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About gpbarth

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  • Birthday 11/11/1946

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    Flight sims, computers

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    Retired, flight simmer, started with the original Flight Sim, licensed private pilot (SEL), Harley driver, amateur radio N4YVN

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  1. I don't have any real problems with Little NavMap and MSFS2020, but in flying a pre-built VFR flight plan, I wanted to add an approach to an airport, not as a procedure but just as two additional waypoints, which are valid Navigraph navaids. The plan is PAHO to two user waypoints to PAMR. PAHO W1 W2 PAMR I want to remove the 2nd user waypoint W2 and add YOHOE and RICKR to the plan. First, I can't find anything in the manual about inserting a waypoint/userpoint, Like clicking on the particular waypoint and having an "ADD" (or Add Before/Add After) function. PAHO W1 YOHOE RICKR PAMR So do I just create a userpoint for each of the navaids? And then what is the best way to insert those waypoints into the plan?
  2. Hi! Dave! Been awhile, eh? Anyway, I have decided to go with a pair of Saitek quadrants (after watching one of Froogle's videos). The throw on those CH levers seemed to be awfully short...I couldn't imagine how fine-adjusting controls would work. But the Saitek levers look much better. Now I have to pop for the tray they sit in, for another $40 or so. And the new ones are out of stock everywhere - supposedly available in late January of February. I'm patient. Just hope the price doesn't increase.
  3. Why don't you like it? The only other quadrant I could find was way more expensive and needed its own software to work. This is priced at $129 on Amazon, so it's something I can afford. So I'm wondering more about programming it through FSUIPC, and if the mechanical quality is good.
  4. I'm also looking for input on the CH Throttle Quadrant. Recently got the Flight1 King Air B200, and for the first time, I wished I had dual controls for everything. I have the Saitek X-55, but that only gives me 2 power levers, and I end up using one axis for both props (I do use 2 of the small knobs for the conditioners). Anyone have any input/advice on the CH quad? Running FSX SE and paid-for FSUIPC, if that helps.
  5. Also posted this over on the Flight1 forums, but thought someone up here might have seen or experienced this. I have been flying the Flight1 King Air for awhile now, with no problems. I do follow their advice to load the trike before the B200. Tonight, as FSX was loading the trike, I got a notice from FSDT that there was a COATL update available, and would I like to download and install it. I answered "yes" and the install seemed to be successful. After the trike was sitting at the airport gate, I chose "Select Aircraft" and picked the King Air. Immdeiately, I got a small box in the middle of my screen, very generic, that simply said "DLL is missing", with an OK button below it. I had no idea what DLL might be missing, but I clicked the OK button, and FSX seemed to hang for a few seconds, after which the B200 loaded, seemingly okay. I began the pre-flight, and when I switched the battery on, the gauges activated, but the G1000 system stayed dark - it should have come up, and then were no activation sounds as there usually are. For the next few hours, I tried several things to try and isolate the problem. I re-booted my machine several times, and re-started FSX SE over and over. I found that I had no problems with any A2A aircraft that I have (P-51, C-172, Cub, B377) or with any of the PMDG planes (737NGX, 777). But I get the "DLL is missing" error any time I try and load the King Air, or the Real Air Turbine Duke. Those are the only 2 aircraft causing the problem. Anyone out there have a similar problem? I know that the FSDT stuff has caused problems with other software (like Active Sky Next), but I don't know why or how it would cause this. Is there any way I might have to track and label the actual DLL that the pop-up is warning about? I might have to re-install both the King Air and the Turbine Duke, but I'd love to solve this so I know what happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. This may have been asked previously, but I couldn't find it. I came to this forum because PMDG is the "source" of the dilemma. I am running Win 7/64. I am running FSX/SE. I am running the latest paid-for version of FSUIPC. And I am running the PMDG 737NGX and 777. Now don't beat me too badly, or blame Pete Dowson too harshly for what I am about to say, but although I have been told NOT to use FSUIPC for mapping controllers for tthe PMDG fleet, others have told me that they do so all the time with no problems. And it seems like I have been able (I think) to do so, so far. I would rather do things the way PMDG suggests, so if I have a problem, the first thing I WON'T hear is, "Well, you're not doing it the way we told you to." But Pete says that there should be no conflicts because assigning controls in FSUIPC through FSX is not doing it any differently than through FSX itself. Pete also says that it should be only one of two ways - FSX controls or FSUIPC controls...if FSUIPC is used, the FSX controllers should be shut off, or there will be conflicts between the two. Well, I digress. I'm getting ready to purchase the Flight1 Beech King Air, and as usual, I've been watching several videos on the plane. Froogle has an excellent series on it, and in the very first one, he states that the throttles, "like the PMDG models", are supposed to be set up using FSX and not FSUIPC. And so his throttles are set up in FSX and the rest of his controls are set up using FSUIPC. Now this goes totally against what Pete says (see above), and so I am up here asking the veterans for input. How does one use both, if doing so can cause conflicts? I've been using Pete's stuff so far with no problems, but I'm now wondering how you can set up the throttles in FSX (which would mean turning on the controllers in FSX), and then set up the other controls in FSUIPC. To those who do use FSUIPC (and I would think that most of you do), you know why. It's so nice to be able to set up your controllers differently for every aircraft, something that you simply cannot do in FSX. I love FSUIPC and would never think of NOT using it, but I love the PMDG aircraft that I have, and want to do it the way it was designed to work. And now with the King Air, the issue has resurfaced. Input, anyone?
  7. I am running FSX/SE exclusively, nothing else on my machine. I recently updated my 777 FS2Crew, which was running nicely as it was. First messages I started getting when I booted FSX was a warning that my RAAS was out of date and did I want to update it. Now, I never purchased a stand-alone RAAS software, and it came as part of the 777 FS2Crew. When I said yes, it crashed. Next time, and subsequently several times after, I said no and FSX loaded as usual. NOw I ma getting a warning that says there is a problem with RAAS, and if I continue to load it, there will be problems - do I want to try and load it, or skip it. So I skip it and all runs okay. I'd like to get rid of these warnings altogether, so what's going on, and how can I fix it?
  8. gpbarth

