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Everything posted by Splash_One

  1. Hey Everyone, (Preferably Real Pilots/Student Pilots)So my time has come, to train to get my license to learn- My Private Pilots License. As soon as the school year is over (Seven days as of 6/17/03) I will schedule my lessons at KBLM. I'll be flying a C152 :) :+ Question Time... :+ 1) I have already taken introductory flights, what am I to expect during my first lesson? (I already have a 90% idea of what is going to happen as my instructor has told me)2) What materials / objects will I need? (I.E. - Are headsets supplied free- or are the rented hourly? In the intro flights they just gave me one so I can't be sure. Yes, I know to bring my logbook :-lol )3)Would you personally recommend to buy sunglasses? I hear they can be very annoying with the headsets and you may just end up taking them off :)Thats all I can think of for now :) If you have any other information in regards to flight training, I would love to hear it :)Thanks from a future pilot,( :-roll )Jason :-wave
  2. I would say that looks more dangerous than a Volkwagon Beetle :).....But thats just me. (-:Jason :-wave
  3. J.P. ,There's nothing wrong with your HTML :) Just gotta remeber that in these forums we need to change < and > to brackets :) Blue Skies,Jason :-wave
  4. [a href=http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1052251834225&call_pageid=968350072197&col=968705923364]Air Canada to lay off 317 pilots, ground 747s[/a]:) Jason :-wave
  5. You know the usage of M$ instead of MS...Jason :-wave
  6. [big]100 Percent Fake[/big]These are all scenes from "Finding Nemo" (As said above)- Yes, I've seen it :-lolThe sounds are taken from the game "Shark! Hunting the Great White"Fakedy fakedy fake!Nice try, but its bolonga :)Jason :-wave
  7. :( As for you, my young boy Daley,... As said in the online petition:"...lest the ground come up and smit thee!" }( Goodbye MeigsJason
  8. While on the topic of Windows messenger- I was on final at TNCA today and guess what happens?! Its darn ad's pop up, FS minimizes, and my 757 crashes into the water...great way to end a three hour flight flown in real time :-dohJason :-wave
  9. Thought this was kind of interesting- I found this ad over at EasyJet's website... Does European and American comedy differ that much? Even though I think they are referring to a "jack a$$" (donkey in the picture) , Isnt using the word "@$$" kind of...crude for an advertisment? (Referring to a donkey or not :-lol )What do you guys think of this? http://forums.avsim.com/user_files/14818.jpgJason :-lol :-wave
  10. AWESOME!!! That wing view is absolutley incredible! :-eek :-eek :-eekJason :-eek
  11. Greg, While flying from KEWR - KPHX (real world) I read a five or so page article on Canada's Aviation and how its all set up. It is really quite interesting :D Jason :-wave
  12. Hey Ed,I read about that in one my my magazines some time ago- I'm not really interested in Gliders at the moment- but who knows what the future beholds :)Jason :-wave
  13. 4200 is a great card for the money- I use it, and love it. A321- you gotta keep in mind a lot of us just can't go out and spend big money on some video cards :) *cough* ;) Jason :-wave
  14. Yeah :-lol Sometimes when I fly It seems like I must have told myself "Who cares about the view below us- look at all those gizmos work!" But then the view plays an important role to me on takeoff and landing, adds the to heart pounding adrenline action :-jumpyJason :-wave
  15. Todd, thanks for bringing this post up, its a fantastic idea :D>Takeoffs have always been the most emotional part for meAmen to that! Emotional, what a perfect word to describe what we feel :DEver since I can remember, I loved everything about planes, I have old photos of me with my little stuffed planes probably around the age of two or three. At around the age of six or seven when we start to understand some things, I was flying an Air Aruba DC-9 to...well...Aruba! :-lol During the flight the crew let me stay in the cockpit with them and we had a great time- I'm trying to remember if they had a spare headset, that I think they tried to fit on my small head, lol, I believe I had to just hold it there the whole time. When we landed we came right over the ocean and it was just so exhilarating! I always ask my parents to get a seat a row or two behind the wing because its just so fascinating to me watching the flaps and all the control surfaces work. Then we touchdown and the roar of the engines slows us down and we pulled off the runway. They had those airstairs that you pull up the to the aircraft there. The captain asked If I wanted to see the plane up close- and of course I said yes (with moms approval) so he showed