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ifly 737?

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Hello, I know the first thing your going to think is "ify 737? why!?!?!?!?!!?! the PMDG is sooo much better!" And i know it is but I am scared to buy the pmdg 737 because it is so frame rate heavy I don't have a good computer and I really want a 737, is it worth buying the ifly 737? Just to give you an idea of my framerates, on default aircraft i get around 35 fps, with the airbus x extended I get about 17.

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And i know it is but I am scared to buy the pmdg 737 because it is so frame rate heavy I d


I have both  the ifly and the pmdg and  the ifly is fps heavier on my machine.

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Yeah it's a great simulation too though personally I think PMDG 737NGX has quite a bit better feel on it, especially with flight dynamics.

I don't know if it's that much easier on frames than 737NGX though, you might get 5 extra FPS or so at best or you might get no better performance at all.


I don't think 737NGX would run all that bad on your computer if you get 17FPS with Airbus Extended which in my experience is actually heavier than the 737NGX.

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The NGX gets higher fps fore me as well.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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I just sat in with the cockpit crew in a 737-700, and I must say the dimensions of Ifly are more accurate, it seems the front cockpit windows in the NGX are a bit too big. I think Microsoft got the VC dimensions the most correct. I merge the 738 with the default 737 VC and use Ifly gauges.

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Same PMDG runs better for me. I'm using a fairly good machine though so I wouldn't know if I would notice... Macbook Pro - Bootcamp - 1gb vram - 16gb ram - 256gb SSD. I run PMDG at about 20-40fps. With LatinVFR KSAN.Sorry not 1GB just checked it's 768mb and 8gb ram on my laptop...

Edited by maple-syrup

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both are great to fly!  I find the new ifly 737 with the updated texture pack looks amazing in P3D/FSX with great fps.  I also have no problems or issues with the PMDG 737.

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