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Posts posted by Fall_guy

  1. Hi Allan.................the what app level thing???All I did is remove the POD file onto the FLY window, launch FLYII, holding down the CONTROL key and was presented by a list of script options, one of which was DO YOU WISH TO UNPOD ALL. So I select this option and a window came up asking me to select the POD file I wish to UNPOD, which I did.....closed FLY and there in a WoRLD folder were all the un-podded files (apart from the TIFFs which were in the ART folder)That was IT.....I just imported them straight into BBedit and saved them into a NEW folder and are ready for my changes.DO YOU THINK I DID SOMETHING WRONG????Thanks Allan for the guidance.

  2. Hi Matt,I was'nt aware that you could UN-Pod the pod files in FLYII, via the Editor (and re-pod, although I've not tried this yet), so I thought MAC users could not gain access to the system/art files.However if you want to have ago at a utility for the MAC, could you come up with a re-podding utility that can be used from the desktop, like the old EPD tool.I just think it would make life alot easier if you could place all your amended files in ONE folder and convert the whole thing via YOUR utility, so you end up with a POD, ready to place into FLY's Aircraft folder. The main reason behind this MATT is because as people start to make amendments to various files, without re-podding the ART folder is going to become a nightmare (all the various changed files) required by the search pod.Thanks Johnp.s looking forward to trying out your PBG/PBM Utility tool.

  3. Me again,I just thought I'd give the Auto-pilot/autoland a try ('Z' keyboard) as in the Fly2k but I can't seem to get it to work. The function must be available in FLYII becuse its listed in the Key settings menu.I seem to get a text message which says Cockpit not active??Any ideasJohn

  4. Hi everyone, .....A request please, could you please start to indicate whether your additions are for PC systems, MAC systems or can be used by BOTH. Just thought it would help people determine which files are suitable for there system before downloading. Perhaps this is something AVSIM can indicate by means of an ICON on their file library pages. It may help reduce downloads if people knew if it was compatable and therefore free-up your systemJust a thoughtRegardsJohn

  5. Is anyone aware of a utility that will allow us MAC guys to UNPOD and POD. Ive searched the forums and found a post on PODVIEW, but I can't find it anywhere in the library. (so i don't know if its PC or MAC based).If it is PC based (as they usually are) is there anyway it can be convereted for Mac use, because the way I see it if we cannot get into the POD files, then MAC development is history!.Thanks for any infoJohn

  6. Might have guessed you'd figure it out!!.............How ya do'in mate??How come the Citation is OK?.....Pete as you mentioned before if Giorgio has to re-compose and re-save the textures can he make sure that the textures are individually allocated (wherever possible) so it will make life a bit easier for us to repaint the Aircraft.Regards JohnP.S. Pete are you still running MAC or have you converted to PC??

  7. Hi Giorgio,Bad news for me........Ive downloaded your Aircraft and all of them are Transparent. This has never happened to me before, but I've tried adjusting memory allocation to minimum and maximum, but it has made no difference at all.I've attached a pic of what I'm getting.Really hope you can get to the bottom off this, I've been really looking forward to your aircraft.Regards JohnG4/450Radion Mac AGP32556 RAMMacOS 9.2

  8. Hi Giorgio,A BIG BIG Thank you for uploading your aircraft, they will make a LOT of people very happy and create a tremendous amount of interest, at a time when we need it.As for another aircraft, if you could do any for me, it would have to be CONCORDE.Theres something about its elegance when its on approach coming in to land. And I think if someone made this aircraft model for FLYII it would make the perfect addition, especially if the NOSE cone could be animated too.I'm off to download your aircraft now and get the 737 matched up to my panel.Thanks again and best regardsJohn

  9. Hi Guys,Once I purchase FLYII (Mac version), do I have to install the Patches as outlined on the Forums or is this purely for PC owners??I'm running MacOS 9.2 and I expect to receive European version 2.0.216Any information regarding Update/Fixes/Patches ect. would be very much appreciated.Thanks GuysJohn

  10. Thanks Greg for having a go at the script. Ive tried on several occasions to generate interest in projects, but I got a poor responce on the PC side, so I'm just trying on the MAC forum. The whole idea is to attract interest and discussion as to who can do what, and perhaps we can really start getting some development done, but alas responce and interest does'nt seem much better here. (Unless people are waiting for Rich's patch)If you need any help on this I'll be only too willing.....but the expert on these matters is guy called Matthew Horridge. (C++).Thanks GregJohn

  11. Hi Greg,......Yep thats exactly what I"m trying to create. Nobody seems to be able to do anything about the A1 aircraft in FLY so I thought lets create the next best thing and simulate an airport environment. I've got quite a few sounds already which we can use, but alas a need someone to have ago at programming the script. Basically it needs to play two random WAV files (for starters). If you fancy having a go at it LETS start simple by perhaps just being able to play WAVS sounds in the background on the PUSH of a KEYBOARD command. After starting the script lets play aircraft taking of and landing and just see how it sounds and what if any relation it has on FLY or Frame rates.Incidently, I'm still running Fly2k (Mac) so compatabilty should'nt be an issue.Let me know how you feel about having ago, but don't feel under any pressure Its only for FUN, but everyones goto start somewhere.Thanks anyway for trying to Help outRegards JohnPS. How are you at System files (SVH, PNL etc)

  12. Hi Johnny,That would be Brilliant........I was'nt aware there was a B737 in development. I'm currently working on a B737 PANEL which is almost finished now (Just needs hooking up) but I'm running it through Jean's DC9. If Giorgio would Upload his 737 then I'll be able to extract the Model files and hopefully get things up and running.When the project is more or less ready for release I will contact Giorgio and ask his permission to release the Model along with the Panel (Full Credits of course).Hoping he Uploads his Aircraft!!.....and many thanks for asking him.Regards John

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