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Show only addons (airport)

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5 hours ago, albar965 said:

@sloppysmusic I don't get it. Why don't you just use the "add-on" checkbox in the search instead of fiddling with folders and patterns?

Yes, maybe I should read more posts and do less programming in the future.:wink:


To anyone too busy to read the OP and other relevant posts I will state them clearly again here:

Neither the search or map display allow me to display add on airports ONLY. Selecting the show add on only buttons treats EVERY SINGLE AIRPORT including default airports as add-ons. 

Hope this clarification and summarization of earlier posts is helpful! 

Russell Gough

SE London


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I think what Alex suggests (and has programmed so far) works well, although what you think of as a problem actually is not. I guess LNM recognises any airport not included in default sim scenery files / folders as addon airports (Alex knows the best). In other words, I think what you see on the map and consider as not addon airport (e.g., such as AEC airports installed by Orbx Global Vector) in fact is an addon airport for LNM, or as Scott said above, any AEC "triggers a false positive".

What you can do in this case is to first filter addon airports using the tip I described in my previous post, then select the filtered addon airports to make them visible (yellow circles on the map). Like I did for my Norway addon airports. I know, it's still a PITA, as clicking on any of them will deselect all, but as long as you keep the filter with wildcards in the scenery search box and/or until Alex comes up with a better solution (such as using RegEx in the scenery search box to filter out Orbx Global Vector airports), this might help.



Victor Quebec

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I think airports are considered add-on because Orbx vector covers all airports with altitude corrections.

This lets LNM think that all are add-on and makes all search and display options useless.

You can exclude these altitude corrections in the options dialog. Here is in the manual are a few examples: Select Paths to exclude add-on recognition.


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1 hour ago, albar965 said:

I think airports are considered add-on because Orbx vector covers all airports with altitude corrections.

This lets LNM think that all are add-on and makes all search and display options useless.

You can exclude these altitude corrections in the options dialog. Here is in the manual are a few examples: Select Paths to exclude add-on recognition.


Thanks I think we are getting somewhere here. What I would really like to do is instead of EXCLUDING what I don't want I would like to INCLUDE only what I DO want. So only scan the orbx directory and one other scenery I own and that's it. I never use any default airport ever so they just clog up the database. 

If I have to exclude instead of include then I would like to exclude the entire default scenery libraries if that's possible. 

As regards AEC even if Vector has altered every single airport as long as they are not in the orbx directory but the defaults then I should be able to exclude them right? 

Could I make a feature request? I dont think it's there already but each airport has a star rating. If it was possible to add a custom rating of say 6 stars then it would be easy to display only these. Or have a favorite tag where I can select all my add-ons and tag FAVORITE then display only favorite on map screen or search. 

Bina thanks for your input too but if I can't just show the add on airports then I may as well load my save route files showing all the add-ons only in every region as well as per continent. The only minor issue there is that they are of course all connected as one massive route but it only takes seconds to delete all but 2 and save as CURRENT route. 

Russell Gough

SE London


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This solved it for me. Now ONLY add on airports show in LNM, no matter who the developer is as all addons are NOT in the fsx/scenery folder. I dont know if this is relevant but when i click the ADD DIRECTORY button the first time c:/programdata/ms/fsx was selected by default where no scenery is actual installed, just the scenery.cfg files.

By the same logic if I had added the folder above to the bottom add-on recognition section it might work as intended (actually EXCLUDING all DEFAULT airports as add-ons ironically) , showing all airports unless ADDON only was selected. I did not try this as I never use default airports.



I tried adding the AEC airport list to the excluded as addon list and the global vector 'free' addons but under all circumstances, whatever is place in the EXCLUDE as addon section the following always occurs:

1) When the map button FORCE MAP TO SHOW ADDON AIRPORTS is unchecked ZERO airports show and ALL airports in the current loaded DB show when it is CHECKED.

2) In search window despite adding exclusions to the addon list section when ADDON tick box is checked EVERY airport is in search results, and when it is UNCHECKED ZERO airports show.

Conclusion from above is even though I know have much more useful data in LNM for my purposes the ADDON logic has no effect whatsoever under any scenario. EVERY airport is considered an addon even if I tell LNM to exclude it. (I cannot get rid of AEC airports from add on list or map whatever I do).

In the end to rid myself of these annoying AEC airports I never use I moved all of the AEC and Fixed_APT folders out of the ORBX folder completely and ran load DB again.  LNM reported accurately 2 errors for missing scenery so I deleted their entries with Scenery Config Editor, reloaded with no errors this time and finally I have nothing but my addons showing (YAY!),

The only thing I could improve now would be to separate the Minor addons (freeware/global ftx/region airports etc) from the Major addons (full payware addon airports) on the map screen (easy enough during search using keywords).

Loaded Database is now:

4968 Airports Total

Approx 160 major addons the rest being minor addons.

