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Everything posted by ndflieger

  1. I'm running a semi-dinosaur:AMD Athlon Xp 2500+MSI Socket A motherboard VIA Chipset with latest drivers1 GB Kingston PC3200 RAMXFX GeForce 6600 256MB 81.98 DriversPremier 480W PSUActiveSky 2004.5FSNavigatorI'm pretty happy with the performance. I wouldn't be able to touch, though, some of the newer add-ons like the PSS, PMDG, etc...offerings. Hope to get a newer computer by the end of the summer.Regards,ScottKJMS
  2. With the XFX GeForce 6600 256MB card I'm running AA at 2Qx and AF at 4x. I'm setting that through the Nvidia control panel. I tried running at AA 4x, but FS9 didn't like that at all - had some weird displays.Regards,ScottKJMS
  3. Hi all,In addition to the suggested settings posted earlier in this thread, I also a few days ago changed from the 84.12's to the 81.98's. That made a world of difference, and coupled with some setting changes in FSUIPC made that white band on the horizon go away. Things are still a little hazier than I like, but I can learn to live with it, I guess.Thanks to all who responded!Regards,ScottKJMS
  4. Hi all,Thanks to everyone who responded in this thread!Just as an update, I retro-graded from the Forceware 84.12 driver to the 81.98 set yesterday. BIG difference in how the horizon and faraway clouds are rendered. After some fiddling with FSUIPC v3.60 and ActiveSky4.5, I have things pretty much to where I'm happy with them.All your responses and help were very much appreciated.Regards,ScottKJMS
  5. Hi Alain,Thanks for the tip about the 79.84's. Where did you get them at? I just searched the Nvida site file archive library, and I cannot find any with that number.Regards,ScottKJMS
  6. Thanks for the driver tip. I might just have to do that.Regards,ScottKJMS
  7. Hi Davis,Yes, what you describe is what I've been seeing. Thanks for the settings you posted. I changed my fs9.cfg file to reflect those and it really helped alot.Regards,ScottKJMS
  8. Thanks, I'll give those a try when I get home from work. Were you having the strange horizon displays also?Regards,ScottKJMS
  9. Hi Jim,Thanks for the quick reply. I've tried checking and unchecking the Depict FS9 Haze option in ActiveSky. It makes no difference. That broad band of white I described is also present using when I just use the weather that FS9 loads at start up also.Before I came to work I looked at some screenshots I took before I installed the Nvidia card. That broad band I described was not there with the ATI card. I like the performance of the Nvidia, but now am beginning to wish I hadn't switched to it.Regards,ScottKJMS
  10. Hi all, I posted this over in the hardware forum, and I apologise for the cross-post. But I thought I'd try over here since this is where all the weather/visibilty gurus hang out ;-)I was wondering if some kind soul out in FS-Land could help me with the settings for an XFX GeForce 6600 256MB card (this is the "Plain Jane" one, not the GS or GT).I recently upgraded to this card from an ATI Radeon 9200 128mb card. With the old card I had a nice smooth transition from the sky to the horizon (using the ATI "Table Fog=0") line in the FS9.cfg file. However, with this Nvidia based card, now there is always a haze it seems, and the aircraft has a circle of white around it on the horizon between the sky and horizon that I didn't have before. This has my stymied...I've tried changing every setting I can think of in FSUIPC (registered ver 3.60), ActiveSky ver 4.5 and FS9 itself. I hate having that white circle around the horizon...any suggestions will be VERY appreciated. I'm using the ForceWare 84.21 drivers.Thanks in advance,ScottKJMS
  11. Hi all,I was wondering if some kind soul out in FS-Land could help me with the settings for an XFX GeForce 6600 256MB card (this is the "Plain Jane" one, not the GS or GT).I recently upgraded to this card from an ATI Radeon 9200 128mb card. With the old card I had a nice smooth transition from the sky to the horizon (using the ATI "Table Fog=0") line in the FS9.cfg file. However, with this Nvidia based card, now there is always a haze it seems, and the aircraft has a circle of white around it on the horizon between the sky and horizon that I didn't have before. This has my stymied...I've tried changing any setting I can think of in FSUIPC (registered ver 3.60), ActiveSky ver 4.5 and FS9 itself. I hate having that white circle around the horizon...any suggestions will be VERY appreciated. I'm using the ForceWare 84.21 drivers.Thanks in advance,ScottKJMS
  12. Thanks everyone for the replies!Yes, I've noticed since this last update of ZoneLabs it's been a little touchier than usual.Regards,ScottKJMSParttime CFIIFulltime 911/EMS/Law Enforcement Dispatcher