me around the plane and I must have been drooling- just in complete awe.At my old airport before they decided to build 400 houses over it (Marlboro , 2N8) they had a nice resturant. In the back there was a fence right next to the taxiiway. When the GA planes passed by you were only a few feet from them- it was amazing. People would invite you to their planes to have a look around- or even fly the pattern once :-cool Unfortunatley this all ended and now theres senior citizens houses over it :(Now at my new home base, KBLM, there are private jets and all. I remember there was a Hawker800xp from netjets there and they invited me up to their plane and into the cockpit and all, let me move the yokes around and tinker with some other instruments :D I'm young- I'm only fourteen, fifteen in four days (June First) - I dream to be an airline captain one day- maybe even the legendary 747 captain salary would come to hand. I'm starting my flying lessons at age sixteen, then from there progress to my Instrument rating, then maybe be excepted into Embry Riddle or other nice college :) There are many paths to take in my life, and I hope they lead to something good, something I have dreamt of everyday. I have the urge the fly in my blood- and there will be nothing to hold me back to settling that urge. My dad once told me "If you can dream it, and you can live it- its the greatest thing in the world" My passion for flight is a never ending story- but this is where I have to stop - homework calls me up for duty!Hope you enjoyed youre flight ;)Jason :-wave
  16. We're they pure text messages like this one? Its against the rules to have no image in the screenshot forum- so that may be the reason (-:Jason :-wave
  17. Its tempting to put a bump in our posts, but then thats rude, but then this is here, life is confusing sometimes :-lol :-hmmmJason :-wave
  18. Don't worry- their alive and kickin :D This happened with the A320- we had to wait and wait and wait- then poof- one of the best freeware released ever :DJason :-wave
  19. Sorry, too late by the time I saw this post :( I believe "FlyteTrax" covers the whole world? Last time I used it I tracked my dads flight from USA to London- and saw much traffic over there :) Theres a 15 day trial version here: http://www.flytecomm.com/products/downloads.htmlJason :-wave
  20. Nice Find :D It's one heck of an aircraft! Love that cruise 335+ at 29,000 feet...and mmm...climate control :9Jason :-wave
  21. I don't know how many of you know this, but FSPlanet's head review is a 12 year old :-hmmm I (foolishly) ran across one of their reviews about an MD600 Helicopter and notice that 9/10 of the article is just copied word for word out of the readme or other site reviews, and manufacturer. Then at the end of the article we get a seven sentence, poorly grammar, pro's and cons about the wonderufl work of art. I just love how he states "this copter is goood in way many but are al so many bad thingd about it" and states how the author could have worked harder on it instead of being in a rish and releasing an incomplete package... I really wonder how Ferdy finds these people to review for him? I just know this child is his neighbor- I guess Ferdy is getting really desperate now'a'days... :-hmmmAnother issue that should be sent to the "FSPlanet Hall of All Time Lames"I just get a kick out of this stuff, It can make a bad day go good :-lolJason :-wave
  22. I'm certain I have memorized many facts about the A380 just today- watching it for the second time :~P Probably be on once or twice more today- then "Centennial of Flight" comes on :~PJason :-wave :~P
  23. Hmmm....As of now "Wings of the Luftwatte" has been shown 8 times today- same episode- oh- look at that! :-lol It's going to be on all weekend into next week! Yeah, I agree- it is repeat after repeat....Can repeats be repeats?Even better...Can Repeated Repeats that were repeated repeadily be repeats? (And can go on and one anhd on... :-lol )Some shows are interesting- but after wtahcing them in black and white for the 10th time straight... yawn...Jason :-wave
  24. Numbers three and twenty-six already promised M$ another customer (me :-hah :-lol ) Thats just astonishing. We always want the best, but we should just take a minute to think back where we were a not even more than ten years ago- we should be grateful- and I think most of us are :) . (I hope I didn't sound like a preist :-roll ) Happy Flying Everyone ,Jason :-wave
  25. Sorry, Guys - Should have explained that a tad better. I know all about the ages- I just meant to start lessons at the age of 16 for the sakes of time issues (Not having too much space between 16 and 17 so all skills are as fresh as can be :) )Jaosn :-wave
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