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Button Assignment Help: Heading_Bug_Set

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I'm looking for some help in setting a binding for heading_bug_set that sets the heading bug to the current heading.  Example, plane is flying on a 168deg heading.  I want to set a button to automatically align the bug with heading 168deg.  I've selected HEADING_BUG_SET as the key down event, but it defaults to 360deg.  Is there a way to accomplish the above?


Thank you!


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A&O includes a script to accomplish this. (i'm not home so can't look it up).


Edited by hs118

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That is what the RPN scripting engine is for in AAO.

If the aircraft in question uses the default events from the SDK, then you can assign "Scripts->ACT_HEADING_TO_AP" to your button (scripts appear in the same list as the events, and this script is one of the pre-configured examples that comes with AAO)

If the script works or not depends on what aircraft you are using in which simulator. Especially in MSFS aircraft often do not use the SDK events, so more information is required when you are asking about a specific plane.


Edited by Lorby_SI


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Awesome! Thank you so much! I haven't scripted anything before, so will learn how.  Nice to know you already added it by default though 🙂 thanks!

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10 hours ago, marc1184 said:

so will learn how

Reverse Polish Notation (flightsimulator.com)

Simulation Variables (flightsimulator.com)

Event IDs (flightsimulator.com)

And don't forget to check for example on flightsim dot to for script packages and templates. Even if a package was made for different hardware (like the StreamDeck) there usually is a separate script file that you can import into AAO and use with all other types of hardware.

Edited by Lorby_SI


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For those flying the FlightFX Honda Jet HA-420 this also worked for me.  Seems like the H: values in the HJet Control Bindings v2.1 spreadsheet do not work in AAO.



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1 hour ago, n116dh said:

For those flying the FlightFX Honda Jet HA-420 this also worked for me.  Seems like the H: values in the HJet Control Bindings v2.1 spreadsheet do not work in AAO.



Depends. Care to share that document? Can you give us a specific example of what you tried that didn't work and how exactly that "trial" was done?

IMHO the best option is still to look for yourself, using the MSFS Developer Mode -> Tools -> Behaviors -> click back into the MSFS window -> hover the mouse over the button -> Press Ctrl - G -> Look at the code in the BehaviourDebug Window.

At the bottom of the components list there is often something like "ASOBO_GT_Interaction_LeftSingle_Code" - and it contains the actual K: event, BVar, HVar, Script etc. that is being triggered when you left click the button with the mouse.

There I can see that most of the autopilot buttons of the HJet use default K: events, except some that use BVars, like VNAV
1 (>B:AUTOPILOT_VNAV_Mode_Toggle)
or YD
1 (>B:AUTOLIPT_YD_Button_Toggle)

and some that use entire scripts, like CPL
(L:CPL Pushed, Bool) ! (>L:CPL Pushed, Bool)

or AT
(L:CSC Pushed, Bool) ! (>L:CSC Pushed, Bool)

And finally the Heading Knob which uses BVars again
1 (>B:AUTOPILOT_Heading_Sync_Push)
1 (>B:AUTOPILOT_Heading_Inc)
1 (>B:AUTOPILOT_Heading_Dec)


Be mindful that BVars only work when AAO is started with the "As Administrator" option. BVars also don't have fixed names, they are multifunctional. For example you can use _Set instead of _Toggle if you want to force a specific state (0/1 = OFF/ON)

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Sir, thank you for your kind response.  I have started using the Behaviors tool as you suggest.  Thanks for that tip as well.  I think I was a bit hasty in my comment about H: vars -- as it really boils down to what you say about var types and vars themselves are used -- which can be an interesting journey.



P.S. The HJet bindings document comes with the product and is downloadable from their Discord.  HubHop also has them -- Vendor MGHarib.

Edited by n116dh

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