  13. Jim,Thanks for the reply and link to the page containing the skinny on that application! Guess I better let it do what it wants to do.Actually, FSAS is not trying to shut it down. Zonelabs firewall is having a problem with it the past couple of days. Like I said, I've been running Zonelabs for months and yesterday is when I started getting the message.On a side note - love your ActiveSky product! Can't imagine simming without it!!Regards.ScottKJMS
  14. Greetings all,The past couple of evenings, when I fire up FSAutostart prior to simming, my ZoneLabs firewall has been popping up the following message:"WMI is trying to communicate with systemrootsystem32smss.exe by opening it's process. Application: wmiadap.exe"I'm not getting this warning when I open other programs. I've run Ad-Aware, Spybot, and my AVG anti-virus...nothing out of the ordinary is turning up. I'm running WinXP, Service Pack 2 along with the patched version of FS9.I've just been hitting the "deny" button when this message pops up, but find it odd that it should have started appearing recently.Any ideas on what might be causing this?Regards,ScottKJMS
  15. Greetings from the prairies of North Dakota!I am a "newbie" when it comes to adding sceneries to FS9. I recently downloaded an aircraft that has some extra scenery files bundled with it. According to the instructions I'm supposed to activate/add the sceneries via the scenery library manager. When I go to the FS9 options menu, there is no scenery library listed in the drop down box. I checked the Microsoft help file, and it too mentions the scenery library when adding scenery files....but I don't have the library. Also in the help file it says that if running WinXP (which I am, with Service Pack 2), that the administrator must give permission (or something like that) to access the scenery library.Soooo....does anyone have any tips/suggestions on how I can get into my scenery library? I'm running the patched version of FS9.Regards,ScottKJMS
  16. ndflieger


    I find VC's absolutely worthless for the type of simming I do - mostly instrument flying.Just my .02 on a very long thread,Regards,ScottKJMS
  17. Greetings all!Glad to see the new version of ActiveSky. However, I'm wondering if any of the wind problems have been addressed in it? I still have severe wind direction/velocity changes no matter what altitude I fly at. The barometric pressures changes severely in a short period (we're talking seconds) also.I've searched all the threads on this forum and tried all the tips/tricks, but nothing seems to alleviate the problem. If the new version addresses these issues, I'll happily purchase it. If not, I'll just stick with what I have.Regards,ScottKJMS
  18. I think the problem with the severe wind direction/velocity and barometric pressure shifts has been solved - at least for me.I noticed that when I was using FSUIPC v3.44 (I'm a registered user) under the winds section, the wind smoothing check box was greyed out, although the other boxes on that page were not. I didn't pay much attention to it since I had the "let FSUIPC control wind smoothing " (or something like that) box checked in AS2004. Last night before I simmed I downloaded and installed FSUIPC v3.45 and when I fired up FS, I found that the wind smoothing box that was greyed out in v3.44, was no longer like that - I could put a check mark in it! Which of course I promptly did.I flew a couple of flights. One in south Texas in the MAAM DC3 at around 4500' MSL. No problems. Flew another flight from Munich to Zurich at 10,000' MSL in a Convair 340. Once again no problems. Yes, the winds did shift direction and velocity, but they did so in a nice and smooth manner.By the way, this was still using AS2004 build 1.47. I haven't downloaded the latest build yet...maybe this evening.Just wanted to let you know, and to thank all those who responded.Regards,ScottKJMS
  19. Hi Qauntum,I guess it's build 147 that I'm using, and I fly totally offline all the time with downloaded weather.Regards,ScottKJMS
  20. It's not wake turbulence for me. This happens at all altitudes from 3000' agl up into the flight levels. Dosen't matter whether it's a DC3 or a B727. Yes, I've seen the wake turbulence threads and have it turned practically off.Regards,ScottKJMS
  21. I haven't downloaded the latest version, but I've been having those same radical wind and pressure change problems with the previous build (1.46, I think? Not at home right now). I was hoping they had been addressed with this latest release. I've been following the threads on the subject in this forum, and have tried all the tips that have been posted, but to no avail.Regards,ScottKJMS
  22. I had the first RC versions in FS2000 and enjoyed it immensely.Time for me to get off the fence with credit card in hand :-)Regards,ScottKJMS
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