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Posts posted by Fall_guy

  1. Hello......my friend...how are you??Yes, I've not been around for a while because I started a New Job which involves me travelling abit so its left me no time for FLY!.As for the Panels I'll let you have first view of something I'm working on shortly........If it works OK!!Regards John

  2. Hi Steve,Yes thanks,.... Ive just uploaded the file this morning and everythings perfect....very smooth infact.....and I'm running MAC too.Because of Pauls superb scenery and your super-duppa Airports, Manchester International is the place to be. With this in mind!...Ive got a couple of ideas I want to throw at you.I'll just throw a few graphics together so you can see what I mean and I'll post them abit later on.Cheers John

  3. Hi Everyone, Ive attached a couple of pics of Giorgios 737 in BMI livery. This has been quite a complexed livery to do and I've run into one or two problems with texture allocation. The main problem is that I cannot paint the Tail Elevators RED as they should be...... because their textures are shared with other parts of the aircraft. Do you still want me to Upload the Livery to the library. It will basically be the same as in the PICS.Regards John

  4. Hi Steve ..........Thanks Mate...notice the scenery in the first shot, (Fiddlers Ferry) just in front of the nose and the Runcorn Bridge and the rear. This is part of Paul Brooks superb scenery of the area which does include Liverpool airport.Hopefully someone can do Manchester international shortly.Regards John

  5. Hi Pete.........I need your help mate. After creating an EPD of my Easyjet repaint , I can't seem to get the aircraft to sit on the surface of the runway. I've followed your instruction and included the wng. file, but still with no results.Any idea what to do next.Regards Johnp.s. Ive included ALL the original 737 world files and created a New EPD, but alas the same result.

  6. Hi Pete.....Ive just this second posted some pics. As for the problem I have no idea what the cause was. I completely stripped off all my painting amendments, one by one, untill I was left with Giorgio's original Tif and placed it in Fly and the transparent engine sections were still there.After several hours changing colours, shapes and testing, I still had the problem. So I went back to the drawing board and UNpodded his original Version 2 and having confirmed the engine textures appeared OK!..............I started to redo and retexture my Easyjet livery and I'm glad to say everthing appears OK........Apart from that annoying texture in the engine 1 intake.But we can't have everything.Thanks PeteJohn.PS .I will need your Help, though because I have'nt got a clue what to do with them next, in order to get them uploaded.

  7. Hi Pete,.........I'm very confused Now!!!In my original Engine Texture the Image is White (255,255,255) including that little band your refering to and I have NO black (0,0,0,) at all in the Final Texture tiff. So I reverted back to Giorgio's original Engine texures and guess what.....there transparent also..........but lokking at the Pic Giorgio posted for you, they appear to be there.Very confusing.........they were fine in his original Version (1).Any Ideas MateThanks for your help in this Pete.John

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