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How do I inject Scenery from external device


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Hi Alan,

Both the structure and the contents of your Scenery Library are as they should be. 
You could try reducing the radius of scenery to be displayed. If you’re starting from an airport in the middle of the country and loading a large ‘Default Scenery Radius’, you might be grabbing more data than you need. 
Adding further volumes shouldn’t add more time - you won’t be able to access all volumes together. 
Airports are comparatively significantly smaller than photo scenery and therefore won’t add substantially to loading times. 
As I’m sure you’ll understand, the areas loaded are governed by your settings/FSX itself and aren’t something we can control. The manual recommends how best to tweak performance for your system. 
Ultimately anti-virus and SSD performance will be the limiting factors.
Horizon Simulation Ltd

Well this is the end of the post.

i will buy. a SSD, unfortunately I have no spare slots on the Pcie , So Thunderbolt is not an option. The slot I need has a com port board to connect my PFC Console, usb to comport adaptor was useless.

so it will have to be SATA 6  transfer rate 6 Gbs,sec, or USB 3.1 think this is 6 gbs too. 

Will let you know how I get on.







  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All.

Purchased a Sandisk Extreme 2Tb, External  SSD, transfer rate 850 mb sec. Made up a supporting tray and used a graphics slot so as to mount it inside the case just like a card.

Horizon say drag the folder over to the new drive, rather tan spend 5 hours loading the discs , I can drag them over OK.

But what about all the FSX Library entries, some how I don’t think FSX will automatically find these folds on the new SSD.

Any ideas on how to get FSX to point to Scenery.

Do I delete all, re add, or untick, or how.

I have four Volumes, really I would like just 4 entries, rather than the 60 entries I have now showing in the Library.






This is just a nightmare , I tranferd my Scenery from a Synology Ethernet Storage Dirive, which consists of two Hard Dives in Raid. I spent 5 to 6 hours loading this scenery.

The  Ethernet can take 1 Gb sec, (85 Gbs of Scenery tranferd to a new SSD at 70.2 MPs sec and took 20 minutes. ) was Why so slow. ,!!

Now it’s all on my nice new SSD, but FSX originall  entries In the Library can,t find it.  Sod the scenery, In reality I have concluded the closes FSX comes to the real world of flying is 300ft Cloud base and 2000 meter vis. Because  that’s the Only part of FSX that  feels exactly like as it is.









Hi. I’m just updating, as I see others are interested, but I’m having trouble.

I was scanning Google for answers, and came across myself way back in 2012 on Simflight  Having the Same problems with this  Horizon Scenery,

In 2012  I stated  the FSX Map turns blue ie all sea backgrounds no land with all the Nav aids ete like in the sea

Just looked ,  it’s the Same today on this install 2019. I’m thinking of binning it all.  But a new lot would be expected.




Have you tried the excellent and free Scenery Config Editor? You can easily choose which scenery to use per flight to save loading time and VAS. I can post screen shots later showing my config if you like. I have a LOT of scenery world wide so have to have some way of organizing it before I fly. 

Russell Gough

SE London



FSX will load ALL photoscenery at startup, regardless of location, near or far..

That is just the way FSX works..

If you want to reduce loading times, you have to disable scenery that you do not need for the flight..

Cumbersome, yes.. but it is the way it is..:unsure:



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