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The Namib

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The Namib
For July 21, 2021

Today we take a look at the Namib, Africa's coastal southern desert. At 55-80 million years old, this may be the world's oldest desert; only the Atacama challenges it for age and aridity. The heart of the Namib, between Lüderitz and Walvis Bay, is made up of an enormous dune sea with some of the most spectacular sand dunes in the world. They are often tall and sharply edged with colors ranging from yellow to pink to orange. The complexity in their patterns is not yet scientifically understood. These will be the highlight of our trip.

On the dry rocky fringes of the Namib lie minerals that represent the greatest monetary wealth of Namibia, the nation state. Diamonds, uranium, copper, magnesium, zinc, silver and gold produce about 25 percent of the country's income, with about half that due to diamonds alone. We shall see some of the mines that produce this wealth.


We begin our journey at the Skorpion Zinc Mine [FYSA], opened in 2001 and the eighth-largest zinc mine in the world. (The big mine lies 2 miles northwest of the airstrip.) After taking off, we quickly pass over the Rosh Pinah Zinc Mine [ROSH], one of Namibia's largest and oldest (1969). We turn southwest for Oranjemund [FYOG] which was established in 1928 when rich alluvial diamond deposits were discovered north of the Orange River. The entire area along the Atlantic Ocean was declared a restricted area to protect the diamond operations – now owned jointly by the government and De Beers (the South African diamond firm). When we depart north along the coast we can see evidence of a generation of diamond mining along the Atlantic coastline. In addition, nowadays ships operate offshore to dredge the ocean floor in search of diamonds; these maritime ops now produce more of half of Namibia's diamonds. 

We fly north along the coast to Lüderitz [FYLZ]. Originally this colonial era town was built as Namibia's main seaport, despite the shallow waters of the bay, because the British and then South Africa exercised control over the more useful Walvis Bay. Today it is a minor fishing port and a tourist spot with a 1908 diamond mine ghost town near the airport.

Then further north along the high golden coastal dunes to Saddle Hill [SADL] where we turn northeast over the increasingly red and orange dunes of the central Namib. In the Nama language "Namib" means "vast" – a name that only begins to describe the landscapes of this desert country. Our target is the clay-salt pan Sossusvlei [SOSSS] which is the dead end of a seasonal but mostly dry riverbed. The pan itself is unremarkable, but the surrounding scene of towering red sand dunes is stunningly beautiful. These dunes attract artists, photographers, and world travelers: they have become Namibia's tourist magnet. We can take a few minutes to get down low (2,000-3,000ft) to frolic in and about the 1,000ft high dunes – being sure to see the legendary Dune 45 [DUN45]. When finished, we land at the Sossusvlei Lodge [FYMN]. (This is a 4,100 ft field. If you need a longer runway, consider little-used Sesriem Airstrip [FYSS] which, in reality, may be sand rather than concrete.)

Now northwest and more of the orange-red Namib to the international airport at Walvis Bay [FYWB]. Then, after takeoff, we pass over the colorful evaporation ponds of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings [WBSAL] which is Africa's largest salt producer. We take a look at Walvis Bay itself and the deep water port facilities. And we continue up the coast to Swakopmund [SWKOP], now a popular beach resort with a German heritage. (One wag described it as a Baltic resort in a tropical setting.)

Turning back inland, we fly over terrain that is marketed as a moonscape. And continue over the rugged land to stop at Arandis [FYAR], built for the workers of the Rössing Uranium Mine [ROSS], the fifth largest uranium producer in the world. Ownership is now controlled by Iran and China. Arandis now serves other nearby uranium mines and hosts the Namibian Institute of Technology. Continuing, we find the Navachab Gold Mine [NAVAB] and then land at the mining town Karibib [FYKA].

Finally, we turn southeast over hilly parts of the Central Plateau to land at Windhoek Eros [FYWE]. This older domestic airport is located just at the southern edge of the city. (The international airport is 22 miles to the east.) Windhoek (about 400,000) is Namibia's largest urban settlement and dominates the nation's political, economic, and cultural institutions. See you for sunset drinks at the rooftop bar of the Hilton.

