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Posts posted by Fall_guy

  1. Hi Greg, thanks for the repyIve attached a script idea for you to have a look at. Just have a ponder over what i'm trying to create and let me know if its something you think can be done either by Flyscripts, Python, C++, Applescripts whatever??)If you'd personally like to get involved I've got a couple of ideas for my B737-500 Project, I'd like to run by you.Thanks John

  2. Hi Everone,This Introduction will give you an insite into whats involved and what to expect in the following lessons.WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Adobe Photoshop Alladin Stuffit ExpanderTHE SYSTEM:What we intend to do is make a sequence of TEMPLATES for exsisting and future aircraft. The basis of these templates will be color coded and labeled as to which part of the aircraft it textures.GETTING STARTED:What we will do is UP-LOAD to the Forum the following files.A) Aircraft description (example: Boeing 727 - FLY2k):( Photoshop Templates in Folders (Usually 8 in total)WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO DO:First: Download the files (Zip)Second: Open Photoshop and Open the Folder you downloaded and SELECT the first File (No.1)Below is an image of what you'll be presented with.Each image will have several FOLDERS labeled to the corresponding Aircraft TextureAll you will have to do is select the MAGENTA colored areas with the MAGIC WAND TOOL and then change the color to the color of your chosen livery. (THIS WILL BE KNOWN AS THE BASE COLOR - the underlying color).The OTHER folders supplied will be STANDARD OBJECTS (eg. Windows, Exit Doors, Stripes) common to most aircraft.The LAYERS will be as follows:LAYER D - STRIPE LAYER (you will select and then change the color, re-position and re-size if required)LAYER C - DOORS LAYER (you will just re-position and re-size this layer)LAYER B - WINDOWS LAYER (you will just re-position and re-size this layer)LAYER A - The BASE COLOR LAYER (you will select and then change the color)When you've FINISHED changing the color of your LIVERY you will then need to SAVE them in TWO FORMATS (ACT and RAW).These files also will have to be SAVED as specific names (which we will supply)On completion of these proceedures ALL you will have to do is PLACE your SAVED (RAW/ACT files) into the ART folder in order to see your works of ART!!Ive attached a PHOTO of what can be achieved by using the system (It is not complete or perfect, just a first attempt)WHATS NEXT: PETE (Mac/Paint the PAINT MASTER) is in the process of looking at file convertions and template issuesand between the two of us I'm pretty confident we can make this work.I'm going to speak with PETE shortly, with the intentions of BETA testing a dummy run LIVE on the Forum.This will be based on the B727 FLY2k MAC version, if this is possible and we can get some templates uploaded, expectinformation over the next day or two on how to participate.IMPORTANT: PLEASE, PLEASE UPLOAD EVERY AIRCRAFT LIVERY YOU COMPLETE, WHETHER ITS GOOD OR BAD (IN YOUR OPINION) THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE ARE GOING TO ATTRACT NEW FLYERS, AND CREATE INTEREST AND MAKE FLYII/FLY2k A SUCCESS.Please post any comments or viewsThanks for your timeJohn and Pete (MAC livery development Team)

  3. Hi everyone,Is there any MAC guys/gals out there who wish they could contribute to the developement of FLY2k/FLYII......but alas don't know how??For example: how many of you would like to repaint aircraft, but don't have a clue where to start?If you think that you would like to get involved.... please let me know, and also any concerns you may have.Thanks againJohn

  4. Being concerned that us MAC guys are going to get left behind again....I'm in the process of putting together one or two projects which HOPEFULLY will encourage MAC flyers to participate and delelop our beloved sim.What I need to know is regarding PANEL building and design which kind of PANEL would YOU prefer to construct??A) Light Aircraft PANELS:( Commercial Jets PANELSPlease let me know by indicating A or B and any comments you may have.Thanks for your time GUYSRegards JohnDC10 ProjectB737-500

  5. Hi everyone,Does anybody know which part of the SVH file I need to look at, in order to change the way an aircraft behaves on the ground (Turning speed, taxi speed etc...)Or perhaps you can point me to the section which controls how the AIRCRAFT reacts to the joystick. (I'm trying to slowdown the reaction of the aircraft while turning/banking in relation to the joystick).Thanks in advance for any HELP!Cheers John

  6. Hi Paulo......Ive suggested the very same thing awhile back, but got no responce at all, so i can't tell you if its possible, However if your thinking of having a go (and many of us hope you do), I would suggest forgetting about the exsisting A1 aircraft and ATC and Starting your own sequence based on ONE airport.If you write make a programme/script that makes aircraft taxi to specific gates/places, take-off, circle/pattern and land (Specifically at ONE airport) this would go along way to making FLY's Airport environment more realisticGood LuckRegards JohnP.S Ive attached a Graphic which hopefully shows you what I mean.

