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Delta Virtual Airlines | flydva.org

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First thing's first: There's a lot of Delta VAs out there. You can't deny that fact. But when it comes to community, schedules, and our crew center, this Delta Virtual does it the best. My name is Jordan Easter and I'm the President of this wonderful airline. Don't let my position fool you, from day one when I joined as a little ol' line pilot I thought this VA was the best one I've ever joined.

The crew center is modern and CONSTANTLY (and I seriously mean constantly) being updated by our CEO, Zac. He works hard to make sure this VA is running as smoothly and amazingly as possible. We have a modern flight tracker so you can see all your fellow pilots in the air, including what flight they're doing, where they're at, what phase, etc. On the side panel, you'll find neatly organized sections. In the flight search page, you can search specific routes, specific aircraft, specific airlines, anything your heart desires. Included there is a visual flight planner; click on any airport on the map and you'll get a neat little web showing all the routes flown out of that airport. Can't decide on a route? Hop on over to our pairing generator, insert point A, point B, departure date, and aircraft type, and get a list of pairings consisting of between two a four legs (you can even do round trips!).

We have EIGHTY-THOUSAND schedules!! 80,000 (80,290 to be exact)! We have schedules from 27 different airlines (even Delta's competitors 🤫), without losing our focus on our Delta roots (and routes). Our tour center is packed with tours that take you across Delta' hubs, explores real-world Delta's first flights, and a vast majority of our tours start in Delta's headquarters of Atlanta, Georgia! 🍑 Also, we operate a Delta Private Jets division, just like real-world Delta. Hop into one of our sleek, modern business jets and fly any flight you want, or fly a route requested by our top business clients.

We have a SkyMiles system that rewards you for events in your flight (but beware, it also comes with penalties for certain events!). Each month, the top ten to fifteen SkyMiles earners are entered into a raffle for prizes, which has included in the past, a free Drzewiecki Design scenery, SimMarket gift card, an iniBuilds livery of the pilots choice, and discounts on FS2Crew products.

Our staff team is full of friendly, hand-picked people, interviewed and picked by our admin team. These staff members have been picked for being friendly and active, as well as being knowledgeable and talented. You'll get to know each and everyone one of us (even our CEO!) in our active Discord chat. Our Discord always has something to talk about, and you'll get to feel like family there!

We don't use automated PIREP approval. You'll get to feel like a real human being in our VA, not just another number on our roster. Our Regional Managers leave personalized comments on your PIREPs. We look at more than just your landing rate! Remember: You're not just a number on a roster and a landing rate, you're a human being.

While we constantly advertise VATSIM events, we also have our own Event Coordinator who plans our tours and group flights within the VA. We just added two new tours: Dangerous Airports - Americas and Dangerous Airports - Europe. Will you dare to test your hand at some of the hardest approaches around the world?

We also have a long list of partners, included in there is VATSTAR. We've partnered with them to bring some of the newer people a training experience to get them on their feet. VATSTAR works with VATSIM to train pilots on their network and to help them get their pilot ranks on VATSIM. This will be useful in the future when VATSIM makes their rank switch in the near future. We have a dedicated Director of Pilot Training that is also a mentor with VATSTAR that can answer any questions you may have about their program and help get you started.

We also have our own checklists for some of our more popular aircraft, with more being worked on.

Speaking of aircraft, we have a ranking system that limits you to certain aircraft until you rank up. Work your way from Regional Pilot, flying our beautiful regional jets, all the way up to Corporate Pilot!

All-in-all, I really, truly, believe that Delta Virtual is THE BEST VA I've flown for, and I think you will too. We have everything: A modern crew center, a wonderful community, schedules galore, events, a training center, organized Standard Operating Procedures, and friendly staff. What more could one want? Why don't you join us and let us know! https://www.flydva.org/

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I was a member of your VA and it was ok.  The website is one of those that is cookie cutter, like many others.  The thing that forced me to look at another VA was when you made the change to include almost any airline into your schedules.  Now, instead of being a Delta VA, you have become pretty much just like Project Fly or Sim Tool kit pro.  I know you are gonna say, well people like being able to fly other liveries.  Sometimes you have to stay true to your values and not cater to every request people want.  You really can't call yourself a Delta VA, because you really aren't anymore Delta than you are say Southwest or American.  Since I left your VA, I found an outstanding Delta VA.  This one has an original website, not a plug and play site.  They do not allow livery substitutions and they fly Delta and SkyTeam only. 

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Yes, very strange that it has just disappeared. Does anyone know what happened? I know I was never told they were shutting it down. 

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... and this is why there is only one Delta Virtual I would consider - https://www.deltava.org

I still have logbook entries from 2001 there, safe and sound.



Luke Kolin

I make simFDR, the most advanced flight data recorder for FSX, Prepar3D and X-Plane.

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You may also consider The Delta Virtual  https://www.thedeltavirtual.com/. I got my first start at your VA Luke, and I can say it is a very well run VA. I won't knock it because you guys are great.  I just think ours is a little better.  Fresher ideas, better pilot interaction, and a website full of information and beauty!  The thing you will find at both of these fine VA's is a mature staff that provides the best service to their pilots. 

