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Everything posted by Cheeso

  1. Bummer...:(Worth the wait though...Cheers,Gerhard
  2. Guys/Gals, this is... just.. simply AMAZING!!!!I just did the Sydney harbour flight. I'm blown away with what Koorby and his team have achieved... and then they say it's not even finished yet!!!Thank you VOZ team!!I'm off to find Rex Hunt now!Regards,Gerhard :-sun1
  3. Hi Alex,In the Home Cockpit Support Forum someone is asking about a touch screen. Would you be willing to give some input here?http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...&topic_id=18156I'm also quite interested in your c310 cockpit setup you mentioned in the other day. I'm thinking of building a home cockpit based on the a36 and a touch screen has crossed my mind as well. Thanks in advance,Gerhard
  4. Due to a grueling work schedule I never had the time to get the ATR from a cold and dark cockpit. This resulted in the ATR collecting a lot of dust in the hanger...After reading the FS2crew manual I decided to use FS2crew as a training tool for the ATR. At first I had two trail and error flights using FS2Crew and the ATR manual for reference. The third flight went flawless!I haven't graduated from ATR flight school yet, but with FS2crew I'm getting there fast. One thing's for sure... The ATR won't be gathering dust no more!!!Thank you Bryan!
  5. >I don't think this is what is meant by "realistic tactile>feedback." Realistic tactile feedback in a joystick or yoke>would provide realistic stick forces and response to trimming,>etc., not just the bumps of a runway or turbulent weather. >The stick forces would be different for every airplane, and>would reflect the type of flight control system the airplane>has (for example, reversible, powered, electronic, etc.).>>Don S.My mistake Don...It does seem that this brings one halfway as this offers tactile feedback on the aircraft 'state' either in the air or on the ground. (acceleration, deceleration, climbs, descends, banking, spins, stalls, etc)Now, as mentioned above, all we need is a yoke with the correct response to one's aircraft... :)Cheers,Gerhard
  6. Well, I'm a happy customer of a product that brings tactile feedback in a very realistic way to FS9. Have a look at http://ivibe.com/ (have a look in the forum as well)Recently the ivibe module for FS9 has been released. It uses fsuipc to get data for tactile feedback. This ensures precise data for specific actions opposed to current 'generic' force feedback as we know it in flightsim. The modules can be configured to your own likings. I'm sure people will start posting their tweaked modules for their favorite planes during the coming weeks.As I
  7. Congrats on the server upgrade guys! Responsiveness is much better.(Thought it appropiate to comment on this. Too often we see people only complain when things go wrong and never seem to notice when something has changed for the better.)Again, job well done!Greetings,Gerhard
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