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About engwerda

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  1. We need a separate forum for laptop users. Every time you look for a guide to the best laptops 2016 for FSX you get posts that have been updated from 2008 or 2013. It would be interesting to find out how many FSX or P3D users use laptops rather desktops.
  2. Pete - yes, I have posted the same over at the support forum with a screen shot of the problem. Might as well get as much help as I can now. I do not see why I should be setting my sliders lower when they worked perfectly fine at those settings before the migration. Would sort of defeat the purpose don't you think?
  3. Same flight , no acceleration this time in case that caused it last time but - same blurries below FL150 and fps halved. Anyone with any ideas?
  4. OK I have the latest version of Central V2 (2.1.6031.32439) and have downloaded the latest libraries (160708) and installed them. Then ran Migration tool which worked successfully, rebooted and ran it again. Flew from Rome to Amsterdam and for 30 mins it all looked good but then the total blurries began again on descent to AMS. What is going on - In the Scenery Library the FTX is above OLC. I did speed up the sim to 4X for 10 minutes would that have caused it?
  5. OK I have posted my concerns and a request for help at the Orbx Central V2 support forum. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/117853-openlc-europe-does-not-show-up-after-central-v2/ Looking forward to some help from Orbx.
  6. Judging by the responses from Orbx staff over there I think I am more likely some help here but thanks for the heads up because who knows what forum does what around here? I am not very computer literate and I am not going to uninstall, reinstall, uninstall again, remove shaders etc because I do not know what I am doing and I doubt anyone is going to come over to put things right for me again afterwards. I would just like it to work so I can use what I have paid for and which worked well before. Not too much to ask for surely?
  7. I am so fed up. I upgraded to Central V2 because I had downloaded HD Trees and that was part of the process. Central V2 now says that the OpenLC Europe I paid for and installed is no longer there. When I fly in Europe it does appear to be using OpenLC Europe but the textures are so slow to load and features pop up eventually where there was no such problem before. I have not downloaded the new Library files because quite frankly I am worried what it is going to do to FSX. I have Australia SP4 installed and that works well so I guess I have to accept that I can no longer use Europe or any future new releases. That is disappointing and even more disappointing is the attitude of the Orbx team. Unbelievable and perhaps a turning point for the fortunes of this company that used to have such committed followers, me included. Might I also say how annoying it is to have to trawl through multiple forums to find out what is going on.
  8. OK - Central V2 just updated itself when I opened it ( no input from me and now the up to date version no is 6031, 32439) but it still says that OpenLC Europe is not installed. Would installing new libraries help? - ( I have version 130,623).
  9. OK Just flew from Melbourne to Sydney and while it was not perfect there were no blurries!!! What is going on? When I flew from EHAM to EGLL as soon as I got to the English coast the blurries were back in force. I have Australia SP4, OpenLC Europe, FTX Global and FTX Vector all installed.
  10. Thanks Richard. It would be nice to hear something though wouldn't it? Anything - "we are working on it" would do!
  11. Richard - thanks did that but after three minutes the world melted again. Thanks for your help - guess I will just have to wait until we hear something from the Orbx people.
  12. Richard - my apologies. Thank you for passing that on, it is much appreciated. Should I be looking in ProgramData/Microsoft/FSX for that under Windows 7. Is that the one you mean?
  13. Thanks mike for the feedback. I run FSX - will the same apply?
  14. Can anyone throw some light on to this? My FS world has just turned blurry and unusable, OpenLC Europe is off the radar and I am sure there are plenty of people like me who have suffered this since upgrading to Central V2. This post has been there over 24 hours and has been viewed 53 times but not a single response from anyone. What is the Orbx crew doing about this? Could we hear from you please? Gerry Engwerda Global OpenLC Europe Order Number: FSS0307424 Order Date: 2014-08-04
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