System: P3D v5.3HF2 , Intel i9-9900K o/c to 5.1Ghz, Nvidia ASUSGeForce RTX RTX 3090 24GB,  MPG Z390 Gamng Edge mobo, 64Gb G.Skill DDR4 3600Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit

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On 10/24/2020 at 5:34 PM, Luke said:

... and this is why there is only one Delta Virtual I would consider - https://www.deltava.org

I still have logbook entries from 2001 there, safe and sound.



Yep, I would totally stay there if I were you. Best not to get involved in this dumpster fire lol

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So i was the third person to ever be hired into this chain of VAs. When it started out it was Virtual Frontier very small group maybe 20 pilots in all by the end. I was promoted very quickly from pilot to Regional Manager for approving prieps i had the West coast under me. Then we were changed to base managers then just Managers. As we were slowly growing one thing became very clear.. Frontier will always suck if its Virtual or real.. So we elected to change airlines. I met with the CEO over Facetime with at the time The Pres of the VA too. We elected to go to Delta VA this decision in the discord made a few people word not allowed as always but we did it. I was expected to pay 100 bucks towards the creation of the new VA and in return id be rewarded with the Director of Pilot Ops position LET ME JUST SAY HERE IS WHERE THE WORLD BECOMES AWFUL 

At first life was fine happy staff team happy airline happy group of pilots. Met amazing people and we did tons of group flights (The CEO never took part in any of them thats gonna be important down the road)  

A little down the road some more staff came in and I was no longer liked by Zac the main reason is i had a profession that takes me out on the road quite a bit and i was gone for 4 days a week at times so I cant be on doing pireps more than 1 time per day. I explained this to the CEO and all was good prieps only needed review every 24 hours and for some dumb reason we cant automate it even though it used to be Automated. Also we had Base managers that were doing prieps too. Moving forward a month goes by and then Zac wont speak to me anymore and is very rude out right saying in chats public that im not his favorite and that hes replaced me and is being totally serious he has found actually a very great guy and a nice person in my opinion. This person was made president of the VA (the original one had been kicked the kerb for having the gaul to go to flight school) 

About a week later from this new pres being hired i was fired despite not doing anything to deserve it I did all the work i was expected to and did routine out reach in the discord. Mind you i also paid half the cost to start the VA but does that matter nope get the f' outta here and be back as a pilot. I thought of leaving but i opted it'd be a bigger middle finger to stay and be more popular than the CEO lol which wasnt very hard cause he didnt talk to anyone and those he did he would in private chats make fun of them and talk extremely rudely about them.

I was later rehired as a base manager then fired again because he purges the staff team about one time per day. I was then hired as a training sup which i stayed as for about 4 months, During that four months i saw a revolving door around staff for things like not putting different enough acars comments or not putting them fast enough or not answering questions fast enough in the discord. or making jokes about why certain things are done a particular way or making jokes the CEO just doesnt like...

I want to highlight this particular one here. While in the VA we had a younger man who had a disability. He was one of the most dedicated memebers id seen all he wanted to do was fly fly fly and help help help. If someone gave 100% effort he gave 100% more. He had difficulty with speech and other things but it didnt stop him. It was very admirable. He left comments ASAP on acars logs. He approved them right away the perfect employee so you'd think. But i kid you not Zac (the ceo) and this young man just disagreed on the way acars comments should be typed out. The content was fine but just the structure which is an issue for some people in this persons case. Well Zac decideds "i dont want people who are defective screwing this up"  Sends a message later over to one of my good friends who was at this time the new Pilot Director to go in and FIRE him for that. This poor young man who gave 100% lost it because of  a message structure that no one ever read. It really affected all of us on the staff team everyone was mad and hurt by it. 

After that mess people started standing up a bit to Zac . One person said "I really dont like the way you treat me here" after he had been picked on for weeks straight by zac getting told youre not my favorite and other very passive or just aggressive comments. Zacs response to someone asking to be treated better. ..... Ban the entire staff team  and make a dictatorship run only by him.. So the next day he hired a brand new staff team. 

By this time it was decided he needed to be stopped so we attempted to get Zac to step down from his role and allow a new Leader to come even offering him money to step down. The result of that mess.. The VA was disband the website shut down for weeks  and all that progress and community lost.... What a shame it was

2 weeks later it was back up and we were all perm banned.. the good news is it looks ike the wbesite is shut down again thankfully.. 


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It's a shame people start these VA's for their own self interest.  This is why so many of them fail within the first year.  That is why the VA I am a staff member on is owned by the pilots.  If you donate money, time, etc. it becomes the property of the VA and there is not one person that owns the VA outright.  If the staff votes to remove the CEO or any of the top admins, that's exactly what would happen.  In the year and a half since it started, we have had almost zero issues with the staff.  It's sad to see this Zac character do this time and time again.  He has had three or four VA's in the past three years, and they all end the same way.  I was a pilot at his Frontier VA and he just closed it down with little to no warning. 

System: P3D v5.3HF2 , Intel i9-9900K o/c to 5.1Ghz, Nvidia ASUSGeForce RTX RTX 3090 24GB,  MPG Z390 Gamng Edge mobo, 64Gb G.Skill DDR4 3600Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit

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