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public beta of the new PSXTraffic !

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After one succesful week with about 10 beta testers, it is time for more users.

EDIT: public beta now available at my web site.    June 16 : version 0.9.27

And where are your empty airports? I have already a lot  (MSFS, P3D), but this can't be all ... 😉

Look for a  TO_BE_LEARNED_OFFLINE folder.

Edited by kiek
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Thanks a lot for all the work!

You are really building an amazing product! 


Just sent you my TO_BE_LEARNED_OFFLINE zip file via email!

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1 hour ago, pegasus1987 said:

PSXTraffic Version 0.9.25 zip no dates?

now fixed.

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I installed PSXTraffic  but  it causes my sim to crash whenever I ran it, I never got to try it out because the sim crashes during the startup process.

I uninstall PSX traffic and the sim started back without issues. I went back to PSXT and everything works well ..until I change the sim to a different airport it crashes. The first time I have seen the sim crashing like that. I called it a day and went to sleep. When I'm back home today I will give it another try so I can make sure the instability is caused by the installation or not.

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50 minutes ago, adino said:

I installed PSXTraffic  but  it causes my sim to crash whenever I ran it, I never got to try it out because the sim crashes during the startup process.

I uninstall PSX traffic and the sim started back without issues. I went back to PSXT and everything works well ..until I change the sim to a different airport it crashes. The first time I have seen the sim crashing like that. I called it a day and went to sleep. When I'm back home today I will give it another try so I can make sure the instability is caused by the installation or not.

It is working great for me...even better than the current PSXT.  Hopefully Nico can help you troubleshoot as you will really like it.  I would also suggest private email to him for beta. 

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1 hour ago, adino said:

I installed PSXTraffic  but  it causes my sim to crash whenever I ran it, I never got to try it out because the sim crashes during the startup process.


Post your Log.txt please.

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Im not at home yet, however I have a question? do I need to uninstall PSXT before installing PSXtraffic or can I have both installed?

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17 minutes ago, adino said:

Im not at home yet, however I have a question? do I need to uninstall PSXT before installing PSXtraffic or can I have both installed?

You can have both installed. They have each there own installation folder.

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Quick question about the BETA.

I noticed that when flying into Hamburg, PSXT does not identify the Simwings EDDH anymore (installed via Marketplace). And it does some strange parking.


Any idea what the root cause could be?



Airports scan successful
-------------------------- airports scan ends    ----------------------------

Waiting for MSFS ...
MSFS (11.0.282174.999) connected 
Waiting for RealTraffic to connect to PSXTraffic ...
    SimConnect: User aircraft title: FenixA320_EWGDABHG
        Fenix aircraft detected, PSXT_MSFS will provide extra TCAS data!
User aircraft wing span unknown, max is taken instead, please report in my Forum!
    SimConnect: User aircraft model: ATCCOM.AC_MODEL_A320.0.text, category: Light
RealTraffic connected
    QNH Reader connected
    Traffic Reader connected
User aircraft on the ground at EDDH
The parking airport is EDDH (HAM)
Reading live traffic first, before parking starts (takes 15 seconds) ...
Start parking at EDDH (HAM)
Reading airport file "airports\archive\stock\EDDH.xml"
Live parking percentage 15% set to default value
Static parking percentage 20% set to default value

Home carriers:
17:30:58 Encrypted airport file read from "airports\archive\stock\EDDH.xml" for Hamburg, PSXTraffic (0.9.16) Jun  4, 2023
    publisher               : stock
    altitude                : 41 ft
    live_parking_percentage : 15%
    static_parking_percentage: 20%
    num_parkpos             : 95
    quality factor          : 56
        r714 excludes r902
        r716 excludes r903
        r902 excludes r714
        r903 excludes r716
        g5 excludes r5
        r53 excludes r52
        r5 excludes g5
        r52 excludes r53

17:30:39 (utc) It is day 6, Saturday, half-hour code: 35
      [13 live ac callsigns detected ]
20  positions found, day 6, hh 35 +/- 5 ===>  Saturday 17:30 +/- 2.5 hr

Finally (total so far: 19)



Edited by onlythejker

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On 6/16/2023 at 3:23 PM, kiek said:

You can have both installed. They have each there own installation folder.

thank you. I noticed even after uninstalling some folders remains of fsxtraffic so i removed them manually and reinstall it again, now everything works fine so far!

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10 hours ago, onlythejker said:

Any idea what the root cause could be?

Yes, EDDH from SimWings was not recognised. Do you find it in your TO_BE_LEARNED_OFFLINE folder? If so post it pls.

Or, do you see an EDDH.txt or EDDH.xml  in  your airports\my_thirdparty? If so post it please.

Edited by kiek

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7 hours ago, adino said:

thank you. I noticed even after uninstalling some folders remains of fsxtraffic so i removed them manually and reinstall it again, now everything works fine so far!

That's normal, files created after installation are never removed by the installer, same for the PSXTraffic folder in your ..\roaming folder. See the Manual about Uninstalling.

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2 hours ago, kiek said:

Yes, EDDH from SimWings was not recognised. Do you find it in your TO_BE_LEARNED_OFFLINE folder? If so post it pls.

Or, do you see an EDDH.txt or EDDH.xml  in  your airports\my_thirdparty? If so post it please.

It is not in either of both folders.


I have the feeling, it struggles to identify airports which were installed via the Marketplace. Other examples are Palma de Mallorca (LEPA),Berlin (EDDB) or Cologne (EDDK)  also bought via the Marketplace and not found in either of the folders.

They are stored in the official OneStore folder.


Edited by onlythejker

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52 minutes ago, onlythejker said:

I have the feeling, it struggles to identify airports which were installed via the Marketplace. Other examples are Palma de Mallorca (LEPA),Berlin (EDDB) or Cologne (EDDK)  also bought via the Marketplace and not found in either of the folders.

They are stored in the official OneStore folder.

Never buy airports in the Market Place (Store) ... They are encrypted. PSXT cannot read them. It will recognise and process SimWings EKCH bought elsewhere only ...

SimWings EKCH is not -yet- offline learned.

As soon as someone else gives me the EKCH from SimWings, and it is part of the archive, you could do this trick:

copy the airports\archive\thirdparty\SimWings\EKCH.xml file over the airports\archive\stock\EKCH.xml

You have to do that again after a stock airports update, but that will not occur often, only the thirdparty airports are updated at each new PSXTraffic version.

For EDDB and EDDK you can already do that trick, they are available in the airports\archive\thirdparty\Aerosoft.


Edited by kiek

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