. :)


I remember seeing the F-111's from Plattsburgh AFB overfly us in very close by Vermont throughout my childhood summers. Occasionally, we'd get one screaming up Lake Champlain on the crest of the waves... awesome stuff.



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