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Everything posted by ndflieger

  1. The panel looks great! Looking forward to the release of it. Thanks for sharing the video.Cheers,ScottKJMS (or thereabouts)
  2. Oh, I must definitely like!Cheers,Scott
  3. Looks nice - thanks for the screenshots!Cheers,Scott
  4. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Looking forward to when the updated panel is released. Also thanks for all the time you're spending on the project.Regards,Scott
  5. An update for those of you who have been following this saga :( Last night Damian and I exchanged a couple of emails and the problem was solved. What had happened is that the time/date setting on my computer was off (don't ask me how - I never mess with it) by about 24hrs. I set it to the correct date, fired up ASA and the downloaded wx was correct! I've downloaded a few times since then and the wx still is correct. So, if anyone has problems such as mine, check the date your computer clock is set to.Many thanks for Damian and Jim for their help in this matter! :( :( B) Cheers,Scott
  6. Hi Jim,I'll email the key when I get home from work late this evening. Just to let you know I loaded ASA just before I left for work this afternoon. It downloaded from the primary server this time, but the wx hadn't changed at all.Scott
  7. Just got home and loaded ASA. The wx is the same as it was at noon today (local time) which is the same as it was 24hrs before.Closing and re-opening ASA does not make any difference. It always downloads from the secondary server.I am becoming very frustrated with this situation...Scott
  8. Hi Jim,Has something been done to the servers since earlier today? The reason I'm asking is that I've tried refreshing and reloading ASA numerous times over the past three days and it dosen't make any difference regarding the problem I'm having. I tried downloading weather around 1200hrs lcl today before I came to work and the problem was still present.Scott
  9. Greetings,The wx download is still messed up. I loaded ASA and it downloaded the wx from the secondary server 09/18/2009 2:14:15 AM (02Z)...it is still the 16th here at the time of this post...isn't the server wx date a little too far in the future?Anyway, the wx at KJMS according to ASA is:KJMS 162058 12008G12KT 10SM SCT080 BKN110 BKN250 31/08 A3005 RMK CB DSNT N-E RMK INTERPOLATEDThe ASA wx for KORD was the exact same as KJMS.The actual wx for KJMS according to the ASOS:KJMS 170302Z 19007 10SM CLR 19/14 A3016Why is ASA downloading from the secondary server instead of the primary?What can be done about this?Scott
  10. I'll fire it up again after work tonight and report what happens.Cheers,Scott
  11. Several hours after my original post, I launched ASA (SP1). The weather conditions at KJMS/KORD/KMEM are all exactly the same.Something seems to be amiss here...Scott
  12. Greetings,I read earlier this evening the thread about the wind always being the same direction that was posted earlier. I had the same experience that evening. According to ASA, at KJMS the wind was from 225 @ 05kts. The temp was 35C and the altimeter setting 22.48". This was not even close to what the actual conditions at the time were.Just now, I'm attempting a flight out of KORD and ASA is telling me the winds are calm and the temp is 43C???? This is at 2230hrs local time. According to ASA my destination KMEM has the same exact weather.I've started and closed down ASA three times and the reported wx is always as described above.I always start ASA before starting FS9 so I know what wx/runways, etc...to expect.Is the server acting up again?Cheers,Scott
  13. Thanks Jim! I will always recommend your products not only because they are excellent, but mainly because of the great and timely support you guys offer.Cheers,Scott
  14. Thanks Jim,I've tried that, but didn't like that hard horizon line. Seems to me the haze vs visibility was rendered much better in ActiveSky compared to ASA. Of course I realize that such things are very subjective, but it is very hazy. too much IMHO. What does the "Disable FS9 Haze" (or whatever it is called, once again I'm at work) option box do. I've tried it both checked and unchecked. Dosen't make any difference as far as I can tell.Cheers,Scott
  15. Hi,Sorry about mis-reading the original post.I have my max upper vis set at 39 (I think - I'm at work right now). I believe I have my max surface set to 29. I'm using those figures so that I don't get that ugly hard horizon line in flight. I'm also using the textures provided in the Soft Horizons file that I got from Avsim or Flightsim. I've used them for a long time, including with the previous version of ActiveSky I was using before upgrading to ASA.Cheers,Scott
  16. Hi Jim,Thanks for your help on my previous visibilty problem. Seems that FSUIPC didn't recognise the "weather off" button being clicked the first time around.I happened across Sean's thread about the haze. I've been experiencing the same thing since the upgrade to ASA. I have mine set like his (proper boxes checked/unchecked) but I'm always flying in haze...whether it be at FL310 or lower down. The only time it goes away is close to the ground and when on the ground itself. I was just getting ready to do a search on the forum and happened upon that thread.To recap, I'm running ASA patched (not the beta patch) on an WinXP machine. FS9 (patched) is the sim. I have the payware version of FSUIPC (the latest version - can't remember the number off the top of my head at work). Unlike Sean, I'm running ASA on the same machine as the FS9 install, not over a network.If you think the textures you sent to Sean would help in my situation, feel free to send them to me (along with instructions on where to put them LOL). If you still don't have my email address let me know and I'll post it in this thread.Cheers,Scott
  17. I'll play with the settings abit and let you know what I find.Thanks again!Scott
  18. Latest update:Now the message display box is working again climbing through 10,000'.....Guess I'll have to just see what happens during the rest of the course of the flight....Cheers,ScottP.S., I really appreciate the suggestions and help!
