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Posts posted by SierraDelta

  1. I doubt there will be an installer for v3.  It works in v2.5 so I would think all you need to do is link the mesh to the v3 scenery.cfg. 


    Best regards,

    Well, I am pretty sure there will be one .... Edit: Just checked my account and the new v3 compatible wrapper is there.


    From the Pilot's website:

    Oct. 9th 2015: We have just handed over an updated installer for our FS Global 2010 FTX download edition into Prepar3D 3.0 to the people of "The FlightSim Store". They promised to make availabe an update for existing customers as well as to update the core files. Please check your account at The FlightSim Store for availability.

  2. Official Lockheed-Martin guidance on add-on installs is here:



    and here:



    Additionally, there's a thread at the official Prepar3D forums where Saul James explains how the end-user should set things up:


  3. Hey SD,


    What provider are you at? Telenet download speed is currently at 2,5MB/sec sometimes I manage to peak at 3,5MB/sec.


    24% in the download and still 54 minutes to go. Guess I'll do some WoW in the meantime :)


    I'm with Proximus, located on the eastern outskirts of Brussels. Took about 20 mins in total.



    ... Did not disable FTX EU:England, again will do ...




    I wanted to reply yesterday, but got distracted. I caught your mentioning of  ORBX EU England on page 2 of this thread and thought "That's it!" I would de-activate it and see ...

    And just to make the point that it is perfectly possible to avoid OOMs in P3D, here's what I did on Monday:
    EGLL - KDEN, B772, 10h32m
    using the following:
    P3D v2.5
    PMDG 772
    FTX Global
    FTX OpenLC EU
    FTX Trees HD
    EZ Camera
    Aerosoft EGLL Mega Airport London Heathrow Xtended
    Flightbeam KDEN
    I pulled up at gate A37 with about 800k of VAS still available. My settings are more or less as Rob recommends with one curious difference/mistake. I normally keep TML at 1024, but after the flight I realised that the KDEN installler had changed it to 4096. It did tell me, but I forgot to revert the setting before starting the flight...
    I have only bought P3D last week, but I am already in the process of dismantling my trusted FSX installation. Keep digging, you'll find the culprit sooner or later.



    And the level of Ai makes a difference too. Do you use a traffic package?



    I use a large self-compiled package with between 80 and 100 airlines in it - bit of a chore to keep it updated ... Can't remember the FSX %-setting, but Heathrow is packed to the brim when I load up. I haven't installed FSX-SE either, mostly because I'm spending more and more time in X-Plane these days, but that's an entirely different story.



    ...is it now possible to fly the PMDG777 from Aerosoft Heathrow Xtended to a major US airport such as Flightbeam's KIAD without encountering OOMs.


    That's perfectly possible in FSX-MS - at least for me. With ASN, GSX, full set of Orbx products, maybe it's the DX10 Fixer that makes it possible it for me?

  7. Yes, obviously you can do it all manually, however, it negates the point of having PFPX in the first place. I bought it so I could have an easy-to-use, comprehensive, and automatic flight planner, so I don't have to spend a few hours trying to find the optimal route (and this can be a problem when flying in lesser covered areas such as Asia). That's why I advocate having the server subscription. 


    I fail to understand how spending 30 secs to go to https://www.notams.faa.gov/common/nat.html and copy the text into the Track Message window "... negates the point of having PFPX in the first place"? ASN already gives me the weather.

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