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Puzzling install problem (resolved)

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I am helping a new RXP GTN customer with his GTN installation and am running into a puzzling problem.

Hopefully someone recognizes what is going on and can suggest what to do next.

Sim is P3DV3, the installation appears to complete correctly, although Simconnect complains that "this account already exists"..

When we look at Documents\Prepar3dV3 Addons.. the Reality XP folder is there, and in Program Files x86, the Reality XP Gauges are all present.

However, after starting up P3D, there is nothing in the Addons tab... and a preconfigured airplane presents with a black spot where the GTN should be.

As a crosscheck, we also tried an install into P3DV4 which is present on the computer, but not very useable since the computer is an i5/16GB laptop without a dedicated video card (!).  However, in this case, the Addons tab lists the RealityXP GTN.

Now I am stumped.. why is the RXP GTN not showing up in the P3DV3 installation, but it does show up in the V4 installation?  Help!




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This is puzzling because both are using the very same add-on.xml technique.

However, can you cross check the P3D 3 add-on.xml is referring to the Reality XP '32' subfolder, not the '64', like shown in the troubleshooting section of the RXP User's Manual?

Otherwise, is it possible it is 'disabled', not in the add-on.xml file, but in one of P3D 3 'config' files?

C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\add-ons.cfg
C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\add-ons.cfg


Jean-Luc | reality-xp.com
This message from Reality XP is protected by a disclaimer: reality-xp.com/aboutrealityxp/email.html

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15 hours ago, Bert Pieke said:

Will check and report back..

OK, Progress!

We copied all three rxp files from the \32 folder into the Gauges folder.

Now the GTN shows up and works in the TBM850 which was the goal..

However, the GTN gives an Invalid Licence - Contact Vendor message
and at some point shuts down..  What do we do next?

BTW.. the locations you mentioned appear to be empty.. could there be an anti virus issue at play?  Edit: The owner tells me that he disabled anti virus prior to installing.. (and I guess the V4 install did succeed..) :happy:


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Besides 3rd party anti-virus, did he check Windows defender?

Anyhow, the P3D 3 folder locations are where P3D3 is supported to save its own settings among which, there are these 2 add-on.cfg files.

It is possible they are not there at least for these 2 reasons:

  1. he has never used the Addon Manager option in P3D and these are created only once this feature runs the first time.
  2. he is running 'as-admin' and P3D saves to another location.

As for the invalid license:

  1. did he installed using the e-commerce installer?

    if not, just run the e-commerce installer, enter the F1 account credentials, select REINSTALL.
  2. did he moved/delete the C:\RealityXP folder?

Last but not least: besides the unit warning the invalid license, what does the subsequent MSG tells exactly?

Jean-Luc | reality-xp.com
This message from Reality XP is protected by a disclaimer: reality-xp.com/aboutrealityxp/email.html

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I only use the  defender, and install the program from the e-commerce,


I have never used Addon Manager option in P3D


And finally the message that appears on the GTN750 screen says, license does not validate, contact the seller.


thank you, and sorry about my english, I only speak spanish


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 I try to enter the e-commerce to do the reinstallation from there, but when I enter my F1 account, it only gives me the option to buy it again, then enter the F1 purchase agent, to try to reinstall from there, but when I jump to the product, it sends me to the link of e-commerce once again, and only gives me the option to buy as I explained at the beginning.

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12 hours ago, ArmandoLora said:

try to enter the e-commerce to do the reinstallation from there, but when I enter my F1 account, it only gives me the option to buy it again,

14 hours ago, RXP said:

just run the e-commerce installer, enter the F1 account credentials, select REINSTALL.



Jean-Luc | reality-xp.com
This message from Reality XP is protected by a disclaimer: reality-xp.com/aboutrealityxp/email.html

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Solved the license problem.

I want to thank everyone who helped me with this installation, the truth is that I am not very technological, especially I want to thank Bert Pieke, for he disinterestedly took care of my problem as if it were his problem, he had the patience of explain everything in detail despite the language barrier. THANK YOU!

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