    I Give Up!

    I'm back! And hopefully, I can make this thing work with LINDA v 2.64. The first thing I'd like to know is if I can use FSUIPC for those aircraft that won't work with LINDA. If you read back over this thread, you'll see the problems I had specifically with the Carenado Grand Caravan. Is the rule, LINDA for everything or no LINDA? If I can use the modules that work for LINDA and program FSUIPC for those that do not, I think I can make this happen. For instance, if I save my FSUIPC.ini file and then delete it so a new one will be created, and then set up LINDA for those aircraft with modules, and then go back and set up FSUIPC for the Carenado (and any other planes that won't work with LINDA), then I'll go ahead and give it another shot. I was impressed that there is already a new module out for the A2A Comanche, which I just purchased. And the RealAir Turbine Duke is there, too. So I hope that the "mix & match" plan will work. BTW, maybe someone can do the module for the Grand Caravan EX. If that happened, I'd have all of the aircraft I currently use with modules in LINDA. (Hint, hint...)
  9. The exe file was gone. The entire PFPX folder was gone. I couldn't even uninstall it because it wasn't even in the Uninstall list on Windows. The shortcut was still there, but not the familiar "Globe" and when I clicked on it, it simply said that the program it pointed to no longer existed. After some esoteric registry manipulation (which scared the hell out of me and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone), I got to re-install it and it's now working fine. I have absolutely NO idea what happened...just hope it won't happen again.
  10. As a follow-up, here are all of the registry entires I can find for PFPX, using Regedit.: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software/Flightsimsoft.com\PFPX\AddOns HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software/Flightsimsoft.com\PFPX\Airline HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software/Flightsimsoft.com\PFPX\Position HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software/Flightsimsoft.com\PFPX\RecentRoutes HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Intellipoint\AppSpecific\PFPX.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft/Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\3a657db5_0, which has an entry about Harddisk Volume 3 and a location to the exe file HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RADAR\HeapLeakDetection\DiagnosedApplications\PFPX.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\PFPX_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1A5D2729-4A3B-4CD5-85C8-4896FD44B78D} HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1622759455-950381382-3326698966-1000\Software\FlightSimSoft.com\PFPX HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1622759455-950381382-3326698966-1000\Software\Microsoft\IntelliPoint\AppSpecific\AS_PFPX_UPD_V114.exe HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1622759455-950381382-3326698966-1000\Software\Microsoft\IntelliPoint\AppSpecific\PFPX.exe HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1622759455-950381382-3326698966-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\3a657db5_0 That is everything I can find in the registry. Does this look like it would be safe to delete (after doing a backup, of course)? I'm skeptical of commercial registry cleaners, and hate to pay $$ to do this. Besides, I have the commercial version of CCleaner, and the registry cleaner hasn't found any of this stuff, despite the fact that there is NO PFPX directory with ANY files in it anywhere on my hard drives.
