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Posts posted by pkofman

  1. I am getting lots of scenery errors ( like grass where there should be a runway ,or odd scenery elevations,  or just missing ) a good example is at kagc. it is a mess in my sim

    I tried to repair the scenery  using the repair tool (my scenery is all stock ) no 3rd party addons 

    i have many examples of messy incorrect airports in this version 

    How do i correct this  


  2. 2 hours ago, Twenty6 said:

    How are images/pix/videos outside of your flight sims? If they're blurry too I'd first look at any (all) tweaks I've recently made to the video driver that would apply across platforms.

    People were complaining about blurry gauges while using DX12 beta. But using DX11 loses some of the benefits of the 40XX GPUs.

    Clear the DX cache folders in %localappdata%\NVIDIA

    Reinstall or upgrade or downgrade the 4080's driver.

    This is a curse brought about by the Maple Leafs once again disappointing their fans. It cannot be fixed until one or more of the chosen four get traded out of town, preferably far away to Phoenix.

    fyi @twenty6, the only blurry stuff i have on this machine are the textures in the vc on all platforms....


  3. Im sure someone can help with this . I have a new build with a 4080 card. I am still using an older asus  monitor and unfortunately i still have an old issue.

    I have a very hard time getting my vc textures really clear and sharp. I use  microsoft 2020, xplane 12 and 11, and p3d v5.4 , so im pretty up to date as of may 2023. 

    However , i cannot get the vc textures sharp and clear on the aircraft iIfly, some stock and some not. The vc textures are always pretty blurry

    I fly stock planes and carenado and pmdg aircraft in most of the sims ( obviously things are a mix of success with respect to the variation on the sim ) but regardless the VC is always pretty blurry


    I am looking for the very best monitor that might fix this issue , if  even possible !





  4. in the older fsx i could assign my eyepoint to move left and right with  the upper  hat switch on the logitech  x52 hat switch. I can move the pilots view point for the pilot using the arrow keys on the keybaord but using the hat switch i cant simple and smoothly move the pilot eyepoint or said a differnt way the panel up or dwn to change the view.

    it was very simple before but im having some trouble with this. 

    i have played with translate cockpit view and commands such as increase and decrease view height but nothing allows we to make this chage as per the older sim

    thoughts   Peter

  5. @jason74 when i installed from the installer  i pointed it to my xplane 12 folder and it said it was not a valid xplane 11 folder. I am definitely missing something . I did actually buy the installer again ( ill email them about that ) but when i installed it it said it was looking for a xplane 11 install. then i changed the folder to xplane 12 and it would not do it.

    thoughts... Pete

  6. i went to the reality xp site and saw that it now says  the 750 has xplane 11 and 12 so i purchased it for xplane 12,. when i paid and opened the wrapper it says not valid for xplane 12.. help...please 

    im sure im not the only one

    the wrapper say 12 but had no 12 install option.

    please assist if able . if i was wrong looks like i just purchased the same 750 for 11 for the 2nd time...

    advice please  Peter

  7. Maybe this has been asked before but what are you guys doing to fly a ils with the gtn 750 in p3d. The reality xp gtn does not have a cdi button to change from gps to vloc and i can only get lnav  on an ils IM not getting any  glideslope in prepar3d.     maybe im missing something but this same reality-xp product has this feature in xplane  . In the documentation for the p3d 750 it says that vloc and the cdi button are not modeled so what is the work around in order to get a gs

    advice appreciated 


  8. Does anyone have any feedback or response from the company on an version for xp12.. If they dont fix this, or issue an update for 12 is there any other 750/650 product on the planet that  can replace this? I really like the 750xp product ... Hope there is a solution   Peter

  9. Thank you for this , i actually own a real life Braov TLS  and fully understand how  the alt preselect should work  but in ms2020 pulling the alt selector knob  does nothing as though it is not modeled into the plane. I have the most recent version of the plane. Also i cannot program the 530 at all for any flp or route or direct.

    Further the elev switch is inop




  10. can someone help with this

    it seems as thought the alt select in the carenado ovation is very tricky. i cant determine the best way ( never works for me ) to pull the alt selector to modify the alt v.s selector.. the device seems to only want to adjust  to 500 fpm. how do you pull the selector to make the v.s change to what I want vs what the canned 500 fpmthat is tied . to the armed alt selected.