The flightplan can be found here.

Today we fly over a vast sparsely populated desert land. We have long legs and some distance to cover. The length is 660nm. You will need something that can fast cruise at 350kts, at a minimum. I shall fly IndiaFoxtEcho MB-339A in the Italian Ghost Grey livery. Other subsonic jets will be fine as will the "turboprop" Vertigo. As ever, fly what you like.

You need no additional scenery for today's flight. Modest "improvements" by Viktoren69 provide some extra life to four airports and are recommended:
Luderitz KYLZ, Walvis Bay FYWB, Oranjemund FYOG and Windhoek Eros FYWE. Or try the small one-stop package here.

Time and Weather
For takeoff on Wednesday, set the simulator at 2:30pm local. We shall prefer to fly real weather.

Multiplayer Particulars
Date and time: Wednesday, July 21, 2021. 1800 UTC
Where: AVSIM RTWR Teamspeak - Casual Flights Channel
Teamspeak Server Address: ts.teamavsim.com
Multiplayer: Microsoft Flight Simulator MP. East USA server.

If you want to help others enjoy the multiplayer experience, don't forget to enter your aircraft details on the multiplayer spreadsheet (use the Wednesday sheet here). Your courtesy will save others a lot of time and effort. Thanks!

--Mike MacKuen


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Quick correction on the Namib flightplan.
If you downloaded the flightplan before 21:30 UTC on Saturday July 17,2021, please download the same file again. (My mistake in the initial upload. Apologies.)

--Mike MacKuen


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Those dunes are incredible - have visited there IRL!

Cheers,  Brian L Robinson

Flight Simmer since 1983 - loving the brilliant Quality Wings 787 and all PMDG models!!


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There is mod on flightsim.to for high definition sand if anyone's interested.

Just sayin'


EDIT: Please, don't anyone ask for the link. You'll destroy whatever faith I have left in the human race.

Different puppets...Same strings!

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PS. If you want to see one video from the Not Quite a Pilots Guide, now in the zipfile, you might like the beautiful Deadvlei & Namib-Naukluft National Park. [7:14].

Glad to hear from people who have see this in person! Thanks Brian.

--Mike MacKuen


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Mike, your work on this flight plan was plagiarised, no, stolen by this plonker HERE




Different puppets...Same strings!

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9 hours ago, Ron Attwood said:

Mike, your work on this flight plan was plagiarised, no, stolen by this plonker HERE

Ron, unless my eyes are serving me wrong, I would revisit this.
Just for kicks I compared the 2. 👀
Yes, the area (country) idea is the same, some POI's could be  & perhaps 1 or more images / descriptions "might" the same but the flight plan itself is not, not even close.

Just hoping to keep that expired can of worms sealed.. 😉

20AUG21_Avsim_Sig.png?dl=1  FS RTWR   SHRS F-111   JoinFS   Little Navmap 


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I blame LNM. It seems to decide where to get the plans from on it's own. I compared the 'two' many times before I let fly. LNM will only open a plan from the LoalState folder. Opening a plan from the Desktop results in a blank. If our plan was already open it wouldn't be replaced.*Sigh*

Different puppets...Same strings!

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I've smoothed the troubled waters, I think. I know I'm not often wrong but when I am I do a proper job. 🙂

Different puppets...Same strings!

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This area is stunning.  After a dreadful day flying the G.91 (landing well over MLW - repeatedly)  I decided to depart Windhoek in the Stearman and head North and explore low and slow.  There are many landmarks and objects that catch your eye and hold your attention.  Puttering along the washes.  

Flying here just before sunrise, the HDR effects in FS 2020 have won me over.  The lighting effects as the sun began to crest the horizon and illuminate the terrain on the opposite side of the valley was impressive.  I also observed the shadow of the eastern horizon descend to the west.  It was very immersive.  Unfortunately the screenshots I took are all washed out, because the tool doesn't capture the correct information.  

Thanks for the flight plan. 



AMD 3900 / RTX 2060 Pro

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