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Ken Hall

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  1. Thanks, Alex ~~~ there's a lot in there to chew over! I had never attempted to build fuel use etc as my VA gives me all details required such as fuel, reserves etc, etc. It would, though, perhaps explain why the TOC and TOD are usually just a bit 'out'!!! Ken.
  2. W10; P3Dv5+; LNM v3.08: After creating the FP I am receiving a 'Red' error message: Fuel Report: Found problems in FP, click here for details. Problems on tab 'Fuel Report'. Invalid values for aircraft type. The details relate to a C172 that I once attempted to create a profile for but have never used! I cannot see how to remove this red warning without uninstalling LNM and starting all over again😞. I (now) only use large jets in P3D and the earlier C172 episode is now irrelevant. Is there a 'simple' method to remove/not see the red warning? Still a super piece of software ~~~ should have mentioned before how useful the green banana is for accurately hitting crossing points 😎 Look forward to your advice, Ken H.
  3. Good morning, Ray... I did purchase the PolyPot software but could not get my head round it πŸ₯΅. I was/am not alone judging from the comments on their web/forum pages. Posts direct to the author have produced absolutely NO response at all. I did, however, manage to make all nine of my GF-modules fully functional using a mixture of the original GF-software and P3D/Options. I did put my toe-in-the-water of XP12 but GF alluded me. Plus, the inability to port-out various 'windows'. Approaching age 85 I have decided that my fully functional P3Dv5 plus all of my current add-ons ASP3D, ASCA, RC4, LNM, Honeycomb A&B, GFx9 with 3-screens is all I require for a very satisfyling FS pass-time - notwithstanding the occasionbal 'glitch' 😎. Thanks for your input πŸ˜‰. Ken H.
  4. Hi Alex, just been advised by my VA that the 777F aircraft I had downloaded from them is not compatible with P3D4/5 - FSX model only, not suitable for 64-bit systems. Aircraft uninstalled - challenge over (?)... Ref the glideslope: my point was that I had overshot the beam due to the altitude variation! I do not normally have any difficulty intercepting the slope. This altritude issue has only recently started and with this aircraft! Ken H
  5. Hi! I run Active Sky (ASP3D) which, when loaded at my departure point, indicates the current/correct baro-pressure that is confirmed when receiving departure instructions from ATC. My issue seems to be generated by an old, FS, model incompatible with P3D. Lots of FSX aircraft are compatible with P3D. The 777F flight was a one-off so plenty of other models to choose from. Ken H.
  6. Ray and Ian, just been advised by my VA that the 777-200LF I downloaded from them is NOT compatible with P3D4/5. Maybe the reason for mt recent difficulties ~~~ advice a bit late πŸ™„ Time to change aircraft for another run at the altitude variations!!! Ken H.
  7. Hi Alex, as a courtesy I copy my recent reply to Ray Proudfoot (RC). "Made a flight EGSS - Vienna and monitored the altitude all the way! Once above TA from Stansted the variations started with a difference between 'Indicated' and 'Altitude' of 350 - 480 feet. Another 'interesting' challenge today was noted after crossing a VOR and changing frequencies for the next VOR the aircraft (freeware 777) started 'porpoising' with climbs of over 1000 feet then a drop to 600 - 800 below the planned FL350! Resulting in being shouted at by ATC with the offer of further help/training 🀐. Holding the advised QNH until reaching the TA did make a difference with only an 'odd' 30 - 40 feet above the ground. That difference could be the reason why I have 'missed' the glide slope a few times recently πŸ€• by being just a tad higher than necessary to pick up the beam!!! All goods fun 😎." Alex, I apologise for not commenting sooner ~~~ the addition of the 'green banana' to LNM has been a major 'improvement' for me personnaly and has made reaching a crossing point accurately so much easier. Thank you so much 😎. Ken H.
  8. Hi Ray, just checked the m4.csv file and it is as your numbers show! Made a flight EGSS - Vienna and monitored the altitude all the way! Once above TA from Stansted the variations started with a difference between 'Indicated' and 'Altitude' of 350 - 480 feet. Another 'interesting' challenge today was noted after crossing a VOR and changing frequencies for the next VOR the aircraft (freeware 777) started 'porpoising' with climbs of over 1000 feet then a drop to 600 - 800 below the planned FL350! Resulting in being shouted at by ATC with the offer of further help/training 🀐. Holding the advised QNH until reaching the TA did make a difference with only an 'odd' 30 - 40 feet above the ground. That difference could be the reason why I have 'missed' the glide slope a few times recently πŸ€• by being just a tad higher than necessary to pick up the beam!!! All goods fun 😎.