    It is very odd how it does not allow this .. My mouse seems not able to get the know to change

    can someone provide the command or magic requiredto get this to work 

    Thank you



  11. So yesterday I flying from Kpdx to Koth online  and offline  and had a very odd situation. I use p3dv5 and the scenery was way off . I was landing on koth r23 but the scenery did not show a runway, there were hills on the airport and only one taxiway. Taxi lights were way up in the air . The controller was not impressed when I flew the approach to the taxiway rather than a non existent runway. What a mess ! I tried to repair the p3dv5 scenery after the flight but the environment was still messed up on startup . Does anyone have any thoughts on how to repair this. I don't think this is a online  thing but rather a p3dv5 thing... thoughts on how to fix it . BTW running the scenery installer and a repair  did not fix it. perhaps its just a corrupt airport in the software. I also tried the content repair ..... that did not work either.. Im sure some one here know how to repair scenery... this is the only location so far i have come across in p3dv5.1 that has had this issue

  12. can someone tell me how to assign a" translate eyepoint command" for up and down to my x52. I see a "translate left and right command" but no" translate down". In the old fsx it was called something like "move eyepoint" now its something like , translate  left or right or up but i dont see the  down. I assigned these commands   to buttons on the x52,  specifically the second upper hat swtich. ...maybe im  missing something simple but i cannot find that simple command  in the list. im sure others here will be able to assist 

    thank you.  Peter

  13. I posted a topic similar to this a while back, but im now working on a new build . I currently have a 1080ti card and im using a asus  pb278 monitor at 2560x1440   

    it may just be my eyes ,but the stock virtual cockpits and gauges are never really clear to me ( things like the f1 gtn750 are perfect when undocked)

    over the years i have tried endless setting combinations and cannot get super clarity in the vc cockpit. 

    I wish i could say that it is one developer over another because some are in fact better than others

    But im still struggling..

    so the question is if you were building from scratch and used p3d v5.1 and xplane 11 in vc mode then what would the ultimate set up and hardware be given  the key objective of VC gauge clarity

    Btw here is my experience....( and this is all in the vc )  Carendo vc gauges not so good, they are all about the same, pmdg pretty good, aerosoft airbus pretty good 

    i know there are endless combinations but clarity is paramount for me and would dramtically improve my sim experience

    thoughts and suggestions??

  14. 1 hour ago, Bert Pieke said:


    1. Purchase and install the Carenado PC12

    2. Run the F1GTN.. exe in the PC12 folder to install the GTN 750

    3. Request the user mods via PM to me with your email address

    4. Install the mods (instructions included)

    @Bert Pieke thanks you. noticed you are canadian. where are you located?. pm me if your not comfortable saying here. I am in Toronto fly out of cykz thank you

  15. Interestingly I had the realair lear jets back in the day. They were awesome and a bit retro ( even an 8 track player.. imagine that??!! ) people may not remember such retro stuff . But they did have very clear vc gauges. I don't know why the vc gauges are  so hard to model, but its either my old eyes or it must be very difficult to get the clarity. I particularly find g1000, aspen and glass panels tough to read in the vc mode.   However glass must be easier to model in 2d because , as an example, I a use the f1 750 gtn  Addon and in 2d or as a pop up window it is really clear. 

    Lastly I could buy a  Carenado turbo prop. But, to me all of their stuff feels almost identical and I can't read their vc. in panel glass without struggling


  16. I am looking for a great single engine turbo prop for p3d v5.1. But in my case I have a special request. I want two things. realistic flight/system  modelling, and here is the big one.. I need a super clear vc panel with clarity on the  vc gauges. Ive been using  sim's  for many years but I always have a hard time getting super clarity and acuity from the vc panel. I am using a Asus 1080ti card and Asus 4k ( although Ive tried both 4k and lesser settings ) . Im my case I always try to get things super clear ( gauges ) in the vc but to me most gauges are generally or somewhat  blurry. Ive also tried with mipmaps off and on but to me there is little difference with respect to gauge acuity

    So to recap; 

    I am looking for a new single  turbo prop and if it can have amazing clarity and acuity with respect to vc gauges that would be a home run for me

    I can confirm that I have rarely seen incredibly clear vc gauges in ga aircraft in fsx or p3d.. I do find that xplane gauges on 'add on" aircraft  are  a bit better than fsx and p3dv5, but I really like flying the p3dv5.1 product. . I have found that pmdg  Boeing and aerosoft airbus products are really good with respect to vc gauges. That is the level of clarity im looking for in a single turboprop application


    Thank you 



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