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Rickie Welsh

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About Rickie Welsh

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  • Birthday 02/21/1937

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  • Location
    Kilbarchan, Johnstone, Scotland
  • Interests
    Mainly Flying

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    I let others decide.

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  1. Hello Dan, I think you owe Ryan an apology, as he did have his name on the original Post. I know we all make mistakes.
  2. Hello Andrea, For easy reference, why not select Init page in FMC when cleaned up and starting cruise, where you will see landing airport runway length, ILS and runway, on left side of page and flaps speed on right side of page. Easy.
  3. Hello Michael, I appreciate the trouble you went to, to give me this info. You are a good deputy for Kyle. Guys like you and Kyle make this Forum worthwhile.
  4. Hello Christopher, I agree, but unfortunately I don't have the knowhow. The Post concerns Nvidia Shadowplay. Thanks.
  5. Hello Folks, I hope Kyle will excuse this odd request. I posted an item in the Monitor and Video Forum last night and only 45 people have viewed it I thought bringing it to the attention of a bigger audience might be more productive for me. Many Thanks.
  6. Hello, For a long time I have been using FRAPS for recording aircraft landings etc. I recently bought a Nvidia 970 card and saw a program therein called Shadowplay which does much the same as Fraps but uses less power. I tried googling for help in using this programme but the providers in Utube for example were not too clever in describing the procedures. I just wondered if anyone in the Forum had any experience with Shadowplay and if so, would they be so kind as to give me the necessary knowhow. I am 79years of age and still flying FSX with PMDG aircraft but cant get my head around this programme. Many Thanks. Richard Welsh.
  7. Hi I use fraps and record most of my approaches into airports. After selecting LOC and shortly after select Approach I go to the outside view with a side on view then press F12 for the recording and at almost touchdown the 737NG and others Flare without my help. If I had the knowledge I would attach a video, but I don't.
  8. Hi, I know this is not by the book but I don't use any form of ATC. Taking off is no problem. I use Navigraph charts for Runways and STARS and formulate an arrival from the last waypoint which I usually find somewhere in the STAR and devise an Approach into the selected runway normally the longest one eliminating any unforeseen problems. My method gives you more time to get a coffee or whatever without having to listen to ATC chatter.
  9. Hello Harold, Thanks very much for your prompt reply. I have read simmers referring to PFPX but I never gave it any thought but your link to it showed it to be very extensive and worth another look. I imagine Tabs must have used this product. Regards. Richard Welsh
  10. Hello, Sorry to bore you. since I bought the Goflight737 FMC and Efis I have been fully occupied with the 737ngx. Today out of curiosity I loaded the 777 and opened the Tutorial and on Pages 75 and 76 it discusses the ETOPS etc. I was curious where "Tabs" got the data for the ETOPS as I printed off a route from Route Finder but there was no ETOPS data in it or did Tabs use a more refined Route programme. Many Thanks. Richard Welsh.
  11. Hi, By all means check that the pedals are OK. During the cruise press Init. and you will see the runway length which will give you some idea of how much auto break you need i.e. low setting for 12,000 ft. and above and high setting for 10,000 and below, not forgetting to arm the spoilers (which was not mentioned in the post). With these parameters in place the need for manual breaking should not be needed until final few feet of runway. This is how I operate.
  12. Hi, Just as an aside, I have recently been watching the Atlas Air Cargo DVD and what a pleasure it is to see for real what a magnificent aircraft it is and how knowledgeable the crew are at cutting corners where necessary. All this without cabin crew, passengers to contend with. Watching this is a real learning curve.
  13. Hello Keith, I have no idea what DHM is in Opus FSX, but in order to undock main view to 2nd monitor select upper bracket next to the P key on keyboard, press right click on mouse and you should get outside view and drag it over to 2nd monitor and drag bottom corner right to expand full screen. This is by memory, hope it works.
  14. Hello Marvin, web site FSXLiveries do a FedEx cargo livery for the 737.800WL freeware. Better than zero
  15. Hello Dan, I wasn't aware of the implications, All my PMDG aircraft run on FSX only. I will try and rectify matters re the smoke etc. myself. If you don't try you never succeed. Regards.
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