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[11 April 2021] Flight Crew A320 Updated to V1.5!


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Flight Crew A320 has been updated!

A mandatory update is available for Flight Crew A320!

To obtain this free update, login to your FS2Crew (or 3rd party) account and re-download and re-install the product.

Important: Please allow 3rd party vendors a few days to update the file on their servers.

web: www.fs2crew.com


Change Log

Version 1.5.

Release Date: 11 April 2021

  • Hotkey assignments for the Main and Secondary Action Buttons, as well as Open Main Panel, are now located on the Secondary Panel in the bottom right hand corner.  These hotkeys are no longer bound to MSFS stock events.  If you do not want the hotkey to be active, select the "Blank" assignment located above the "A" in the drop down list.  
  • "Lock Main Panel" checkbox renamed to "Force Main Panel Front", since that is technically more correct.  
  • Transparency Option added to the Settings Panel for those who prefer the Main Panel to be a solid color, rather than transparent.


Version 1.4.

Release Date: 3 March 2021

  • New: Main Panel background is now transparent.  This makes the main panel look much nicer.



  • New: Icon now has text "A320" to help distinguish it from the PBE icon (user request).
  • New: Position of panel window remembered (user request).
  • New: Default A320 only.  Improved flows.  FO will now set the Autobrake to MAX during his taxi flow.  The FO will also turn on the APU during the after landing flow and turn off the fuel pumps during the shutdown flow.
  • Change: Panel in focus text replaced by a single keyboard icon graphic.


Version 1.3.


Release Date: 14 January 2021

  • Fixed: Removed "SIMCONNECT.CFG" from the installer as it could cause problems.  You must ensure that file is not in your FC A320 folder.  If it's there, delete it.
  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.


Version 1.2.

Release Date: 11 November 2020

  • Fixed: Minimums response during Approach Checklist.


Version 1.1.

Release Date: 3 September 2020

  • New: Option to auto reopen the FS2Crew Main Panel if, when using a single monitor, the FS2Crew window gets automatically hidden when you put the Flight Simulator window in focus.
  • New: Option to select the model you are using (A318 to A330).  This will load the associated Max Flap Speed values (VFE) for the selected aircraft. You can select NONE to disable the VFE speed check when calling for flaps during the approach phase.
  • New: Option to set the Engine Start Sequence (1 then 2 instead of 2 then 1).
  • New: A text label has been added to the Main Panel indicating if the FS2Crew Main Panel is (or is not) in focus.  If you wish to use the available Hotkeys to trigger the Main and Secondary button, the FS2Crew Main Panel must 'not' be in focus since these events are detected by the simulator itself, and in order for the simulator to be able to detect an event, it must be in focus.
  • Fixed: When starting the engines, the mode will no longer jump to takeoff mode.





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Window stay on top is a nice feature, however it also shows windows taskbar?

After taking off and about 10min into the flight the crew announce that we will be shortly arriving? 

3 hours ago, byork said:

Yes, it's an EXE... (very different from the old FS2Crew's)... it will show in the taskbar.

As in every time I click a button my taskbar shows in game


I have the same problem that @tankieboy

I'm on fullscreen. I run MFS2020 then i run the Flight Crew A320 x86, i switch back to MFS2020 in full screen mode (always) but when i press the button to establish the checklists, i have the windows taskbar all the time.



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