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How to get the perfect install?

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Unfortunately there's no magic bullet.  So many variables and depends heavily on your individual system configuration, drivers, fsx.cfg, and then a lot of research, tweaking, testing, and doing it again and again until you're finally happy. 


For example, I just rebuilt my system recently and even with Dual 580 GTX's, SSD hard drives, and an overclocked i2500K at 4.7 Ghz.  I couldn't believe I was getting microstutters. Thought maybe the graphics cards just couldn't handle it with three 27" monitors in portrait.  But GPUz showed they weren't being pushed hard.


So after a lot of research, I found some people talking about changing the fsx.cfg [bufferPools] PoolSize=0 to PoolsSize=3000.  That pretty much cured MY microstutters.  But I also applied a LOT of other little tweaks in the fsx.cfg as well that most certainly contributed to the improved performance.  And, making little sacrifices here and there if needed. 


Here are some microstutter links that might be helpful:






With VSync, you need to make sure you have it correctly configured in the fsx.cfg (=True versus =1). Also, are you running in Windowed or Full Screen?  There are different VSync entries in the fsx.cfg for each way.  Here's some helpful links:






As usual, Google is very helpful if you know what you're looking for.  Hope this helps a little.


Managed to fix Vsync by setting it in nVidia inspector to standard (from adaptive by default). No tearing whatsoever now no matter how hard I try to make it trip up so that's good. However stutters are still present even with the BP=3000 and AM=14, it is a little better however still for the most part very visible. 


What else should I try?

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I'm assuming you also took a look at the AVSIM Software and Hardware guide which has some of the biggest tweaks?




Also look at Ryan Maziraz's NVidia Inspector guide which will help you tweak your video card settings.




I'm still, and probably forever will be, tweaking my setup.  In fact, I wonder how many of us spend more time tweaking than actually flying?  Haha.


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Guest Marcielli

If you have low fps in your fsx install it only means one of these things:


1. Your system specs aren't adequate

2. Your sliders are too high

3. Something else is crippling or wrongly configured on your system

4. You have duplicate AFCAD in some places

5. You are using non-FSX native Ai traffic, or aircraft


If you have CTD erros, it only means one of these things:


1. Incorrect overclock/ voltage settings/ memory settings

2. You are using ENB series

3. Your sliders are too high

4. Your system is overstressed.


If you have OOM errors, it means one of these things:


1. You are not using a 64-bit OS

2. You have too many addons in one Area

3. Your sliders are too high

4. You have less than about 6GB of RAM


Of coarse, there are probably hundreds of other reasons for low fps, and CTD errors.


It's really not "that hard" to avoid errors. You have to be WISE, and make CHOICES of what you put FSX, and your system through. FSX is a complex program, and unfortunately a "fire and forget" FSX isn't coming out anytime soon.

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you could have a stubborn virus. They cause total chaos with fsx stability. I would run several free different ones before progressing further



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I'm assuming you also took a look at the AVSIM Software and Hardware guide which has some of the biggest tweaks?




Also look at Ryan Maziraz's NVidia Inspector guide which will help you tweak your video card settings.




I'm still, and probably forever will be, tweaking my setup.  In fact, I wonder how many of us spend more time tweaking than actually flying?  Haha.


Took another look into the AVSIM guide and few things actually seemed to help. For one Im getting much less stuttering now (still the odd micro stutter but nothing too bad). However now my problem is texture anomalies. Basically I get weird shapes flashing across the screen or onto it when I change my view. BP is at 3000 so not sure what could be causing the problems? 




you could have a stubborn virus. They cause total chaos with fsx stability. I would run several free different ones before progressing further


Unlikely however I will preform scans overnight just to check. Everything is up to date however and I am very careful with my browsing. 

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I am currently testing the flashing artifacts problem but I think I may have gotten rid of it so... back to the stutters. 


