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Mike Madin

disappearing airport buildings

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Good Day,


As per the topic.

I have quite happily been flying around South Africa for a couple of months now with my newly reinstalled fs9 and the scenery/airports from Aeroworx, until yesterday when, flying into FACT, I found only taxiways/gate signs and parking areas. The airport and associated buildings gone leaving only a green/yellow/black area with nothing on it.

Tried other airports in SA and eventually found the same thing had happened at FAJS. All other airports(default and Aeroworx) are all good.


I tried reinstalling the worx01.zip and worx01a.zip for FAJS and the worx09.zip for FACT but, apart from rewriting some files nothing is any better.


Before I go into the uninstall/reinstall FS9 mode can anyone out there give me some suggestions to try to fix??

Thanks in anticipation


ou toppie

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Have you edited or installed a new afcad for these airports....or installed an AI program that might have done so?

Peter Schluter

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No AI program, and after the new install of fs9 a couple of months ago I have only installed the Aeroworx airport worx01.zip, worx01a.zip for FAJS and the worx09.zip for FACT along with all the other airports from Aeroworx and they have worked well with no problems for the last couple of months.

The only other addons I have installed are some WOAI packages for airlines using VHHH and I TTooled them to fly into VHHX as I have installed Flytampas Kai Tak. But this should not have affected SA and its airports surely.


When I did the new reinstall of fs9 I also added all the Aeroworx mesh and terrain files and they all installed correctly and look ok.

Don't know where to go next.


ou toppie

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WOAI does not install new AFCADS, so no that won't be your problem. If it was all working fine, and then suddenly is not without you changing anyting, then the only thing I can suggest is you check that your abti-virus has not tried to "heal" or quarantined one of your airport files.

Peter Schluter

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May be scenery.cfg corruption?

Try removing FAJS and FACT via the sim interface, exit then add again.

Restart and see what you get. 

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Hi WingZ,

Thanks for the suggestion but as I am not familiar with building scenery can you explain what you mean by "removing by the sim interface" and I will then give it a try.



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Hi WingZ,

Thanks for the suggestion but as I am not familiar with building scenery can you explain what you mean by "removing by the sim interface" and I will then give it a try.



Just go into the sim the way you usually add or remove scenery:




Remove the scenery entry, restart the sim, add it, restart the sim.

(FS9 has to rebuild its internal database from the scenery.cfg file each time.)

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I had something similar happen to me at some other airport after a reinstall.   I cured it by putting back the scenery complexity slider where it belongs!

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Guest Maribell

  I cured it by putting back the scenery complexity slider where it belongs!

LOL If it were happening to all his airports then maybe The Complexity Slider is causing the issue but if its happening on specific aIrports  then there could be other issues thats causing the problem


Perhaps certain Buildings have different complexity Settings not sure Try sliding the slider to the max position and see if this cures the issue


Also it could be a priority Issue


Also Make sure their are no duplicate Layer's,or Area entries within the Scenery.cfg file this may or may not cause an issue but worth a try


Best thing to do to make sure their are no errors within your scenery.CFG is use SceneryConfigEditor v1.0.7


Has alot of good features to make sure the Scenery.cfg entries are as they should be

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Guest Maribell

Heres what i would do just to start troubleshooting Refer to 3rd ScreenShot








As you can see there are other features included in this great utility as seen on the First Screen Shot like Fix Duplicate area Numbers but if you perform Step 2 this will pretty much take care of that



Hopefully im not overdoing it on Images and if i am i apologize im always going by this

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Guest Maribell

A good way to keep track of all your scenery is use FS Scenery Manager.exe Available in AVSIM Library Example Screen Below Makes finding and disabling groups of sceneries easy as cake  I have over 800 Entries and have then divided into portions



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Guest Maribell

Oopps guess I won't be posting anymore screenshots here lol sorry guys a well guess ill have to reduce them

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Thanks to Wingz and Maribell for your suggestions and advice and I will download both the scenery mgr and scenery config editor for future use.

Yesterday I remembered that I had a copy of the Flight1 FS9/FSX registry repair tool on the library flash drive where I keep all my FS support info so I ran it through FS9 and low and behold all Is back to normal and I am back to flying into FAJS and FACT with all building back in place. 

I have no idea what was wrong but whatever it was the repair tool must have found it and fixed it.

Thanks again to all who helped.



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