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AFCAD mods oceanic center

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2 hours ago, jabloomf1230 said:

What does the LNM map view look like with ARTCC airspaces active? Do you see the most recent Seattle Center frequencies or the ones from the default sim?

I'm new to LNM and can't seem to see how to display the ARTCC frequencies.

Here are some screen shots of the LNM map:





i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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The ARTCC boundaries show up in LNM as gray polygons

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0vpxfl9tvun2ba5/KUAO Airspaces.jpg?dl=1

They are activated like all the other airspace options. There are 7 airspace category icons (they look like an airspace boundary) which control the display. The frequencies show up if one hovers the mouse over the map. They also show up in the airspace tab for the airport.


Default Terrain
F:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Scenery\World\scenery\bcvf.BGL

This is also not correct. I'm not sure how this is even possible. My entry in LNM looks like this:



0101 Base

G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Scenery\0101\scenery\APX15150.bgl


G:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_PNW05_SCENERY\scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_KUAO_Aurora_State.bgl


C:\Users\Jay Bloomfield\Documents\fsAerodata Files\Navigation Data\Navaids\scenery\FSAD_comms.BGL


C:\Users\Jay Bloomfield\Documents\fsAerodata Files\Navigation Data\P3D\PROC\scenery\KUAO.BGL


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4 hours ago, jabloomf1230 said:

The ARTCC boundaries show up in LNM as gray polygons

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0vpxfl9tvun2ba5/KUAO Airspaces.jpg?dl=1

They are activated like all the other airspace options. There are 7 airspace category icons (they look like an airspace boundary) which control the display. The frequencies show up if one hovers the mouse over the map. They also show up in the airspace tab for the airport.

This is also not correct. I'm not sure how this is even possible. My entry in LNM looks like this:


I reapplied all of the fsaerodata updates and then did the file copy/rename and can see the airspaces now.  Ran VoxATC indexer but still get the oceanic center.

I'm also now getting an error from FTX Central.  I think I'll put everything back pre fsaerodata and start over.


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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Restored to pre fsaerodata, reapplied fsaerodata and did the file rename bit, ran the indexer everything looks right in LNM but Vox still has me tune to oceanic center. 

I guess I’ll just live with it. 

Thanks for your help and patience Jay!


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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It's definitely a mystery. BTW, every time you make a change to your P3d4 scenery library you also have to  parse the scenery database in LNM. It's a similar process to running the VOXATC Indexer.

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Thanks, yep, I have been doing that.


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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Oceanic Center is what VOXATC uses when the user aircraft is located where there is no ARTCC/FIR data. If you fly an IFR flight, for example to Spokane, do you get the correct Center frequency handoffs?

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Hmm, I’ll give that a try and see what happens. 


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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On 5/3/2018 at 2:57 PM, jabloomf1230 said:

Oceanic Center is what VOXATC uses when the user aircraft is located where there is no ARTCC/FIR data. If you fly an IFR flight, for example to Spokane, do you get the correct Center frequency handoffs?

Took an IFR flight to Spokane and got all the hand offs I would expect from Portland departure to the different Seattle center frequencies then Spokane approach. Never an oceanic center  

Im thinking I might be a VFR issues so going to repeat the flight VFR.  


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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Flying the same route on the same day only VFR, I’m back to getting oceanic center. I don’t get handed off to the proper controller until,I disable and re-enable Vox enroute.

I guess I just got my Instrument rating. 🙂


i7 4790k @4.7Ghz 32Gb DDR3 1333 RTX 2070 GPU Win10 Pro

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Hello all. I am trying to resolve the issue of VoxATC not handing over to the correct Centre frequency on both a VFR and IFR Flight.

Some back ground:

Simulator: FSX SP2

Operating System: Win 7

Sim Setup: Basic - I only use ORBX Aus/NZ regions for flight sim, no other scenery addons.

Usage: General Aviation flights between CTAF’s & Class C/D

VoxATC Setup: Networked (although this problem occurs when running from simulator machine as well).


Leaving the CTAF Area VoxATC requests contact Oceanic Centre 122.00 (Instead of Melbourne Centre for example).

Mod’s tried to resolve the issue:

Disabled bvcf.bgl as an experiment – This made no difference to the flight. Could this possibly indicate VoxAtc is not referencing this file for ARTCC/FIR boundary information as has been suggested?

Modified the airport frequencies – This made no difference for the Centre frequency, but VoxATC did recognise the changed FSS frequencies instead of Utopia Radio. It also fixed VoxATC referring to an Airport as “Pilot Activated Lighting.”

