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Posts posted by daan_vb

  1. Hi guys,


    just downloaded the demo last night, after a bit of faffing finally got it working (just needed to run the initial setup again). So far it looks pretty sweet although after 15 odd years of using the keyboard in FS will take some getting used to!


    I'm mainly flying the NGX at the moment and I was wondering if the software can control every little bit of the aircraft, for example I was trying to get the copilot to set the pressurisation panel to 35000 but I couldn't get him to do it...I could get him to set the landing altitude though...And how do i get him to set the overhead power switch such as switching from APU to GEN 1 for example?


    Lastly, calling up checklists, the co pilot was always reading the checklist to me, can I read it to the copilot and he switches the buttons etc?





  2. Thanks, Dan, for starting this thread. Just what I was after as I fly the same route into EGGP but not as in depth as you do. I just followed the STAR and routing right down to the final approach. Now, thanks to this thread, I can be a bit more adventurous.


    Thats what I'm doing at the moment, but i'm trying to go a bit more indepth and "real world" as I get more to grips with the NGX. Its lots of fun and i'm learning a lot!

  3. Hi Guys,


    I've been doing plenty of reading on approaches today and I'm currently a little bit in the dark over ILS approaches and their categories.


    I understand that the category is determined via the equipment both on the ground and in the aircraft and the pilots training, but what I'm not sure about is the practical differences between the three categories (I know there's more than 3 but I'm simplifying). When for example does a Category I approach become a CAT II (assuming that the hardware on the ground and plane is CATIII)?


    Is it only weather/visibilty influenced or are there other factors??


    And in terms of flying the actual aircraft, how does a CAT I approach differ from a CAT II approach? What would a pilot do different between a CAT I and CAT II or CATIII?


    Many Thanks for your help.



  4. There is a thread on this somewhere in the NGX forum. A guy gave detailed instructions on how to install it.

    The drawback is it completely replaces the information that normally goes on the lower DU, so you are trading your control surface/pressure information and the engine page for a non-realistic weather radar.


    It also decreases framerates and for some people I remember them saying it made the NGX buggy with a few CTD's.

    Not worth it in my opinion.


    Yeah I found that thread and decided against it. Not worth it.

  5. Hi guys,


    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but everyone has been most helpful in previous topics so here goes nothing.


    I'm trying to improve my reading and understanding of STAR and approach charts and having realised that airlines are more or less vectored onto the ILS instead of just programming the FMC.


    Using EGGP Liverpool as an example I'm now wanting to try and decipher what kind of approach a RW airline would fly. After some study I've noticed a lot of holds in these charts. I've never used holds but as I'm getting more to grips with the NGX I'm wanting to incorporate these into my flying. Here are the charts:








    So, lets assume i'm arriving via the TIPOD1B arrival, depending on traffic coming into the airport, would I then be placed in the hold near WALLASEY before being vectored to the ILS 09 approach?


    After leaving the hold at WALLASEY, and i'm not cleared for the straight in approach, am I correct in thinking I'd then fly over to the LPL hold? Would I be vectored there?


    And then once leaving the hold would I fly the 281 degree downwind and turn onto the GS at about 7.5nm?


    Am i understanding all this correct?


    Many Thanks and apologies if this post doesn't really belong here.



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