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[11 April 2021] Flight Crew A320 Updated to V1.5!

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45 minutes ago, byork said:

In the Flight Crew A320 folder only, wherever you installed it.

However, if you uninstalled 1.2 before installing 1.3 then that file will already be gone.

This was deleted.



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well i uninstalled version 1.2 and installed 1.3. and the file simconnect.dll was already there. when i delete it i get and started the app there was an .NET-error message: file "Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.dll" could not be found. but this dll-file is inside the FC-folder ?!?!


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Don't delete the simconnect.dll

Only delete simconnect,cfg if its there... key word .CFG,

But since you did a clean install of v1.3 simconnect.cfg wont be there since I removed it from the installer.

You need to re-install FC A320 to get the simconnect.dll back. 

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sorry, that was my reading error. but i had again a ctd with a .net error message, after installing 1.3. 
i also already used the .net rapair tool and i am again looking for solutions.

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About your new 1.4 mandatory version (why ?!?), thanks to have added the memorization of the window location, a feature I asked to you, BUT...

Now, your windows CANNOT BE HIDDEN !!! To my humble view, this is a very bad move, a big immersion killer. Why didn't you changed the logic of the "open window" hotkey in "Toggle window" like I suggested to you ?!? This would have neen a much better move, to my opinion.

OK, now when I am in full screen mode and I click outside your window, it make your window to disappear behind. This is the typical Windows normal behavior, for a window not defined "always in front". But, apparently, you detect this situation and quickly force your window to come back in front !!! By the way, to see this window going away and coming back is something really ugly and again, all this stuff is a bad immersion killer and a bad design !!! You really must CHANGE this please !!!

- Add an option to activate or not this "come in front again" feature.
- Transform the *open window" hotkey into a "toggle window" function.

This way, everybody will be happy and able to configure program behaviors to their taste.

You said in you release description:
Main Panel background is now transparent.  This makes the main panel look much nicer.

Sorry, but this is a matter of taste. Personally, I don't like this AT ALL. Personally, I would be happy if a further additional option would allow to choose transparent or not.

In the waiting of better days, I have returned to the very first version I have, the 1.1, which fortunately, don't force me to update to this bad 1.4 version.

I wait for your soonest reaction to this message.

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18 minutes ago, byork said:

On the Secondary Panel, there's an option called call lock main panel.

Untick it.

The panel will then close.

I think that's what you want.


Thanks !

Effectively, this solve almost my main problem, but you would be advised to rename your option into "keep in front" instead of your mysterious "Lock Main Panel". Just my 2 cents !

Nevertheless, I still hope that you will change the hotkey "Open Main Panel" to "Toggle Main Panel" function and I would also love to see the new option to choose if we want a transparent window or not.

By the way, when you start the process with the big "+" button, with UK voices, the answer of the FO overlap the end of the captain talk. Not very clean this !

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So you like the original blue background?

This is one of those things where you can never make every one happy.

I like the transparent background.

But you know the panel generally isn't meant to be kept open much.  

Most people will just double click the menu bar to "collapse" the panel to save space.

What process are you starting a + button?

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It is more the transparency that I don't like.

Yes, right, typical things that will never made everyone happy, this why options exist, so everybody can choose and even if this panel is most of the time not visible, to satisfy every body is good.

Double clicking the menu bar is a method I never use. Why to keep this imersion breaker before my eyes ? To remind me that this program is runing ? Sorry but I am not a very old man, whith big memory problems ! LOL ! Moreover, using the hotkey shortcut is much more convenient to my opinion. But, if they are people who prefer double-clicking the title bar, please guys proceed. To have the hotkey in toggle mode do not invalidate this double-clicking method !

Sorry, initialy, it is not a "+", but an aircraft symbol ! It become a big "+" after you start. So it is on this very initial step, that the problem occur, when the captain say "Let's start setting up", the 1st officer answer OK over the end of captain speech.



Edited by ACSoft

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I don't like the new automation brought by 1.4 update, so I uninstalled it and installed version 1.3 that I was happy with. And all of that just to find out that I can't run it because there is a "mandatory" update available. So I stopped using this addon, it was a total waste of money.


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