I was comparing the two frame rate limiters I have available the FSX built in one and the nVidia inspector limiter. The results were a bit confusing. With the nVidia inspector I got 30FPS 99% of the time only ever flickering down to 29FPS at Doncaster EGCN with uk2000 free scenery and the 737NGX, there were a few microstutters present but no major stutters. Then switching to the FSX limiter (disabling the nVidia one) I found that when I got decent frames that it was smooth (next to no stutters of any kind) however the frame rate was all over the place dipping into 20-24FPS a lot of the time. 


Im not sure whether this maybe helpful to anyone in diagnosing my problems. I am continuing to look into various CFG tweaks and other suggestions. 


I would just like to say thanks though to everone who has contributed to this topic. It is an overwhelming amount of support and thanks to you guys I have made much progress with my Flight Simulator install. So again thank you very much, 

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I was comparing the two frame rate limiters I have available the FSX built in one and the nVidia inspector limiter. The results were a bit confusing. With the nVidia inspector I got 30FPS 99% of the time only ever flickering down to 29FPS at Doncaster EGCN with uk2000 free scenery and the 737NGX, there were a few microstutters present but no major stutters. Then switching to the FSX limiter (disabling the nVidia one) I found that when I got decent frames that it was smooth (next to no stutters of any kind) however the frame rate was all over the place dipping into 20-24FPS a lot of the time. 

I think people can become too obsessed with indicated frame rates.  What counts is the smoothness of what you are seeing.  Bear in mind you might have rock steady frame rates at 30 fps, but if two or more frames are the same image it will look like a stutter.  I think an internal frame rate limiter is more likely to be successful than an external one (which doesn't work in sync with the internal calculations).


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I think people can become too obsessed with indicated frame rates.  What counts is the smoothness of what you are seeing.  Bear in mind you might have rock steady frame rates at 30 fps, but if two or more frames are the same image it will look like a stutter.  I think an internal frame rate limiter is more likely to be successful than an external one (which doesn't work in sync with the internal calculations).


Yeah im not too bothered about it being 30 or 31FPS the difference does not matter however it does when It drops down to 20FPS which is common with the internal limiter since then its not smooth at all irrespective of stutters. I fail to see how the internal limiter can be better when I am loosing 10FPS for no reason at all. I will try it further with a difference range of frame lock settings but it has yet to improve. 

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Yeah im not too bothered about it being 30 or 31FPS the difference does not matter however it does when It drops down to 20FPS which is common with the internal limiter since then its not smooth at all irrespective of stutters. I fail to see how the internal limiter can be better when I am loosing 10FPS for no reason at all. I will try it further with a difference range of frame lock settings but it has yet to improve. 

If the image with the internal limiter appears smooth and stutter free you aren't losing anything, compared to one that is apparently rock solid at 30 fps but gives you stutters.


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If the image with the internal limiter appears smooth and stutter free you aren't losing anything, compared to one that is apparently rock solid at 30 fps but gives you stutters.


Yeah but it does not appear smooth, I can usually tell when it drops below 25FPS without the FPS indicator. Usually this happens in the VC of the 737 which uses hi-res textures so I was wondering if changing a setting in buffer pools may help. Currently I am using the  following setting. 




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Yeah but it does not appear smooth, I can usually tell when it drops below 25FPS without the FPS indicator. Usually this happens in the VC of the 737 which uses hi-res textures so I was wondering if changing a setting in buffer pools may help. Currently I am using the  following setting. 




Sorry, I misread your earlier post as it being smooth and stutter free with the internal limiter all the time.  My bad.  I suspect the FSX limiter is showing you what is really happening in FSX, whereas the external limiter is forcing it draw at a more regular rate but this is creating stutters when it gets out of sync with FSX updates.


As for the bufferpools setting as I understand it this is something where your mileage may vary.  Your system has to be well balanced to start messing with this or you can get horrible results.  I certainly wouldn't try and make any suggestions about it as I would only be repeating what you can read for yourself in Bogote's and Word Not Allowed's tweak threads.  However, I think people spend too much time striving for the perfect result with max slider settings.  I'd rather just switch off the framerate display and fly the sim. 


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