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About jason74

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    Sydney Australia

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  1. have you tried a fresh clean install of windows and then MSFS? Don,t call it quits as It could be a corrupted files or a virus. You should do a clean install of you PC
  2. All the 777 is really just a ported aircraft from P3D just a updated, it’s so obvious when you compare it to other developers that have created aircraft from scratch just for MSFS
  3. Don't get me wrong I still think PMDG planes are good but they have not really advanced much since P3D days and i personally think they are getting left behind by other new developers . Their game changing tablet is still very basic and they have brought nothing new to the table , they are stuck in a time warp from FSX/P3D
  4. We are talking about texering if its ported it does not look as good , not if its a old plane or not that's got nothing to do with it.
  5. the Bluebird 757 is not even released yet or proven so how do you know they are better than PMDG????????? Fenix I agree make the best airliner but PMDG is not far behind
  6. We know the 777 is a old plane , the issue is the PMDG 777 Panel looks like it was ported from FSX/P3D. We know the MD11 wont be ported as its a new plane build from scratch unlike the 777. Just because its PMDG does not mean they would never port , They would just never admit it. PMDG fan boys wont like that comment
  7. My first thought when I first loaded it was It looks like it was ported over from P3D
  8. Im actually looking more forward to this release and Fokker 100/70 than the heavy's releasing in the next few days and weeks
  9. That just might be your personal experience and not effect others.
  10. that's because most people use NVIDIA cards ,so any tutorials on Youtube for AMD cards in MSFS are extremely limited and virtually none exsistant. For this hobby your far better going the Nvidia route
  11. Wait a few days for support to respond during the week as its the weekend and I doubt they are working 24hr 7 days a week.
  12. Im Pretty sure your correct but not if your a conspiracy theorist its a Chemtrail and the world is Flat
  13. I thought its called a Vapor trail and Chemtrail is what conspiracy theorist call it, maybe your mind controlling chemicals from the CIA are empty
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