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Scenery packaging tool

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Does anyone know where i can find a tool if there is one that is out there that takes all the custom scenery in say like this island im working on and packages it all up into a scenery file so i can upload it . if i upload it now there will be stuff missing .



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Why would stuff be missing? All the files for the scenery should be in the scenery and texture folders of the scenery. Other than an installer, i don't know of any 'tool" and even with an installer, you need to set up where the files are. Also you'll need to make sure it just includes your scenery files and not any default or 3rd party ones.

Best, Michael


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Installer. As already mentioned you will be responsible in any case for ensuring that the installer puts the files you want placed in the proper folders in FS.  Be aware that some folks do not like installers so the other way is to create a zip file containing the file structure you want to provide with the files in the correct place.  You would need to provide instructions on how to unzip the files.

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Does anyone know where i can find a tool if there is one that is out there that takes all the custom scenery in say like this island im working on and packages it all up into a scenery file so i can upload it . if i upload it now there will be stuff missing .


With the level of knowledge you are expressing (no insult intended) you definitely do not want to use a installer. That could make some really unhappy people.


You haven't stated what kind of scenery or how comprehensive it is. For example, you say "island", and that leaves a great deal of latitude at best. What is included?


Terrain mesh? Landclass? Photo real? Scenery objects? Airport scenery? Autogen? Library objects?


These different types of scenery may require their own installation folders and special instructions for them to be 'layered' correctly in the Sim




Why would stuff be missing?


Very good question Micheal! If there are parts missing how can it be ready to package?




Be aware that some folks do not like installers so the other way is to create a zip file containing the file structure you want to provide with the files in the correct place.


Plus one on that Jon, I always - always point a installer to a dummy folder to see whats in it first and where everything is supposed to go and what might be overwritten or modified - destroyed. Blindly trusting a installer is not good practice, . . . . . lot of horror stories around about that mistake.


For the original poster. Let us in on more details about the scenery and I'm sure you can get some good help where needed.


Best regards to all,


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stuff could be missing as in textures and models it happens all the time not everyone has the same things installed on there sim ... anyhow there is a packaging tool and i did find it , it places all the items in that scenery and puts them in there folders so there is no missing textures and so on.

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stuff could be missing as in textures and models it happens all the time not everyone has the same things installed on there sim ... anyhow there is a packaging tool and i did find it , it places all the items in that scenery and puts them in there folders so there is no missing textures and so on.



With all due respect, if you are not aware for where "your" textures and models are for that scenery in the first place, you probably shouldn't be packaging any scenery up and uploading it anywhere. Sounds like you are using others models, so you need to make sure the original author allows for re-distrubution of their work.

Best, Michael


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If you are thinking to use other peoples objects / models and textures to create and upload scenery, it is common practice to simply list the required 'libraries' and where they can be obtained or as Michael pointed out, seek the original authors permission to include them. That however, can lead to causing others problems with duplicated files and other problems. Use caution with that approach, most especially with a installer.




stuff could be missing as in textures and models it happens all the time not everyone has the same things installed on there sim


How could you have even tested what you intend to upload - the scenery you created(?) - without knowing exactly where everything is located and whether or not it is functioning correctly?


When I asked the question, "What is included? Terrain mesh? Landclass? Photo real? Scenery objects? Airport scenery? Autogen? Library objects?" I asked that question for a reason, just to see what kind of answer I would get if any. Most everyone who takes on the challenge of creating any kind of scenery is happy to have the chance to discuss what they are trying to do and eager for advice on how to do it as well as their talent will allow. So my conclusion is that you know what you are doing, . . . . and shouldn't or you don't know what you are doing, . . . . . and shouldn't. On the other hand I sincerely hope I am wrong and you are doing nothing improper, if that is the case, then please forgive what I have gently implied.




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stuff could be missing as in textures and models it happens all the time not everyone has the same things installed on there sim ... anyhow there is a packaging tool and i did find it , it places all the items in that scenery and puts them in there folders so there is no missing textures and so on.

How does it (the installer) know there are no missing textures? If it does it is much cleverer than any I've seen.

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So many good questions and so few answers, Hmmmmm!



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