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  1. And what do you do during the long cruise during real-time simulation? Do you go to the fridge? Watch some TV? Talk to your significant other? Or do you do EXACTLY what a pilot does during these long hauls the whole time?? Sorry, I get a little upset with people who don't use time compression because it's not "real flying" . I know people have their opinions on Emi (as do I), but he makes good points here.
  2. The wsreset.exe worked for me. That said, I installed the map enhancement tool for the first time just before starting up MSFS, and I cannot get that working (backend server error), but that's a different issue.
  3. The Got Friends Monster NXCub with the nitro is very fun.
  4. I see FS eventually becoming an airline pilot role-playing game where you have a "home" you live. Then, you find out where you are flying to, drive to your home airport, walk to your gate, do the flight, and get a ride-share (or hotel transport) to your hotel in the destination city. You have to make sure you get plenty of sleep at night, eat well, and have leisure time so you don't go crazy. Then, do it all over again (hopefully flying back home so you can sleep in your own bed).
  5. This would be nice to have for those aircraft that don't have their own. https://fselite.net/content/navigraph-announce-takeoff-and-landing-calculations-coming-to-simbrief/
  6. It's not just the stars that look low res/blurry, so does the lighting of other planes as well. In the air (and space) FSX looked so much better at night.
  7. When I do landings in the PMDG, SLC says "landing not calculated".
  8. I was using the one with Self Loading Cargo, but that doesn't seem to be working anymore, so I'm interested in one as well.
  9. It frustrates me as a Chicagoan that NYC was able to pretty much rebuild LGA in about 6 years where Chicago can't get anything off the ground with the Terminal 2 rebuild at ORD.
  10. It's a known issue in the beta update. Check out: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-15-beta-release-notes-1-37-4-0-february-22-2024/631103
  11. So, I have pedals, yoke, and throttle quadrant, but I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive joystick to use for bush planes. Suggestions? Thanks!
  12. Not sure if this helps, but when you bind your throttles in the MSFS controller page, start with the throttle up and then pull back.
  13. I posted this same question on the GSX forum, but have not had a reply yet. This has only started happening since GSX version 2.9.4. I also use Addon Linker to unlink the primary folder and the jetways folder when I fly GA. Then, there is NO GSX menu in the toolbar, but couatl still runs (sometimes with 20% cpu usage) and I get those aural warnings as mentioned by the OP. So, I just shut down couatl in the task manager before I start my flight.
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