Created an airport file in apdata and tried adding ATSUCenter – This made no difference, but a couple of the other frequency codes had an effect when running VoxATC with a flight.

Made a copy of some default scenery airports then modified the frequencies – This made no difference.

Turned off all Default scenery – This made no difference.

VoxATC Indexer was run after trying each of the above.

It is almost as though VoxATC is picking up its frequencies from some other source?

Anyway if anyone has had any success resolving the Oceanic Centre issue and can provide me with some guidance I would be very grateful.



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On 1/26/2022 at 4:38 AM, no1spotter said:

Usage: General Aviation flights between CTAF’s & Class C/D

I suspect that there is missing data in the bvcf.bgl at the lower levels of Class C/D airspace ...... which might be seen / not seen in LNM.

It could be that Center has lower limits above your cruise & VoxATC hence reverts to Oceanic ..... difficult to suggest if that is the case without plan details.

To fix that, one would need to edit the file.

for now, cheers

john martin

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Hi John. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my Question. You appear to be correct with your comment relating to my flight plan altitudes and the lower limits of the FIR Boundaries.

I wanted to attach a screen shot of the area around Melbourne with just the FIR boundaries and lower/upper limit altitudes but I don't understand "Insert Image From URL?" (I haven't used Flight Sim in a while)

When I have done small flights to test "contacting Centre" (eg from YMNG to YBDG) my altitude has never been above 4000 ft.

By editing the file (I assume you mean the bvcf.bgl) would that mean setting the all FIR Lower Limits to 0 to enable VoxATC to recognise them for VFR Flights?

Before any editing I will try another flight plan with the cruise altitude set above the FIR Lower Limit, then after take off circle above the departure Apt to reach the Alt before setting course. I will report back.

Thanks again.

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16 minutes ago, no1spotter said:

By editing the file (I assume you mean the bvcf.bgl) would that mean setting the all FIR Lower Limits to 0 to enable VoxATC to recognise them for VFR Flights?

Yes, I suspect so ..... but as a Class A/B airspace user I'm a tad unsure of how VoxATC may respond.

With both FSX & P3D, I have only occasionally wondered why the BNXWorld0.bgl which includes Class A to E does not include comms data (& which VoxATC would use)   ....... even if not current.

Maybe others from the north can help @kevinfirth 

for now, cheers

john martin

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Hello all. Here is my update regarding Oceanic Centre.

I tested a small VFR Cross country flight from YMNG to YBDG all in class G airspace using a VoxATC’s network setup 7.42. I used the Slew function to climb to 10,000 ft to try and see if the issue was altitude related. This appears not to be the case as I was once again handed over to Oceanic Centre.

I then ran the same flight again this time from the main PC running FSX – ie with no network. This time VoxATC did pick up the Area Control Frequency listed in YMNG’s Airport frequencies!

Reversing this flight however from YBDG to YMNG using just the main PC I was once again handed over to Oceanic Centre.

YBDG’s Area Control Frequency is (Centre) is listed as Class C Airspace

YMNG’s Area Control Frequency is (Centre) is listed as Class B Airspace (Works with VoxATC)

So the only clue I have to go on at this stage for VFR flights is that VoxATC possibly uses Class B airspace for its Area Control (Centre) frequencies?

Also strange is that VoxATC is picking up the Class B Frequency when the lower limit is 8,500 ft even though the flight takes place well below that (3000 odd feet for testing). So I’m not sure that editing the bvcf.bgl file will help at this stage.

I will have to test this some more and change the frequency of YBDG to a class B frequency to see if it makes any difference.

After repeated testing there appears to be a fault with VoxATC’s Network side of things for the Ocenic Centre issue (Tested 7.41, 7.42 & 7.43). Using the VFR flight above departing from YMNG repeatedly just keeps handing me over to Oceanic Centre. This issue has been reported before on this Forum by another VoxATC user.

Also using Netserver 7.43 there is a glitch when getting ready to taxi to the runway. It comes up with the following message:

Announce taxi intentions#COMMA press ‘0’(Zero) to select another runway.

Pressing 0 does nothing, but when using Netserver 7.42 it let you select another runway.

Another thing I found during this testing is: In the VAsettings.xml there is this line:

<CruiseNoCenter Value="TRUE" />

If the TRUE is changed to FALSE a flight can be completed (Network or Main PC) without having to contact a Centre which for some VFR flights is OK.

I will report back again with further findings. Any comments welcome. Thanks.

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