  7. Hi Guy's........Ive attached an idea for a script (Flyscript/Python) which hopefully IF practical may help to simulate a more realistic international airport environment. If anyone thinks this is possible to program and wants to have ago, please let me know and I'll work on some Sound files for you.Hopefully you should be able to undersatnd where I'm coming from??Thanks for your timeJohn

  8. Hi Steve, just a thought!!A while ago someone did some scenery which may be of interest to your project. I can't remember the Guy's name but, I'm pretty sure he did Fiddler' Ferry with cooling towers and Stack. (go their every week). Anyway don't forget the Runcorn Bridge!!...Ha..Ha.When I've finished up on the B737-500 Im working on I was thinking of issuing EASYJET livery so I'll look forward to flying into J.L.AGood Luck on your sceneryJohn (Mancunian)DC10 ProjectB737-500

  9. Hi Christian..........how you do'inWhen I posted that Idea, I honestly expected some kind of responce or suggestions, but I think ONE person acknowledged the idea. That left me of the opinion that knowone was prepared to contribute to FLY's survival and therefore I put the Projects on Hold.Thanks anyway for the interest.JohnDC10 projectB737-500

  10. Hi Rich............(hope your OK!)When you complete the rework and update for the MAC Patch your working on, will the FLYII(Mac version) be re-issued for the MAC or do you intend just updating the exsisting MAC version.The reason I ask Rich is that many people here in the FLY community (of little old England) cannot get a copy of the Original Mac version.... (it was withdrawn from sales before it was even on the shelf). So, my concern is that unless its re-issuedas a NEW package or the original Version is allowed back on sale here in Europe many of us which presently use Fly2k will not be able to benefit from all your hard work.Regards JohnDC10 projectB737-500

  11. Hi Everyone.....I could do with your Help Please.Ive put together some engines sounds for a project I'm working on, however when I play the Wav files in (Fly2k)The appropriate Wav file continues to Stop and Start as opposed to playing just once. I suspect this is something to do with the KLP file, but I have no idea what this file does exactly. Below is a sample of a typical KLP file:1 451530 0If one of you kind chaps outhere could please explain what the digits mean....and how it works, I'd be a very happy chappy.Thanks Guys for your continued supportJohn

  12. Hi Everyone,Ive been thinking of ways we can ALL develop Fly's future and I'd like to run this idea by you to see if its practicle and possible.What if we create future developments based on more realism at actual specific points rather than lower quality/realism which have many variation.....let me TRY and explain!!My idea is to create development based on specific AIRPORTS and FLIGHT PLANS. If we take JFK for example this would consist of the following.1) Scenery resolution2) Air Traffic Control3) A1 Aircraft4) Building and FeaturesLets Start with 1) Scenery resolutionThis would consist of making tiled scenery just on the Flight Plan so instead of one person creating lots of tiles, several people could create individual tiles at different resolutions.2) Air Traffic ControlScripts/Programmes should be developed for individual AIRPORTS because each airport follow specific flight patterns. Imagine each of the following having specific script/programmes Info (ATIS), Clearance, Departure, Tower, Approach, Arrival. each one would have specific realistic information. (see clearance script ).3) A1 AircraftThis one maybe the most difficult to do.....but could a Script/Programme be written purely for the individual airport. So for example JFK would have 8 aircraft which taxi specific routes to specific gates and continually taxi, takeofff, circle and land. Or could we develop A1's that specifically follow our own aircraft (The one your using in FLY) on our Flight Plans and Land along with us.4) Buildings and FeaturesIf we take Washington DC as an Example, One person could create the White House and another create the Pentagon and someone else create the Bridges etc. rather than one person create everything. If 3d images buildings etc could be created so the closer they are to your Airport/Aircraft/Flight Plan the better quality they are and the further away they are the lower the resolution need to be.Finally I know this is brief and patchy but I just wanted to get your gears turning and Ive tried to keep the post as small as posible.I will post each subject individually with more detail if anyone is interested or thinks some of this maybe possible.Hoping you understand the basis of where I'm coming from.Thanks for taking the time to readJohnDC10 ProjectB737-500

