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AI not showing up a quandry?

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I have created an old RAF base - RAF Croft, which is no longer in existance,  just near to Teeside airport, It did not exist in FS9 so I looked up some stuff om the internet and designed it using a bit of artistic licence, I have done this many times and have had no problems, I used ADE 3 to designe the airport including parking and all needed taxying and runway starts and runway taxying etc, did everything as I have done lots of times, I then used AI flight planner version 3.4. . . the most updated, to create some flight plans as I have done thousands of times. I then ran FS9 , went to RAF croft at the right time but no aircraft showed up.

Now I know I have evrything in place, airport coms,ILS, all required hold shorts runway starts etc etc. I have done this thousands of times.

Can it be that the airport just doesnt exist in the FS9 stock airport data base and if so how can I add it?

I'm pulling what little hair I have left out of my head over this, any help is welcome.But please know: I have made this airport correctly as I have said thousands of times. I'm almost too old for this.



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I have moved your topic into the proper FS2004 forum for your question!  The File Library was not the place to post this!

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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19 hours ago, cj75s said:

I have created an old RAF base - RAF Croft, which is no longer in existance,  just near to Teeside airport, It did not exist in FS9 so I looked up some stuff om the internet and designed it using a bit of artistic licence, I have done this many times and have had no problems, I used ADE 3 to designe the airport including parking and all needed taxying and runway starts and runway taxying etc, did everything as I have done lots of times, I then used AI flight planner version 3.4. . . the most updated, to create some flight plans as I have done thousands of times. I then ran FS9 , went to RAF croft at the right time but no aircraft showed up.

Now I know I have evrything in place, airport coms,ILS, all required hold shorts runway starts etc etc. I have done this thousands of times.

Can it be that the airport just doesnt exist in the FS9 stock airport data base and if so how can I add it?

I'm pulling what little hair I have left out of my head over this, any help is welcome.But please know: I have made this airport correctly as I have said thousands of times. I'm almost too old for this.



Obviously not EVERYTHING is correct, else it'd work 😉

If you can see your scenery in FS and go to the airport from the menu it's in the database.

I don't use ADE, but AFCAD2 will analyse an airfield layout and notify any obvious defects ... might be worth a try in the first instance.

You may need to go back to basics, just a single runway, a set of linked taxiways and parking and a flatten, manually generate a basic circuit and bump ai using the default Cessna or similar and, assuming that works, add features until it fails ... then you'll know where the fault lies.

Afterthought :- Any chance you've got my "Croft Farm" X5CR installed which may be causing you problems?

Edited by chris_eve

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Sorry Charliearon. I was on my laptop when I posted and it was doing strange things. I thought I was in the right place.



Yes thanks for that. I can choose it from the fs menu so yep your right it is in the data base. Also yes, there is something wrong somewhere. I actually deleted it last night and re-created it from nothing but still no ai showing up. Ade3 has a fault finder tool which I used but it did not throw up any faults. Will use AFCAD2 to check it as well. Thanks for your advice.

I don't think I have your scenery but will check also for it.

Thanks again.


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I forget the exact whys and wherefores now, but there can be weird things happening (or not!) if you've included an unacceptable punctuation in the scenery title or airfield designation ... unfortunately I'm not sure that what is acceptable or otherwise is documented anywhere.

So, if you've got any hyphens, underscores, brackets, apostrophes or similar included in your names, try leaving them out.

Good luck.

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I would suggest trying some very simple flight plans to start analysing the issue. Create and compile the following:
(change the bold test as appropriate)

This should create three effectively static aircraft at your airport (they will only attempt to take off and immediately land again at a time of day when most in the UK will be snoozing).

Then check whether they are visible. The result of this test should help point the direction of your next steps.


Edited by John Hinson

My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!


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Hi Guys, Thanks for all the tips.

I got hold of AFCAD2 and loaded up Croft in it and checked it for errors but none found. Just out of interest I noticed when I saved a change in AFCAD2 it saved it as a .bgl file(I compile to an active scenery folder in FS9) but the change did not show up. should I be doing something else first?

I did try and create a simple thg flightplan using the Cessna 172 stock aircraft. I have GA small and medium parking.

It doesn't show up at all. So created same flightplan for another airfield I added parking for(original runway was there however), and it shows up and does what it was flightplanned to do. But not at Croft.

So I decided to create a fictiscious airfield well away from anything (thinking Croft was too near Teeside). then added the simple flightplan for that airfield but the cessna doesn't show up. Something very odd going on here. I have recreated RAF Golspie, up in Scotland, wasn't in as a stock airport and it worked ok with AI. I am making sure that the AI aircraft I try to use have the correct parking assignment etc also. I shall now delete RAF Croft and re create it slightly further away from Teeside airport. Will let you know how I get on. As has been said there is something wrong somewhere.

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Almost sounds like there's "something" sitting in your sceneries somewhere that's managing to mask/hide stuff!

I know it can be a complete P.I.T.A., but if you go through your Scenery Library and disable EVERY add-on except your Croft sceneries it might prove (or otherwise) that there's an interference from somewhere else.

I've had to go through this loop on several occasions, only to find that "someone else" had accidently created an exclude in the "wrong" place and not deleted it from their scenery when they uploaded it.

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7 hours ago, cj75s said:

I did try and create a simple thg flightplan using the Cessna 172 stock aircraft. I have GA small and medium parking.


  • The aircraft is referenced incorrectly in the FPs
  • The airport co-ordinates are wrong in the FPs
  • The airport code is incorrect in the FPs
  • The gate sizes are inadequate

At the moment I cannot think of any other possibilities - persevere, check and re-check and you will get there eventually.

Distance from a nearby airport is of no concern.

The changes to your revised AFD file might not show up if you save it to a scenery layer that loads before the existing one. Better to save it in the same place and only have the one file in place.


My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!


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John Hinson

your second point was spot on. Airport coordinates were wrong in AI Flight planner. The airport sits W01 33 22. I had entered it as E01 etc but I should have entered it as E-01 etc. I have corrected this mistake and AI aircraft now showing up. I made the same mistake on the second airport I created miles away also with a West coordinate down as East.


Thank you all guys. Its great to have this wealth of knowledge.


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On 11/1/2023 at 6:56 PM, chris_eve said:

Afterthought :- mny chance you've got my "Croft Farm" X5CR installed which may be causing you problems?

What do you mean  by "my" Croft Farm X5XR? Did you a scenery of this airfield?


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Thanks Chris. I will give a try. Meanwhile I downloaded all Terry Boissel's FSX RAF airfields and converted the ADE files for FS9. I intend to install these without any objects. I'm running CalCassic, and most of these airfields where certainly still visible end Fifties / beginning Sixties. At least they would be some suitable landmarks without any function.  


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