Oh BTW, any chance of increasing max search option from 8000nm to 13000nm so I can cover the whole planet in my search? This is the only way I can think to only list my major addons plus I cant fly from the UK to Australia with current 8000 limit! (Yes I know I need stopovers but not for long these days)




Russell Gough

SE London


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13 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

Thanks I think we are getting somewhere here. What I would really like to do is instead of EXCLUDING what I don't want I would like to INCLUDE only what I DO want. So only scan the orbx directory and one other scenery I own and that's it. I never use any default airport ever so they just clog up the database. 

Include is on the list for 2.4 since it was already requested several times: https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap/issues/296

14 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

If I have to exclude instead of include then I would like to exclude the entire default scenery libraries if that's possible. 

You'll loose all navaids if not using Navigraph data or only the ILS if you use Navigraph.

14 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

As regards AEC even if Vector has altered every single airport as long as they are not in the orbx directory but the defaults then I should be able to exclude them right? 


14 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

Could I make a feature request? I dont think it's there already but each airport has a star rating. If it was possible to add a custom rating of say 6 stars then it would be easy to display only these. Or have a favorite tag where I can select all my add-ons and tag FAVORITE then display only favorite on map screen or search.  

Thinking about this. But for now you can simply right click on an airport in the map and do "Add Userpoint for ...". This will create a POI with an airport symbol and all airport data pre-filled. Simplest way to keep you favorites. This is not linked to the airport, though.

13 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

I dont know if this is relevant but when i click the ADD DIRECTORY button the first time c:/programdata/ms/fsx was selected by default where no scenery is actual installed, just the scenery.cfg files.

Small bug. It should point to the base path.

13 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

Oh BTW, any chance of increasing max search option from 8000nm to 13000nm so I can cover the whole planet in my search?

I dunno. I guess search would freak out and program might freeze with these distances.
Keep in mind that a search radius of more than 10800 NM includes all airports on earth.

BTW: In 2.2 you can now exclude files and you can also select more than one in the file dialog. Same multi select for the lists in LNM's options dialog to ease deleting entries.

BTW 2: All checked again and the program logic is OK as far as I can see. If another BGL from another (not add-on excluded place) overrides you airport it will be considered add-on again. This can happen with fsAerodata updates, for example which add procedures to an add-on airport.


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3 hours ago, albar965 said:

You'll loose all navaids if not using Navigraph data or only the ILS if you use Navigraph.

What does this mean? I use Navigraph data and see VOR/ADF and ILS info plus feathers in LNM. Obviously the actual sim is not affected by anything in LNM but I can't see what I'm missing here?

3 hours ago, albar965 said:

Include is on the list for 2.4 since it was already requested several times

Brilliant! Except that link mentions only XP and P3D?

3 hours ago, albar965 said:

I dunno. I guess search would freak out and program might freeze with these distances.
Keep in mind that a search radius of more than 10800 NM includes all airports on earth.

ah true I was talking statute not nautical miles. My mistake.But even so YES PLEASE I want to search every airport on Earth and not be limited by distance at all, except using it as a sort method. Program would not freeze as long as it only displays first 200/300 airports in list?

I have around 170 OrbX airports it would be great to see them finally all on one search! I cant see them all separately on the map yet I just get tantalizingly close in the search area. Am planning round the world routes right now and being able to search the whole planet makes it much easier calculating shortest distance between various continents etc. 

3 hours ago, albar965 said:

If another BGL from another (not add-on excluded place) overrides you airport it will be considered add-on again.

This is still a mystery to me. No longer issue with defaults as I removed them all but wish there was a built in flag we could use for displaying/searching that differentiates major payware airports from OrbX from there thousands of minor ones!

Overall as I wrote a couple years ago, brilliant program for which I would definitely pay to use especially all the support!

Russell Gough

SE London


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15 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

What does this mean? I use Navigraph data and see VOR/ADF and ILS info plus feathers in LNM. Obviously the actual sim is not affected by anything in LNM but I can't see what I'm missing here?

Disregard. Add-on airports normally come with their own ILS.


15 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

Program would not freeze as long as it only displays first 200/300 airports in list?

The problem is that I have to load all airports internally when doing the spatial search. This can easily freeze the application. Not an issue for you since you already see add-on airports only but for others.

I'll do some test how far I can go. Anything bigger than half of earth circumference does not make sense anyway.

15 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

This is still a mystery to me. No longer issue with defaults as I removed them all but wish there was a built in flag we could use for displaying/searching that differentiates major payware airports from OrbX from there thousands of minor ones!

I'll take not of that. Maybe it makes sense to ignore plain altitude adjustments in a manner that the airport is not marked add-on. Have to see. Sometimes changes like this open a can of worms and introduce new bugs.


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I've got this working correctly. It shows only my FSDT, Flightbeam, FlyTampa, LatinVFR, T2G, and Orbx region airports on the map when I click the show only add-on airports button.

I had to exclude the following 3 Orbx folders the in the exclude from add-on recognition box (and reload the scenery library in LNM).




Alex, Little Navmap is the BEST!

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