  13. Hi Everyone,May I just say a big thanks to each and everyone of you who has supported this forum and FLYs future. The Mac community is a very special one and its down to your constructive feedback and technical observations that has enabled Fly development to go forward.To all of you who are involved backstage from publishers to development...a BIG... Thank You, and especially APPLE for observing our views and concerns and for the commitment you have shown.....you have made a lot of faithful follwers very happy.Finally...I have difficulty expressing thanks to someone you has gone through so much personal trauma.....only to continue thinking of others and our hobby......and continually goes above and beyond the call of duty...................THANKS RICH .....we are all so very grateful.JohnDC10 ProjectB737-500

  14. Hi Damiano,First of all there are 2 stages to what you are trying to do.Stage 1 = the Graphic PhaseStage 2 = the Programming PhaseStage 1:You first of all have to extract the PANEL you want to modify from its EPD file (in fly's Aircraft Folder) You will need a EPD utility tool in order to do this. It basically extract files from the EPD so you can modify them and then you convert the modified files back into an EPD to use in Fly. (Do a search in the file library for the EPD tools you'll also need a raw to pbm converter tool).Once you have extracted the files locate the PANEL.raw file and open it up into a graphic programme (PHOTOSHOP is best). Next place your new additions into the PANEL (these NEW graphics/gauges must be the background ONLY (NO moving parts..needles/digits etc). You then save the PANEL as a .act and .raw file ready to place back into Fly!.If there are any moving parts in your NEW graphics these have to be created separetly so that they can be placed on top of the amended PANEL by Fly!. using the PNL file.Stage 2This involves the data file called the PNL which tells Fly! where to put your graphics and how they should be used.This is just a brief out-line of whats involved if you decide you want to go ahead and give it a try. Then theres lots of help on these forums (there really quite a nice bunch of guy's).Good Luck with your flying/projectJohnDC-10 ProjectB737-500 Project

  15. Thanks Franklin,.............something else I've just noticed which may be of help to you. When I double click on the BBedit FOLDER and the icons are displayed..............if I click(hold) on any icon and try to move it within its window, as soon as I release the mouse button the ICON Ive just moved side-steps (approx 20pixels) before re-locating in its new position.In other words when I move any Icon in the BBedit window after I release the mouse button the ICON Ive just moved jumps up/side/down about 1/4 inch.Hope you can understand this!!Also have experienced freezes on the decktop today (when moving Icons), But all my applications seem to be running fine???Thanks John

  16. Hi Franklin..........thanks for trying to help me out.In responce to your questions, when the problem arises it completely freezes the system and I have to re-boot. This happens when I use the search/find command once BBEdit has loaded. (SEE my reply to John Sippy)However the program (BBedit Lite) appears to run fine without extensions loaded. Im just going to go through them and see if I can find anything.If you require anymore info please let me know.Thanks again Franklin for your interestJohn

  17. Hi John........Good to hear from you!...How ya keepin?I'm also using MacOs 9.2.2 with BBedit Lite Version 6.1 and 6.1.2. Ive tried them both!!. I think the problem lies with the System preference file (BBedit pref). The reason being when I launch BBeditLite everthing appears to be OK until I try a search/find. Then I get a complete system freeze and when I re-boot and re-launch BBeditLite I get a finder window telling me that BBedit pref file failed and the application will now quit.Its only when I trash the (BBedit pref file) and launch BBedit lite again that Im able to open/import my files.Just for you info Ive I checked everthing on my system and report a clean bill of health (No viruses, conflicts etc)Thanks for your time John.

  18. Hi Guys, Ive been using BBedit lite for almost a year now (problem free)...... however today, for some reason it has crashed my system (O/S9.02) continuously. I thought I'd ask you about it because I've noticed a small greyed-out symbol (rather like the face of a Rubix cube) in the top left corner of the BBedit window. Its just before the no. of items display. Ive reloaded BBedit Lite several times including new downloads but to no avail.....any ideas what the symbol is or what may be causing it to crash.Thanks for any help/guidanceJohnDC-10 ProjectB737-500 Project

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