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RE: F-10 assignment on the 777

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I had F 10 assigned to bring up the upper panel, but with SP 1 that's gone.  Problem is, I've forgotten how I did it.  I know it was pretty simple and I think was connected to the aircraft or the panel config file.


Could anyone help me out on this?  I'll write it down this time!


Jack Fentress

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It should work if you add the following line at the end of the camera section [CameraDefinition.3] which should be the Overhead Lower Panel:


HotKeySelect=2 // added to make F10 open overhead main panel


Also if you add the following at the end of [CameraDefinition.5] , the "CDUs and ECL" view, F11 will select that view:




I believe for this to work F10 (and F11) have to be tied to their original functions in FSX control assignment, which are "2-D Cockpit View" and "Locked Spot View" respectively.


I also created a new camera view that gives a full cockpit/jump-seat-like view which you are welcome to use (no F key, just cycle to with A or Shift-A):


Title = "Cockpit Full View"
Guid = {ae498a63-e75b-da84-aa3d-13868003c369}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.8
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 0.80
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0.6,0.05,-1.30 //0.55, 0.00, -0.15
InitialPbh=7,0,0//90.0, 0, 0






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Thanks for the reply.

I looked in the SP 1, 777-200  aircraft config and the panel config and I no longer see any camera definition 3 relating to Overhead Lower Panel in either location. Has something changed with SP 1 which prevents that?


As I recall, it was a very  simple procedure using the "hotkey.etc" as you indicated.


Surely, I've missed something.



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Thanks for the reply.

I looked in the SP 1, 777-200  aircraft config and the panel config and I no longer see any camera definition 3 relating to Overhead Lower Panel in either location. Has something changed with SP 1 which prevents that?


As I recall, it was a very  simple procedure using the "hotkey.etc" as you indicated.


Surely, I've missed something.




Hi, Jack,


Still there in aircraft.cfg files for the 200LR & 300ER.  Search "[CameraDefinition.3]" (maybe you left out the '.'?).






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I'm back in business.  What I was doing was not looking beyond "Camera Definition.003" to find "Camera Definition.3".


Using "HotKeySelect=2" put the panel just where I use it - F 10.


My mind is turning into a sieve!.


Thanks very much for the help. I couldn't have done it without you.




I also forgot to thank you for the use of the "full cockpit/jump seat view". Really looks good.



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Hello Mike,  I am not being patronising but the above info. re F10 and the lower panel undocking to me is a revelation, I know it works in the 737ngx without any problem but for the life of me I could not get it to work in the 777.  Having spent some time on it yesterday I finally found the proper camera to insert your fix.  I feel this fix would be everyones advantage and I suggest you take steps to have this Pinned.  Your ability to work within the nuts and bolts of FSX etc., is something to be admired.  Excellent work.

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Bit O/T, is there a way to enlarge the CDU's on the default start up panel by editing a .cfg? I know I can use the mouse then save the flight, but I usually just like to quickly jump into a random situation on startup and it would be nice just to have a larger CDU

Alaister Kay

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Bit O/T, is there a way to enlarge the CDU's on the default start up panel by editing a .cfg? I know I can use the mouse then save the flight, but I usually just like to quickly jump into a random situation on startup and it would be nice just to have a larger CDU


Hi, Alaister,


In the panel.cfg file of the 777-200LR folder (shared by all three 777 variants) you can edit the sections for the CDU popup windows.  [Window01] is the left CDU, [Window02] is the right CDU and [Window03] is the center CDU.


Be sure to backup your panel file first!


Try these numbers:


size_mm = 449,700


window_size = 0.240624,0.6


Edit the line that starts with "gauge00 = "  so that instead of the default values it has 0,0,449,700 .  Make sure you don't disturb the other entries that come before and after these numbers.


Note that the numbers in "size_mm" are the same as the last two numbers in the gauge entry.  This is because the first entry sizes the window and the gauge entry sizes the gauge -- the "0,0" part locates the top/left part of the gauge at the top/right part of the window.


I tried these numbers with the left popup CDU but they should work with all three.


To calculate your own values keep a proportion of 1.56 for the two numbers in the first and third entries (that are identical), and a proportion of 2.493 for the ratio of the two numbers in the window_size entry.  I calculated these ratios from the default values, but I am a bit puzzled that all the proportions are not the same.  So you may need to experiment a little.


Whatever you do, DON'T ask PMDG for support on this!  If you post back here I'll try to help with any problems.  Again, be sure to back up your panel.cfg file first.



Hello Mike, I am not being patronising but the above info. re F10 and the lower panel undocking to me is a revelation, I know it works in the 737ngx without any problem but for the life of me I could not get it to work in the 777. Having spent some time on it yesterday I finally found the proper camera to insert your fix. I feel this fix would be everyones advantage and I suggest you take steps to have this Pinned. Your ability to work within the nuts and bolts of FSX etc., is something to be admired. Excellent work.


Hi, Richard,


Thank you very much for the compliment.  Not sure this is of enough general interest to pin though.






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This is a great tweak!  I mapped the cameras for the 737NGX and I crated one for the "nose camera" view.  For some reason, the "nose camera" points aft, so I changed the 180 degree axis value to a "0" and now it points forward as well.  I have camera now mapped to F9, F10, F11 and F12.  Makes switching between overhead, pedestal and VC views a snap.  

Jeff Callender

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