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Which SIM for an IFR simulator?

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The closest aircraft I've found is an RV-9A. It appears no one has modeled a 10 yet. Creating a 2d panel isn't all that difficult. There are many at http://fsdeveloper.com who'd likely take on the task either for a modest fee, or maybe just for fun.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:36 PM, Chock said:

Here's a freeware RV-10 for FSX:

Alan, the .rar is password protected. No password 'hint' is provided... :blush:

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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55 minutes ago, n4gix said:

Alan, the .rar is password protected. No password 'hint' is provided... :blush:


Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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Thanks for the password, Alan.

Oh my! Whoever created this seems to have "borrowed" quite a few gauges from two payware developers: Lionheart Creations and Eaglesoft are two that I can readily identify.

Also, the 2d panel is from Eaglesoft's Columbia 400 package. I recognized it immediately because I spent many, many hours creating it. Owen Hewitt made it even prettier. :gaul:

The registration tag on the panel "N2546W" also nailed down the identification to the real world aircraft we modeled.







PHL - February 24, 2009



Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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I think based upon what I want to do with the sim, I'll stick to either one of the sim's built-in aircraft (I got a boxed version of FSX) or perhaps one from one of the usual suspect 3rd party developers. The airframe really doesn't matter (although fixed gear is preferable) as it's all about the avionics.  Speaking of which, the Flight1 G500/600 and GTN addons look like they fit the bill nicely.  So any piston-single that is capable of stable 120kts approaches and is compatible with the Fight1 addons will work.  

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Another way to go is the Flight1 G500/600 + GTN750 in an Alabeo Seminole.

I know, the wrong aircraft, but the right avionics!

P3DV4 on a powerful PC  (i7 7700K + GTX770) and you've got a great IFR trainer..


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Here's an example of the setup I'm taking about, except I'd like to use a touch monitor and of course replace the G1000 with the G500/600-GTN 650 combo:


What I don't know is which sim would implement this best as there's apparently multiple ways to the skin the cat.

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22 minutes ago, auburntsts said:

Here's an example of the setup I'm taking about, except I'd like to use a touch monitor and of course replace the G1000 with the G500/600-GTN 650 combo:


What I don't know is which sim would implement this best as there's apparently multiple ways to the skin the cat.

Still think this may be the way to go.. over time, integration in other aircraft will be offered..



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15 minutes ago, Bert Pieke said:

Still think this may be the way to go.. over time, integration in other aircraft will be offered..


Concur on Flight1, but why P3D over FSX (which I already have) considering my relatively modest performance requirements?  Great looking raindrops on the windscreen, terrain, other visuals have little appeal to me, at least at the moment.

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44 minutes ago, auburntsts said:

Hi Folks,

Be warmed - it’s a slippery slope... We have a pretty exclectic mix of professionals around here - from 10,000 hour 747 instructors and senior FAA ATC officials on down - who seem to get a great deal of enjoyment from the simulators...

FSX is capped - end of life cycle - you can certainly use it especially with meager plans for third party addons - look/feel - I just wouldn’t spend any money on addons unless they include both sims for the same price...

I enjoy flying IMC for practice - but to get the most out of it - I like having the most realistic atmosphere in order to do that - the clouds and weather at a minimum - need to emulate the experience I see in a real cockpit... At a minimum - Active Sky - is a must and it seems to perform the best in P3D...

If you have FSX - it makes sense to try it on the cheap and see the if you have any interest before spending a large sum of cash - to make sure it’s something you like, you’ll stick with it,  and it satisfies your needs...





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49 minutes ago, auburntsts said:

Concur on Flight1, but why P3D over FSX (which I already have) considering my relatively modest performance requirements?  Great looking raindrops on the windscreen, terrain, other visuals have little appeal to me, at least at the moment.

If you like FSX, stick with it a while longer, if it will do the job.

Once you experience P3DV4 and see that the autogen is no longer popping up in clumps.. you will not want to go back.. but it does require at least a GTX1070..  As Scott said: slippery slope..


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20 hours ago, n4gix said:

Thanks for the password, Alan.

Oh my! Whoever created this seems to have "borrowed" quite a few gauges from two payware developers: Lionheart Creations and Eaglesoft are two that I can readily identify.

Also, the 2d panel is from Eaglesoft's Columbia 400 package. I recognized it immediately because I spent many, many hours creating it. Owen Hewitt made it even prettier. :gaul:

The registration tag on the panel "N2546W" also nailed down the identification to the real world aircraft we modeled.

Hmm, that's a bit dodgy then, distributing payware gauges in a freebie, and ironic putting a password on something that's nicking gauges lol. Might wanna delete the link although I'll leave that up to you, depends on how much it bothers you.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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23 hours ago, Chock said:

Hmm, that's a bit dodgy then, distributing payware gauges in a freebie, and ironic putting a password on something that's nicking gauges lol. Might wanna delete the link although I'll leave that up to you, depends on how much it bothers you.

I did remove the link to the so-called "freeware package" with the pirated gauges and textures.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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