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RE: FS Global RW and P3DV5

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Finally found out what the problem was.  It was FSUIPC, not the weather program.

The FSUIPC 6 new install didn't get registered properly.

What happened was that for some reason SimMarket had my name spelled slightly differently with an additional underscore ( _ ) where a blank space normally would be (I have two first names), so the registration details were different for the original WideFS 7 old order and the new FSUIPC 6 order.  After I noticed this, I re-installed FSUIPC 6 and then checked the different registration details box that came up after starting the install.  This allows you to put in stuff for two separate orders if they don't exactly match.

Just letting people know in case anyone else has the same problem.

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few of questions about fs global real weather...

1. does it support vatsim weather ?

2. am i right in thinking if you owned it for v4 its a 6 euro upgrade to v5 ?

3. is it stable in v5 or causing ctds like activesky.



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1. It uses real metar reports, so far I used it it is always exactly like the wel met are.

2. Yes, but you need to register your serial on their website

3. it is stable, I like it much better then Active sky the cloud layers are great. Had no CTD at all with Active Sky every flight, also ASCA clouds look like from a “1960” comic book

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