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Guest coolfront55

And then they have the nerve to talk about PIRATES. WHO ROBBED WHO????Jorge

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Guest coolfront55


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>And then they have the nerve to talk about PIRATES. WHO>ROBBED WHO????>>JorgeActually they DID NOT ROB YOU.You downloaded and used the product. You did not back it up. Instructions have been available for years through the forum. I believe there are search facilities available.It about time You took responsability for you own actions or inaction as the case may be.RegardsRussell Jourdain (ANZ007/ZK-RHJ)

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Guest coolfront55

I respect your view. It doesn't matter anymore (what PSS does), I AM THROUGH WITH THEM!Jorge

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Guest RonnieG340

oh mate, give the guy a chance, I am well of out pocket because I bought everything they built except the Concorde, and the PSS Airbus is the only one I ever liked for FS9. I remember years back when they first started up and I bought some products and the technical guy that used to help me was always very nice and helpful, cant remember his name now.So I say lets hope the son gets the downloads at least running again, because I forget to do backups myself, anyway have a good day everybody.

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"It about time You took responsability for you own actions or inaction as the case may be."Personally there WAS NO need for that. I like many people where caught out. So if you think comments like that are going to cool the topic down think again. KUDOS for you to back up youre stuff. Bear in mind some people arent very good at doing the backup that was outlined. And there IS a lotta work in which to do it right. Proper folders reg entries fonts ETC"Actually they DID NOT ROB YOU."ACTUALLY they did and no prior responce from them in preperation for the closure.To be honest at reading youre post it emits TOTAL rubbish.Mike


Intel 12700k No over clocking 32GB G-Skill 3600 Ram MSI RTX3080


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The only thing correct about your response is the fact the PSS did not advise that they were closing.The following did occur though.The were a number of indicators on the forums that things were amiss. To this end I and a number of others downloaded the Aircraft we had purchased. Note that I didn't get all of them downloaded in time, however that was my problem for not doing it earlier.The instrucions for doing a backup where straight forward. When doing the download point the downloaded to a directory other than your FS one. And then copying the fonts from the fonts folder. I'm sorry but that is not rocket science. Again, if you can't do a backup it is not the fault of PSS.There is a need for my comments. The number of posts in this forum relating to PSS robbing people are numerous and a reflection on society where instead of taking responsability for ones own actions everyone looks to blame somebody else.RegardsRussell Jourdain (ANZ007/ZK-RHJ)

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Guest gtsouza

>>And then they have the nerve to talk about PIRATES. WHO>>ROBBED WHO????>>>>Jorge>>Actually they DID NOT ROB YOU.>>You downloaded and used the product. You did not back it up.>Instructions have been available for years through the forum.>I believe there are search facilities available.>>It about time You took responsability for you own actions or>inaction as the case may be.>>Regards>Russell Jourdain (ANZ007/ZK-RHJ)I'm sorry, but as long as I pay for something and now I don't havi it (I've changed my hardware and install the wXP again), I feel that I 've been robed it.They MUST make the site available for those how paid for the planes!!!! It's a mater of honor !!!!!

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Guest coolfront55

Learn to spell! It's responsibility, not responsability. jorge

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My apologies for the spelling - I'll try harder in the future. But if you are going to be picky then you should spell your name with a capital letter at the start Jorge.RegardsRussell Jourdain (ANZ007/ZK-RHJ)

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Feeling you have been robbed and being robbed are two different things. Did you back up your data files before you upgraded. If you did then you could have backed up your applications - ie PSS planes. That was your choice.As I said earlier, I agree that the whole situation regarding PSS was not handled well by PSS. However, we all have a responsibility to backup our own systems. Not all businesses last forever. RegardsRussell Jourdain (ANZ007/ZK-RHJ)

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Guest kick

Hi,This is your point of view. So why don't you try to explain to us, why other company like Feelthere/Wilco or Aerosoft or JustFlight give you the complete Install file with a password justify you are the Owner's licence !You could back Up if you want to loose time, but in the case I've mentionned above, it is not necessary which is a good way !Anyway I'm happy owner of PSS products and save all, to an external HD, my files. It sounds you are not a commercial, give a deluxe service (testify the professionalism), seems you are not concern by that !CheersKick

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Guest Interested

I am with Russell. It is the end users responsibility to backup their files.A blind person could have seen the writing on wall towards the end of last year and backed up their PSS products. I for one did not, I thought about it for a while but never got around to it. Most probably as their products are not worth backing up.:-)For the record I had all the Airbus series. CheersKarl

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Guest gtsouza

Backup file by file??? YOu must be joking....They should give the program like wilco does!!!! So for now on everybody has to backup all of our program becouse some idiot company may close the door without advising their custumers???This is ridiculous!!!

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Guest kick

KarlBack Up your back up and then back up again the last back up !Don't you think so, it's a non sense !More seriously, sure you have to protect your datas, but in an other hand the IT professional should be able to deliver you a soft, you could use even if it close his small business. This we can call a business ethics.As the bible advise you to offer your right cheek, now you could try the left one ! Sorry I'm kidding you, it gave me in temptation ! ;-)CheersKick

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