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Everything posted by wchafe

  1. Yes we do, so get it right! And watch that "newfie" cr*p too! LOLBTW it's pronounced sinjawnz :-)Regards,Wade
  2. That works for me too! Thank you very much.Wade
  3. Hi Denis. I noticed you posted a question in the Train forum a while ago regarding MSTS keyboard functions being INOP. Did you ever get an answer? I am having the same problem.Wade
  4. What he means is that certain airlines have an option that has the derated climb power gradually increase to be equal to full climb power as altitude increases. The thrust display will indicate CLB2 or CLB1 all the while. AA does not have that option on the 767 that we modelled. Thus you should switch back to full climb power above 12000ft.There was a thread that discussed this quite a whil back, maybe it's still in the archives.Regards,Wade
  5. He works cheap, and good help is hard to find.And he's not losing me any money. WILCO maybe, but not me. I saw my last royalty cheque for PIC767 almost a year ago, and I am guaranteed never to see another. Still it warms my heart to know that WILCO is still making money.Wade
  6. I would have thought you'd been around too long to get suckered into a troll like that. LOL Nice to see you around again Jase.Wade
  7. I don't think the 747/777 has a switch for track/heading. It has a switch to change between MAG and TRU, and so does the 767 and so does PIC :-) Click on the MAG text in the EHSI.Hi Rob/Lee. We are still lurking even though we don't post much. There has been some work done on something with the intent to at some point publish another piece of work but we are all busy with life. Especially Laurent, who's wife just had TWINS!!Wade
  8. I can assure you that PIC correctly flies the magnetic heading as dialed in on the MCP.Wade
  9. Well, if you have your options set to display by "Last updated time" then ...
  10. "Oh yea, who's flying... Bugs Bunny?" A classic bubble buster if there ever was one. Very funny stuff, and thanks for the compliments :-)Regards,Wade
  11. Hi John. The problem is that you are in the minority when you say that you would be willing to pay for in-depth tutorial style documentation. This is the reason you don't tend to see a lot of documentation in products these days. The vast majority of people will only pay $30~$40 for a FS addon. We chose to put most of our efforts into an accurate and complete simulation of the aircraft.There is no doubt that there is an enormous amount of things to learn for someone new to something as complex as a 767. Creating an oral and textual walk through of operating procedures would NOT be "perfectly simple". It would take a great deal of effort, time, and disk space. If you think you could learn much of what you need to do with even an hour long tutorial then you haven't even begun to grasp the depth of this simulation. With all due respect to the Falcon 50, which is a wonderful plane/panel, it is nowhere near as complex as PIC767's simulation of the Boeing 767.You will get there, and you will enjoy the process, if you are willing to put the effort into it. But it will not happen quickly, with or without tutorials. You'll find a lot of very knowledgable and dedicated PIC767 experts in this forum who will be happy to help you as long as they see that you are making some effort to find answers to your questions before posting them in the forum.Regards,Wade
  12. The problem isn't that it's a 757 as opposed to a 767 (therefore less thrust). It is simply that the autothrottle and thrust management systems are tuned to a specific flight model, the one that came with PIC. Getting engine performance right involves a lot more than simply setting total thrust. The engine modelling in that 757 air file is quite different than in my 767 so you aren't going to get it to perform correctly. Regards,Wade
  13. The equipment has been updated because it is flying regularly across country for these charity flights. The seats are also current airline type seats. To reach the two frontmost seats or the cockpit you have to step over the wing spar which is about knee high. They tell me that when these things were in operation it was a pleasure to see the stewardess step over the spar on her way to the front. They wore very short skirts and no pantyhose in those days ;-)Regards,Wade
  14. Hi Mike. I didn't have time to sit in the right seat but I did have some good conversations with other passengers. One old guy had some great stories, including one about meeting Amelia Earhart. NF was a hub of aviation in the early years. Many famous aviators and their planes have been through here.The picture is of Portugal Cove, a small community near St. John's airport, close to my home. The ferry is coming from Bell Island. Regards,Wade
  15. I had the privilege of getting a flight in this piece of history on Sunday. Here's a few pics.[http://home.thezone.net/~wchafe/P7071375a.jpg][http://home.thezone.net/~wchafe/P7071357a.jpg][http://home.thezone.net/~wchafe/P7071361a.jpg][http://home.thezone.net/~wchafe/P7071350a.jpg]Regards,Wade
  16. The autothrottle system is calibrated for the flight model that came with PIC. It will not be able to achieve the same engine settings unless the engine tables in the 757 air file are the same. The performance prediction and engine control in the sim is tied to that flight model. You aren't going to get correct performance with another flight model, particularly one for a different aircraft.Regards,Wade
  17. Hmm, Chumley, your opinion has changed quite a bit from what it was a while ago:( [http://ftp.avsim.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=144&forum=DCForumID33&omm=2&viewmode=threaded] "it is a brilliant piece of work and I cannot understand what possessed me not to buy it when it first came out" ). Care to elaborate on what has changed your mind?Regards,Wade
  18. Hey, if someone can get me a free ticket on Air Canada then I'm there :-)Regards,Wade
  19. I just got it a few days ago. I haven't spent much time with it but it appears to be very useful for PICers who want to understand the flow of tasks in the real thing.I would also recommend the "Big Boeing User's Guide" by Bill Bulfer and ###### Gifford. It is IMHO the FMC bible. We used it extensively in programming the FMC. As well as a thorough description of the various versions of the 747/757/767/777 FMCs it also contains a lot of practical tips for getting the most out of the FMCs features.Regards,Wade
  20. Hi Dave. In the FS2002 directory you will see a file called B767W.ini.Open that with a text editor and change the line:TIP_AT_STARTUP=1to readTIP_AT_STARTUP=0Regards,Wade
  21. PIC doesn't require FSUIPC.Wade
  22. "My point: the PIC team (or whatever they're calling themselves these days) "I'm thinking "The developers formerly known as PICTeam".Wadda ya think?
  23. There is a project in the works, no details or release date yet. More info will be released when the time is right.Regards,Wade
  24. Just thought you'd like to know. No doubt WILCO wants to capitalize on the success of 767PIC by using a similar name and calling this the "Pilot in Command" series. We, (Eric, Laurent, Pedro and I) have nothing to do with the project, know nothing about it, and wish to ensure that we are not mistakenly associated with the product.Regards,Wade
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