  9. Good morning, Ray... A very comprehensive response; thanks πŸ˜ƒ. Regarding my instruction to descend to 9000 feet (gives the QNH at same time) ~~~ this would seem to cantradict the TA! Does RC use the TA as coded into RC (i.e. change to 'feet' as opposed to 'FL') Whenever I receive "to feet" I have always changed from STD to QNH. Perhaps too early - wait for the co-pilot to check Baro at the TA? Certainly an interesting 'can-of-worms' 😏. Did you read the link that Alex gave regarding temperature/altitude deviations? Has given me a new respect for the guys at the pointy end 😎. Ken H
  10. Alex, thanks for your response. The 'deviation' link made for interesting reading but I have not found any reference to it within P3D - will make further enquiries. I do recall seeing the OAT being very cold! Will make a point of recording OAT for future issues. My LNM is configured for Altitude in 'Tools' as:Indicated, Actual, AGL, Grd Elev, AP selected. Will try another flight (up to Keflavik where it should be quite cold!) and report back. Thanks, Ken H.
  11. Ray and Ian ~~~ thanks for your input. Ray; flight plan was EDDB-TGL-DHE-SAB-EGPH at FL360. I have reverted RC4 'deviations' as you suggested. Descending to alt 9,000 feet I did change from Std to QNH (surprised at how high the figure was '1044.3' with AS running. Will fly again today and report back 😎. Ken H.
  12. Alex, I posted the following on the Radar Contact forum but copied to yourself as i believe theye may be a connection (?). W10; P3Dv5.3+; Radar Contact; LittleNavMap v2.8.12 (32bit), N2313; ASP3D + Cloud Art. Radar Contact has been my must have addon for almost 20-years to the extent that I never fly without RC4 running! Just recently I have been chastised unmercifully by ATC for not observing my 'given' altitude - this always associated with the descent phase of flight. For example: "descend to alt 9000ft" - done - altitude 9000ft indicated on all instruments (including GoFlight MCPPro). ATC keep calling me to stay with my assigned altitude - I am - warnings about being hauled in front of the FISDO and loosing licence. I note that in the LNM map my aircraft is showing an altitude around 555 - 895 ft above 9000ft !!!πŸ€• despite all other indicators at 9000ft. I have even changed my deviation to 1000ft in the General settings in RC4 - still receive warnings! If I run P3D with only LNM the altitude numbers are correct at all levels - only when running RC4 am I having this 'fault'. Am I missing something that I have not noticed/experienced previously? Some 'assistance' would really, really be appreciated. I have also posted this item on the LNM forum section. Ken H.
  13. W10; P3Dv5.3+; Radar Contact; LittleNavMap v2.8.12 (32bit), N2313; ASP3D + Cloud Art. Radar Contact has been my must have addon for almost 20-years to the extent that i never fly without RC4 running! Just recently I have been chastised unmercifully by ATC for not observing my 'given' altitude - this always associated with the descent phase of flight. For example: descend to alt 9000ft - done - altitude 9000ft indicated on all instruments (including GoFlight MCPPro). ATC keep calling me to stay with my assigned altitude - I am - warnings about being hauled in front of the FISDO and loosing licence. I note that in the LNM map my aircraft is showing an altitude around 555 - 895 ft above 9000ft !!!πŸ€• despite all other indicators at 9000ft. I have even changed my deviation to 1000ft in the General settings in RC4 - still receive warnings! If I run P3D with only LNM the altitude numbers are correct at all levels - only when running RC4 am I having this 'fault'. Am I missing something that I have not noticed/experienced previously? Some 'assistance' would really, really be appreciated. I have also posted this item on the LNM forum section. Ken H.
  14. OK, thanks... It is not 'desperately' important - just curious as to 'why' 😎. I can live with it 😏.
  15. W10; P3Dv5.3; Active Sky; Active Sky Cloud Art; Go-Flight modules; Radar Contact RC4; Skytrack (VA tracking); LNMap 2.8.12; Navigraph 2309. Intermittent incorrect labels! Could this issue be related to the order in which a flight is loaded/started? My routine is to run P3D; set Honeycomb options; run Go-Flight controls; run ASky & Cloud Art; run LNM (plan built on previous day); run SkyTrack; run RC4. Variations in this routine also show intermittent incorrect labels - it is not consistent! I have set 'user aircraft labels' to show aircraft reg; airline; call-sign; height; height above ground. The height information and registrration is not an issue but airline and call-sign vary! Today's example displayed: atc_id=C-MIKE ; atc_airline=Wisconsin; atc_flight_number=9999 This, despite checking and confirming details in the aircraft.cfg file as here... [fltsim.0] title=FREEWARE_(C)_TDS_16AUG2013 Fly UK Aurora B737-700 sim=TDSBoeing737-700w model= panel= sound= texture=Aurora kb_checklists=Boeing737-800_check kb_reference=Boeing737-800_ref atc_id=C-MIKE atc_airline=Aurora atc_flight_number=1142 atc_heavy=0 atc_parking_types=GATE, RAMP, CARGO atc_parking_code=UKV ui_manufacturer=Fly UK ui_createdby=Fly UK ui_type=737-700 ui_variation=Aurora visual_damage=0 description=TDS - Boeing 737-700\nVersion - FDE Version 2004.9.3\n\nModel Designer\n Hiroshi Igami\n\nFlight Dynamics/Scenario/Effects Designer\n Warren C. Daniel\n\nMaster Texture Designer\n Matthew Lewis\n\nTest Pilots\n TDS Members\n\nMaximun Range: \n 3,383 nautical miles This has me baffled! KenH
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