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P.180 Avanti II available again

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On 11/23/2018 at 5:42 PM, Airfighter said:

Since today is Black Friday...why dont' get one for free? 😃

v2.1.1 is now available! Get it!


A small update have been uploaded, fixing a bug of getting soft crash if entered flight plan prior to select the departure. Please visit the link above and read the instructions how to update without the need of re-downloading the whole aircraft.


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It says i have no permission to see that content apparently. Weird, i am logged in and i had previously downloaded other versions of it in the past

Chock 1.1: "The only thing that whines louder than a jet engine is a flight simmer."


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1 hour ago, france89 said:

It says i have no permission to see that content apparently. Weird, i am logged in and i had previously downloaded other versions of it in the past

I have the same problem.

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1 hour ago, france89 said:

It says i have no permission to see that content apparently. Weird, i am logged in and i had previously downloaded other versions of it in the past


2 minutes ago, jt8d9a said:

I have the same problem.

Waits admin approval. Please try again later.


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10 hours ago, france89 said:

It says i have no permission to see that content apparently. Weird, i am logged in and i had previously downloaded other versions of it in the past


8 hours ago, jt8d9a said:

I have the same problem.

Now it is available.


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Hello guys!

A short update. Working now with SimVRlabs to adapt Avanti with VR. A few things are remaining to be ironed out, before ready. With that opportunity, all manipulators have been reworked, specially the throttles, condition levers, and flaps. Now they have a "gated" fill, which means that they will "stick" a bit in the various positions.

Also I have remapped the whole exterior of the plane to allow for easier painting, which means that the old liveries won't work. I will try to do, except a white basic, another one maybe, and then hopefully the community could jump in to do more.

In conclusion, a new version (2.2) is on the horizon.


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Great news Airfighter!

Is it possible to lower a bit the gloss of the instruments? Sometimes the glass panels look too white or washed out, anyway is just a preference. Many thanks for such a gift for the community.

Alexander Colka

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Great news indeed. Looking forward for v2.2.

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Hello to all!

Version 2.2.0.VR is now available!


- VR compatibility in cooperation with SimVRLabs.
- New outside mapping. Incuded 1 basic (white) texture and the XB-KSW.
- Includes previous fixes.
- Initial Avitab implementation on MFD (3rd page). No "touch" controls yet.
- New manipulators, due to compatibility with VR.
- Manipulators for Flaps, Condition Levers, and Throttles with detends. 

Get it here:



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