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Why RealNav Data?

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That's the question, asked repeatedly. Why does Mindstar use RealNav Data instead of Navigraph or NavDataPro from Aerosoft.


First and foremost we are a company that makes avionics software for training in the real world. Neither Navigraph nor NavDataPro can be legally licensed/used in a training environment. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.


After extensive review of what was available in third party navigation data available for the sim environment, Mindstar realized that there really wasn't enough information contained within any of the offerings that could even come close to what was needed for a database with accuracy and fidelity comparable to what is used in the real world.


There is a great deal of information simply not contained in the databases that either Navigraph or Aerosoft publish for the Microsoft Flight Simulator community.


Here are a few examples for comparison:


Field count per airport record -	Navigraph: 7	RealNav Data: 12
Field count per runway record -		Navigraph: 10	RealNav Data: 13
Field count per airway leg record -	Navigraph: 7	RealNav Data: 13
Field count per ILS record -		Navigraph: 12	RealNav Data: 17
Field count per navaid record -		Navigraph: 11	RealNavData: 19
Field count per terminal leg record -	Navigraph: 23	RealNavData: 28
Field count per terminal proc record -	Navigraph: 8	RealNavData: 24
Field count per waypoint record -	Navigraph: 7	RealNavData: 11
There is quite a difference in the data, and it's needed to give a more accurate representation of that information in our Garmin simulations. The RealNav database also contains GPS LPV approaches that are world-wide, not just in the U.S. alone.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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I am not trying to be difficult here. It certainly seems your data is more comprehensive. Why not make all 13 cycles available to the sim community? For those of us with a current 13 cycle subscription for other products, it would ensure that the data, for the most part, stayed in sync.

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Because that is what we are allowed to offer at this time. I don't know why, and I too think it should be live cycles.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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That has nothing to do with RealNav at all, so we can't recommend you do that.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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RealNav Data installed. GPS approach to some random field in the middle of Georgia selected and worked like a charm. Excellent.

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So is there a big noticeable difference between your company's Garmin products and Flight 1's offerings? What would someone gain (who is flying FSX) by purchasing the Mindstar GNS 530 instead of the Flight 1 model?


The one advantage I can see is the ability to get the navaid updates. Lastly, consensus of opinion - best one? Flight 1 or Mindstar? Prices are the same.

-= Gary Barth =-





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Discussion of competitor's products is not appropriate in our support forums.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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