  19. OK, it just keeps getting more and more strange.I aborted my flight. Closed RC. Edited the FSUIPC ini file as per Ron's suggestion. Also started RC and checked/entered the appropriate boxes in the RC keyboard menu to coincide with the keyboard settings entered into the FSUIPC ini. Closed RC. Restarted ASA/FS9/FSairlines/RC in that (my usual) order.Initally on the ground I was elated! I could open & close the Message Display window via the keyboard command at will - whether I had need for it or not...and the window was not popping up every few seconds on it's own :-)Now after takeoff and in the climbout phase, the keyboard command will not bring up the message window at all (but at least it's not popping up every few seconds like before). So, I cannot access any of the commands for altitude changes, leave for wx, etc... :( Cheers,Scott
  20. Thanks Ron, I will give that a try. Even though I have the IFR training flight box checked and the display text un-checked, the direction/distance to the runway I'm headed for are still showing up in the box. I had done this, closed RC and then re-started FS9.Cheers,Scott
  21. Nope, no luck. Taxiing out of KORD right now. Keyboard command will not close the window, have to click on the "X" in the corner to close it. Keyboard will only bring up the window. After closing the window pops right back up even though no response is required from me.What I can't figure out is why this is suddenly happening after months of not having any problems. Getting quite frustrtated.Is an un-install/re-install about my only option here?Cheers,Scott
  22. Hi Ron,I'll try those things you mentioned. What is annoying about the window pop up is that it pops up when there is no need for input from my part. Also I can't open/close the window with a keyboard command like I was able to in the past. I just looked at my RC options and display text option is unchecked...so guess that's not causing it. I just checked the IFR Training Flight box so we'll see what happens when I fly later tonight.I am not getting any ASA wx info in the display window...only the RC menu items.Cheers,Scott
  23. Hi JD,Thanks for the reply. However, I had removed the adv.dll after installation of RC4.3 and configured FSUIPC as per the instructions in the RC manual (yes, I did read it).I had been using RC 4.3 for several months without any problems. What I'm describing only began early this week.Any other ideas?Cheers,Scott
  24. Hi Jim,I think the visibility issue is fixed. Clicking once again on the FSUIPC "weather off" button seems to have cured it.However, a new problem has cropped up: Now some - not all - of the clouds at altitude on my current flight (FL250) KJMS - KORD are appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye...nothing gradual. Also it seems that the clouds are only in the immediate vicinity of my aircraft. None on the horizon.No changes in my settings since I email you the screenies. The only thing would be changing from payware FSUIPC v3.90 to v3.93.Any ideas?Cheers,Scott
  25. Greetings!I've been using RC v4.3 for quite some time now and haven't had any problems until this week. I'm running FS9 on a WinXP machine.For some reason, the text display window has quit working properly :( What is happening is that I can bring it up with a keyboard command, but can only close it by clicking on "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the window. This only is good for a few seconds and the window will pop up on it's own without any action on my part. So I have to keep clicking on it to close it...most annoying after a short period of time :( Prior to this I could open and close it with the keyboard command...and it would stay closed.I've tried different keyboard assignments for the window, and installing the latest version of FSUIPC (v3.93, the payware version), all to no avail.The only change to my FS9 set up would have been upgrading from ActiveSky v6.5 to ActiveSkyAdvanced (ASA). I don't think this is the problem as I made 2 or 3 flights with RC/ASA before it started to happen.Any suggestions? Or is an un-install/re-install of RC going to be necessay?Cheers,Scott
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