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Posts posted by Fall_guy

  1. Hi Guys,I just wanted to say a big thanks to each and everyone of you, for all your kind words. As many of you know theirs a HUGEeeeee! amount of time and effort that goes into creating these panels and aircraft, and its only when your receive such positive responces that it makes you want to continue with your task.A big thanks to ALL of youJohn

  2. Hi Roger,Yes.... I was refering (trying to refer) to the actual location of the Knob that sets the Decision Height. Now I can see your picture and where you've located yours.Its just that I could'nt see a knob anywhere on several panel pictures that could possible be the decision height setting knob. I was beginning to think it maybe on the overhead?Thanks again MateJohnBy the way I think your panels really good!!

  3. Hi Mate,What picture!!!! (ha,ha)Anyhow Ive posted a couple of pics for your attention. The altimeter bug (marked in red) and a panel annunciator/warning light (I'm not 100%, but it looks like FD / dacs??).........any ideas.Finally I really do appreciate your invaluable help and was wondering if you'd be up for Testing my creation. Is just that time becoming short now and I need someone to fly her around while I'm tidying up, so we can make her available in the near future.Im nearly finished intalling the built in vocal warning systems and a few other goodies..............WHOOPS nearly forgot!!At what point do the Pilot / coPilot refer to CROSScheck during takeoff.Are they checking Speed indication??CheersJohn

  4. Hi Guys,Does anyone happen to know,...... how the decison height is set in most modern aircraft.Ideally where the knob/dial is most commonly located that sets this height.also I'm not sure if this is linked to the above question!!, but what exactly is the BUG reference associated with on the Altimeter (Not the Baro). Anyone know what this is for?Finally can someone please explain what the TRIM Failed annunciator means. When is it displayed and what failure does it notify you of.Any help would be grately appreciated.Cheers John

  5. Hi guys,Can someone fire up the Peregrine for me and report back their Annunciator Panel Status?After Engine start up.....I still have 2 annunciatior lights displayed (Ice Protection Selected and Stall Indent)Is this normal? ............and why are they displayed?Thanks for your HelpRegardJohn

  6. Hi Wayne,Frame rates in general are dire for us MAC uses, but the airports I refer to are large Model airports (EGLL, JFK, BOS), plus I'm only running a 32mb card.Having done a few tests, the problem areas actually appear to be the runway thresholds and not necessarily the models.RegardsJohn

  7. Hi Steve,Those models are SUPERB ..........the textures look fantastic. I was wondering how the frame rates might be??. Just an idea as you know some of the airports people have developed in the past have models scattered all over the place and these really hit my system hard. I was curious to how high frames rates would be on a thin (but long wafer thin mint!) vertical pane. The idea being, that you could texture both sides (Trees for example) and these could be placed around the airport perimeter, with a few model trees placed in front to create some depth. So when your in the cockpit every view through the window would keep the feel of the scenery enclosed.I hope you can understand this dribble (its been a long day) if you can't make any sence of this let me know Steve and I'll draw something.RegardsJohn

  8. Hi Everyone,Although I've still a lot to do, I thought I'd post a couple of pics so you can see how the panels coming along.One is parked at the gate and the other two are on approach. The aircraft its self has lots of new sounds, systems and graphics techniques (including a new night panel) anyhow I hope you like her.Thanks everyoneJohn

  9. Hi Allan,Thanks for that!Something else whats pretty weird is the difference in MacOS 9.2 and MacOSX.Under 9.2 FlyII was quite reasonable in the 3d scenery areas, where as in 'X' its pretty un playable. I guess there is'nt going to be any wonder fix for this!!Speak to you againcheers John

  10. Hi Mike,As you may or may not be aware, Development in FLY is very time consuming. Consequently I've decided to try and get my projects in a usable state so at least you guys can get some enjoyment from them (Hopefully).And I'll add to them as time goes on. Basically I'm looking for someone who is reasonablly familiar with FLY's system files and is running a compatable mac system to myself.Ive attached a picture of the MD83 which has been textured from scratch and I'll post a panel shot shortly.Just to recap Mike.......... what I'm after is someone I can rely on to play around with the aircraft and report back to me on any modifcation they may think appropriate, as this will free up a hugh amount of time for me to proceed with the development.Thanks for your TimeRegardsJohn

  11. Hi Allan, Guys......hope your all well!I'm running 10.2.8 with FLYII and its just about flyable as long as you stay clear of airport 3d scenery (about 1 frame every 10 seconds!).I must say I'm getting a bit fed up with it now though. Ive noticed things are a bit quite around here lately, have people basically given up on FLYII??Does anyone know the cause of the drastic frame rates in FLYII?Why was FLY2k so playable yet FLYII is'nt??Finally if anyone is still using FLYII and is prepared to do some testing, can you please let me know!Thanks GuysRegards John

  12. Hi Tony,Yep!..... I know how that goes, It took me a while to learn Cinema 4DXL, but like everything else its gets easier the more you use it.If your just starting out, my advice would be don't play around doing your own modelling too much, the quickest way to learn is to follow a few Project tutorials first.Thanks for your help matecheers John

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