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  1. Thanks AndrewI had a look in the BIOS and there is USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 enabled. Don't know if I could do more there? I don't think so. But if you have experience with that please let me know what else especially in the BIOS I coud do.Happy flights to you,Boris
  2. Hello!None of them! No alarms at all. Always silence in the cockpit.Actually it seems I have a lot of problems with the USB-Connectors on the computer. And maybe these Probs with USB are connected with the other probs of shutting down the engines automatically..!? Who knows..!? The PFC Throttle Quadrant is moving forward and backwards itself without doing anything by me ! And this on the ground when the airplane is waiting for engine start. Just APU Power available. So all the system are closed. And then the throttles begin to move. The flaps are going out and coming in immediately again, the warning sound is beeping about Flaps.. and ohter warnings, meanwhile the MD-11 is standing at the gate! It is absolute crazy for me ! Seems my planes are moved by ghost hands..!!? I really never have experienced thing like that in my last 20 years of pc flying !!!! :( :( I have installed the newest drivers I could for graphic, sound, gamecontrollers and..and.and.. So all I could. I really don't know what to do now! Earlier I had a good running FS9.1. The system manager in Win XP shows no yellow or red problems at the time. Seems I will have to quit my service as active pilot at cheese-air.ch ..!!Or is there any help outside in the www...!?Thanks, Boris
  3. Hello, my name is Boris and since two days I really have unknown problems with my beloved MD-11:I really do hope anyone can help me!Since a long time I fly the wonderful MD-11 of PMDG on FS9.1. At the beginning I never had problems with it. Now I had to re-setup my whole home network computers because something went wrong.Since the system is setup for new I have problems with the MD-11 in flight!At cruize level 340 I could fly yesterday for 2 hours with no problems. Then suddenly all 3 engines went down.!!!? They made a shutdown themselves fully automatically!! The plane was on autopilot and autothrottle and flew on NAV and PROF. No special weather situations. Windhield heat on. Eng and wing anti ice off. Normal cruise. The engines were NOT restartable.My computers are networked via WideFS 6.78 and FSUIPC 3.81. One PC is for FS91, the other for ASV6.5-weather, and the third computer is for FSFlightKeeper. All went okay before. I have installed the first program.exe and then updated to MD-11 for FS2004 v1.20.0055.My system is INTEL i7-940, 6GB DDR3 RAM, GTX-260 Nvidia, XP Home SP3.So what could it be if the MD-11 iselves shuts down all 3 engines in a total normal cruise flight?! :( :( PLEASE ! could you help me solve this problem? Do you know this problem?Thank you very much for any help!Boris, Switzerland
  4. Thanks Dan,instead of 'Repair' I have restarted my computer - and now all goes okay. Before that I could not load any MD-11 with correct panels in no way..!Strange to me - but finally I'm glad to have my MD-11 back fully operational... But my landing in VHHH 25L is gone.no way to continue the broken flight...!Boris
  5. Hello to allI have seen there is written a lot about Out Of Memory Problems. After an OOM is happened I restart FS91 and go to my last saved flight file to continue the same flight.Sometimes it workes very fine. Sometimes not!Actually an OOM is happened with MD-11 while flying an approach at VHHH. So I called up the last saved good situation and the MD-11 comes up at the correct position.BUT at this time all gauges are gone ! and all the panel is only black screens..!? :( Can someone help me please? Did I do anything wrong?!Thanks a lot for any help!Boris, Switzerland
  6. I found the solution: Thanks to John! (see posting above)I did as he described and have deleted all my saved flights (My Docs..Flight Sim Files...) and for now everything is working fine again!I am so happy about that and now on my way from Basel to Delhi this night of course in an MD-11F ..!Hope this helps to all the other flight simmers too...Boris :(
  7. I found the solution: THANK YOU John!I did as you described and have deleted all the saved flights (My Docs..Flight Sim Files...) and for now everything is working fine again!I am so happy about that and now on my way from Basel to Delhi this night of course in an MD-11F ..!Hope this helps to all the other flight simmers too...Boris :(
  8. Of course! Both version available!Just mean FS9 only in package with FSX version. FS9 not as a stand alone product like it was earlier...Right?All the best,Boris
  9. HelloPleaes could you explain shortly where I can re-install this Visual C++ runtime module.I would like to try it out.Thanks, Boris
  10. Hello ArtHave you seen the problems listed behind the link below?It's really hard to understand why such problems starting from one minute to the other. Before I had never ever such probs with the MD-11.I hope there is not a file inserted which is running out of time; the FS9-MD-11 is off at PMDG website..! Only FSX versions available!Borishttp://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=255515
  11. Hello DonI'm sorry but I can't help you. Since today I have the same problem like you. I have NO idea what is going on here. After flying a lot of hours without any problems, my FS9.1 hangs when I push the button BLOCK (Fuel) on INIT page 2 on the FMS. :( And there is no way at all to return to the desktop - so I have to break down my computer every time this happens. The crazy thing is, if I have to shutdown the computer the sound of the flightsim and the ATC is running with no problems..! It seems only the screen and all the keyboards are frozen.Would be very happy if someone could help us!Thanks a lot to all,Boris, Switzerland
  12. Hi Rolitake sounds of other (freeware)Planes or mix your own sound with GOLDWAVE or other good programs. Doesn't matter which file you take, you only have to call the exact name of it in the sound.cfg, that's all. Then it will be played.Boris
  13. Hello JeffI think you have to create any APU-Sound at your own. Just like me. I have inputed the apu config lines in the sound.cfg at the end of all entries and have inserted a wav-file to the other original pmdg-md-11-sound files. That works very fine to me and makes a lot of pleasure if the big baby is parked at the gate or on the ramp..!Here you can see a port of mine entries in the sound.cfg (ge or pw):"////****AB HIER TEST APU BORSI 10JAN09**** ! ! ! ! re-configured on 21Jan09;APU-extern-Sound[JET_WHINE.1.15]filename=Int-APUflags=0viewpoint=1rparams=0.050000,1.000000,0.200000,0.250000vparams=0.035320,13.829787,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000,0.200000,0.000000link=JET_WHINE.1.16[JET_WHINE.2.14]filename=Int-APUflags=0"Maybe you can do it the same way.Always 4 greens...Boris
  14. Hello to everyone,finally I found the superb lookiing repaint from Lewis Hamilton on PMDG-Site for download. The link ist NOT more broken for FS9 download.But: after installing I was shocked:The repaint colours were mixed with the PMDG ground repaint..! Seems there went something worng with it!Any one else but me the same experience ? Or could it be a problem on my own machine..?Please try out!Thanks for your feedbacks!Boris
  15. Hallo Darren,have you tried with 3D Lights of Shockwave? They have wonderful rotating red beacons which are good visible. The rotating speed seems to be nearly as fast as they are at the real MD-11. I use this beacon at my PMDG-MD-11's. Works fine for me. But until now I only have inserted the red beacon into the aircraft.cfg. All the other lights such as Taxi, Landing light, Wing- or runway turn off should have to be done in the cfg. But it takes a lot of time to set the lights on the right place on the fuselage...Greetings, Boris, Switzerland
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