  11. Running Win 7/64 with FSX SE, and of course every other add-on known to man. I recently installed the A2A Comanche, the Flight1 GTN750, and a whole bunch of ORBX Alaska scenery. Had a problem with Aivlasoft EFB, so I uninstalled/reinstalled it, and in the process, I went to launch PFPX to get some data from it. My Taskbar icon was a generic cube instead of the familiar globe, and when I clicked on it, the message said the shortcut wasn't valid. Uh-oh! Went to the Windows start menu - not there! Opened Windows Explorer, couldn't even find th right directory. Did a search of my entire computer, and all I found was the installation file. So I went and downloaded the current version, and tried to install it. Message said I had to uninstall it first. Went to the Control Panel, and there was nothing to uninstall. Tried the update, and it said I had to have PFPX installed first. So PFPX is nowhere on my machine, but I have to remove it! So my final question is this: what's the consequences of doing a search of my registry, and deleting every instance of PFPX? I am not comfortable doing this, but... Any registry experts out there?
  12. And now I see that ORBX is partnering with Steam to produce the "first SE ORBX scenery for Friday Harbor!" Does this mean that all of their scenery will be working with FSX SE? Strangely enough, the errors have stopped after I ran several more "updates" and patches, so I checked out the Juneau airport, and it seems to be working with my SE, anyway. Is there a story behind all of this? Is or isn't ORBX scenery working with SE? Inquiring minds want to know.
  13. Well, it's happening again. Jusat installed Global Vector, Pacific Fjords, Juneau and Ketchikan, and I get a similar error - same message but it's just "ObjectFlow.dll" FSX won't start unless I skip the error, and then loads without EZ-Dok and the VC. I'm downloading a patch for the Juneau airport, per the admin. and trying again. What is ORBX doing? Didn't work! What next? Just dropped in over at the ORBX forums, and it seems that all of this stuff doesn't work with FSX SE, so I just spent over $160 on nothing. I would have hoped that ORBX could have posted a visible warning on their pages about this. Seems the ObjectFlow.dll stuff isn't compatible with SE: 3. Our ObjectFlow DLL library does not yet work with FSX:SE, which means any dynamic scenery elements displayed at our airports will not work. Specifically this means that you may NOT see animated people, 3D grasses, animated trees, animated animals, snow on roofs in winter, animated moving vehicles - basically anything that the airport developer has chosen to control conditionally based on time or season. The airport is still going to be functional and you will be able to land there and use it normally, but expect a few or in some cases, many things to be missing from the ground. Objectflow.dll not working is due to FSX.exe being a newly compiled version and we have to test and re-sign ObjectFlow.dll to the new code. We will announce this new DLL as being available ASAP. (UPDATE): Also note that Dovetail have already pushed out a service pack which has already changed the version number of fsx.exe; with each new service pack pushed out via steam, it will necessitate Orbx patching Objectflow.dll each time. We will ultimately work toward having an automated delivery system of our DLLs so this can be done independently of our Orbxlibs patches.
  14. That fixed it. There was not only an update but a patch as well. Lookin' good, my first flight in the Turbine Duke from Juneau to ketchikan was beautiful! Thanks for the tip!
  15. Sorry for the incomplete post prior to this one. Here is the exact message I am getting when FSX SE loads. If I click on YES, FSX immediately crashes. If I click on NO, FSX apparently loads okay, and I have had no problems with running several PMDG and A2A aircraft. BUT - I have yet to try and fly out of any areas within the Southern Alaska scenery. As I stated previously, I have been using FTX Global with no problems...it was only after I loaded the Southern Alaska region that I got this error. And researching the error seemed to point me to ORBX. I always install as admin, BTW.
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