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Everything posted by hvw

  1. So is FS First Officer which is even cheaper than FS2crew. https://flightsimfirstofficer.com/
  2. So far I didn't run into this issue. Did you report it to Fenix via a support ticket?
  3. Reading the messages in this thread I am getting more and more confused. It was my understanding that the DLSS file, my version right now is, also is working in combination with TAA. I did read this some time ago on NVidia's site. I now am doubting if indeed this is the case. Can any of you confirm (by experience) that this DLSS file also has its influences in TAA?
  4. It could be, if not for Bruce Artwick who is the founder of Flight Simulator. Way back in the '80s.
  5. As I don't use Nvidia Inspector I haven't got a clue as to what profile F is doing for DLSS. Can you please elaborate a bit? Thanks, Hans
  6. I couldn't agree more, Andreas. It is such a shame that people are wasting money on 3rd party add-ons of the "quality" of EDDS. Like you I am back at the default MSFS EDDS. I did see the fix in the link you sent, but somewhere in the reviews it was said that also this fix wasn't good enough. Following your advise, I will go and get it and use it as well. Thanks a lot for your response. Hans
  7. EDDS (Stuttgart Manfred Rommel Airport) got, ever since it was released. a misplaced ILS for runway 25. When flying an approach to this runway and following the glideslope to it, will get one into terra firma some 500 ft before the runway's threshold. (PAPI's are placed in such a way that you only can see them right before you meet the soil. Great, too. Not 🙂 ) A few days ago I got so fed up with this, let's call it, undocumented feature that I decided to buy a payware version of Stuttgart airport. I got myself RDPresets' version only to find out that this scenery didn't correct the ILS. Do any of you know if there is a patch for this phenomenon around and if so where I can find it or is there a payware or freeware version of EDDS with correct placed ILSes and if there is, where I can find it. Thanks, Hans
  8. The Aerosoft one has correct rwy designations, e,g, 13L rather than 14L
  9. Yes, it was. Just check it out at your Aerosoft account, using your AerosoftOne application, and you'll be guided to the download link for the update.
  10. Thank you, this method will make it lots quicker. Great !
  11. Just wondering what the fastest way is to reinstall FS2020. I saw some posts here in the forum recently that some folks talked about reinstalling FS2020 in such a way as if it took only very little time rather than the time it took me when FS2020 was first released. It took me about half a day. (Store version}. Just curious.
  12. Disappointing to see that we still aren't back (or better) to performance pre-SU14. Curious to find out tomorrow if overflying Western Europe and Alps is still a royal pita performance wise.
  13. You ain't seen nothing, yet, says a 77 year old 🙂 To me, too, simming is the one and only hobby, ever since 1986. As to the OP's question, I would calculate TOD and start my decent a few miles ahead of it. Or as others said, use a 3rd part payware ATC program. Happy flying!
  14. That's what I had before the issue started way back then. And now I can achieve this result by uninstalling WU4 and WU6 and setting TLOD to 75. I think that when I set TJmax to 85 and reinstall WU4 and W6 again, I still will get high (higher than 68C) CPU temperatures. So for now, after lots of discussion in this thread, I will stick to the aforementioned settings.
  15. This morning I decided to install WU4 and WU6 again and do another LEZL-EDDK flight. Wished I wouldn't have reinstalled these two packs, as I was right back from where we started 🙂 Many high temperature temps, up to 95C, As soon as I finished this flight first thing I did was deleting these two packs again. Are we running around in circles, I wonder? I understood from some messages in this forum that this week the much awaited SU15 will be released that will bring as many great updates a.o. better memory management. Perhaps with this SU15 our problem will be solved, although my hopes are not all that high. I guess we have to come to a standstill for the time being until we have seen if SU15 indeed brings the resolution to this here undocumented feature and take it up from there. What do you say?
  16. He is right, but doing so gives me an unsatisfactory feeling that once all was well and why is it that we cannot get it back to this old situation? It itches, so to speak. But again, he is right. Especially when you read Intel website about CPU temperatures, They state that high temperatures are not ideal, but that in fact nothing can happen to the CPU when Tjmax has bean reached. In such a case the CPU will throttle back and we just can go on with what we were doing. Gives me a strange feeling, too 🙂 I won't take the risk to find out if indeed Intel's statement is correct. Perhaps I should give DynLOD a try as well, later today I will go and try to find where to obtain it.
  17. Thanks for sharing your findings. Tomorrow I will reinstall WU4 and WU6 again and see what happens here. I will, though, keep my TLOD at 75 and OLOD at 50 as these settings gave me the best results. And I don't mind that I "loose" 25 kilometers in detailed sight, I am at high flight levels anyhow. Like you, I won't install CU's for now
  18. It did, in such a way that I now can open the GUI by clicking the icon in the system tray. No problem, as long as I can work around it this way, it is fine for me
  19. There was nothing to double click on. The GUI/Window didn't show up 🙂
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