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Can't hear F/O

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I started a flight today and all of a sudden I couldn't hear my F/O.  He would still respond to my commands and prompts by actioning the appropriate items for that checklist but I couldn't hear him.

I completed an audio test and I couldn't hear that test either.  

Any solutions or ideas why his voice suddenly cut out? 


Lucas Gozzard.

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Try this:


Problem: The FO's volume is jumpy.


Go to Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Sound -> Communications.  Select "Do Nothing" when Windows detects communications activity and click apply.



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Hi Bryan, I am a long time user and fan of many of the FS2crew products, and they have all given me a trouble free experience.  Unfortunately, I have started having this issue as well.   First Officer will carry upon the required tasks, but I get no aural feedback from him.  Sometimes the sound will kick in during some tasks, but 90% of the time the FO is silent.   I have tried numerous workarounds, including the suggestions listed in this and other threads, and I have uninstalled and clean reinstalled twice so far, to no avail.   This issue is a real head scratcher for me.   Could it have been a windows update?


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When did it start happening?

It could be a driver issue (maybe associated with the Creator's update)?

Maybe your speaker connection is loose?  Check that.

If using a USB headset, try a different port.  Be sure to retrain your voice.

Code doesn't really break down like a car, so something changed on your system somewhere.




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I have also randomly been having this same issue: once out of every 9-10 flights, the FO and flight attendant suddenly go quiet - the FA at least definitely still carries out tasks, but there's no audio feedback, nor do I hear anything from the FA (such as 'ready for boarding' etc).

Also no sound when doing PAs or when playing the audio test. 

However, Cabin PA announcements ('its now ok to use your electronic devices' etc) are audible.

I've also tried uninstalling / reinstalling etc and such. PC and the PMDG / P3Dv4 audio itself is working just fine. Definitely not a driver or USB headset issue - as noted, the system is hearing and recognizing my voice just fine (confirmed both by the green dialogue box and by the fact that the FA carries out tasks).

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As noted - it's not a problem with the headset (which doesn't 'go to sleep' in any event). I don't have the sound coming out of my headset, it's coming out of my speakers, and the speakers are of course working just fine.

The FO hears me just fine, and responds as normal right up until he stops responding (sometimes in the middle of a checklist). The FO continues to 'hear' me, since he carries out tasks, but there's just no audio feedback.


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Yes, it's the randomness that's been driving me crazy. I will be taking notes the next time(s) it happens to see if there are any obvious similarities.

I think just about every time it's happened, it's been in the pre-take off stage - I'd say I'm 90% confident it's never happened with the plane in the air. 

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My hardware hasn't changed in several years, and works rock-solid with every other application, and in fact works just fine with FS2Crew - except for the FO and FA not being audible.


It's not a hardware issue, it's a software issue. 

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The first post regarding this issue was 2017, how 'recent' are we talking here? 

I've had this for quite a while, certainly not 'recent'. 


Speakers in Windows are of course set to Stereo, have always been set to stereo.

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11 hours ago, WattsUp said:

The first post regarding this issue was 2017, how 'recent' are we talking here? 

I've had this for quite a while, certainly not 'recent'. 


Speakers in Windows are of course set to Stereo, have always been set to stereo.

Recent as in last month.  We received a few reports of a recent Windows update messing up people's audio hardware.

Try updating your audio driver.



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